Sunday, October 30, 2011

Foreclosure firm has Halloween party dressed as depressed homeowners

From Raw Story.  Wow..  Excerpts:

Based on their Halloween costumes from last year, it would not be surprising if employees from foreclosure firm giant Steven J. Baum dressed up this year as homeowners who’ve lost their property thanks to firms like them.
In a column from The New York Times Joe Nocera, a former employee of the Baum firm revealed that his former co-workers did indeed dress as downtrodden individuals with signs representing their depressed state. The ex-Baum employee, who Nocera kept anonymous, told the Times reporter that she wanted to show how the firm had a “cavalier attitude” towards foreclosing people’s homes.
The Baum firm represents virtually all the prominent mortgage lending Wall Street giants, including Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Wells Fargo.
I'm sure these..  minions(especially the millionaires..)..  have no idea how big this Artery of Rage they've tapped into really is..  People have lost everything at the hands of a gamed system and it's all a big fucking joke.  I think these people will be shocked, SHOCKED at the response to such actions.  I think everyone will be shocked at the Whatever Happens Next, whatever that is..  Those most shocked will probably be those who think they're One-percenters, but are not.  When the economies of the world collapse, their power will evaporate.  It will be very rough for them.  It will be rough for most all of us, but those most comfortable will lose the most things. 

Deep breath..
This is the first time in my life that I've felt like every global scenario possible is overwhelmingly negative to catastrophic, and the only way out, is through.  Our species has entered Dark Times(not just financially-- but in all facets of our..  Reality/Matrix..), the outcome is still uncertain, and the time will certainly become darker for many different people from many, many different worlds..  And you thought you lived in interesting times before 2011! The real test is about to begin, for all of us..
The shit's on the rise and it's all in overdrive, man.  If you haven't noticed already, Inertia has taken over.  I feel it to my being that the die has been cast, and now what's left is to watch it unfold..  And so far, The Unfolding has been intense.  Again, this is our history, happening all around us, happening now, happening everywhere.  What has already happened, will happen, and what will happen, has already.
I am attempting to bring much more love into my life.  I suggest you do so, too..  Good luck.  Enjoy your time.