Thursday, June 21, 2012

Europe’s train-wreck and the inevitable collapse of the global economy

Dark, yes;  But Doomy?  Yes, well; That too..  The Economic Collapse, via The Extinction Protocol.  First and last paragraphs:

June 20, 2012 ECONOMY Yes, it is officially time to start freaking out about the global economy. The European financial system is falling apart and it is going to go down hard. If Europe was going to be saved, it would have happened by now. The big money insiders have already pulled their funds from vulnerable positions and they are ready to ride the coming chaos out. Over the next few months, the slow motion train-wrecks currently unfolding in Europe will continue to play out and things will likely really start really heating up in the fall, once summer vacations are over.
And:  Restated for effect.. 
 German Chancellor Angela Merkel has declared that Germany will not budge at all on the terms of the Greek bailout. If you are looking for some kind of a global financial miracle; you can stop watching. If European leaders had a master plan to save Europe, they would have shown it by now. The entire house of cards is starting to come down and things are going to get really messy.  A lot of people both in the United States and in Europe are going to lose their jobs and their homes over the next few years. It is likely that the next recession will be even more painful than the last one was.

Our global financial inter-connected-ness will come as a big shock to many people.  Also shocking will be the lack of preventative monetary firewalls that could have averted this looming crisis.

Hey!  You live; You learn!; You know?

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