Thursday, June 11, 2009

Big words and concepts

Abound here. The laboratory process set-up made my eyes glaze over, but overall, a pretty good article. I hate to cut and paste, but here's the money paragraph:

The research, described in the June 4 issue of Nature, involves a bizarre intertwining between two pairs of vibrating ions (charged atoms) such that the pairs vibrate in unison, even when separated in space. Each pair of ions behaves like two balls connected by a spring (see figure), vibrating back and forth in opposite directions. Familiar objects that vibrate this way include pendulums and violin strings.

Look around you. Could your interpersonal connections have a quantum connection? Are you "bonded" with your people? Are you "on the same wavelength?" Do you "vibe" with them?

"As above; so below," or more appropriately, "As below; so above."


Dressed up, overdubbed, interactively scripted conspiracy theory about the Large Hadron Collider(LHC) ala The Matrix. Also included: Bible quotes, the Nephilim, Nibiru, the "debunking" of both the existence of the "God Particle" and the danger of black holes being created during LHC's working process, and of course, Star Gates.

Not even close to Dark Side of the Moon/Wizard of Oz, but a clever format for theory delivery.

I think this is pretty interesting

and more than a little bit troubling.. I'm not sure it's remotely enforceable, but it looks like they're going to try.

"Small," singled-out pronouncements like this disturb me. This is big news! Where are the networks? Where's the co-ordinated media blitz? ..But.. Wouldn't public knowledge of this bit of Space News freak at least a couple of people OUT? The whole process is too full of intrigue and senseless-ness to be fully kosher.

And it re-enforces the possibility that Crazy, Lying Nancy, may indeed, be correct. Woo-woo's everywhere would cheer! Then they would realize that this is bad news..

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Who says banks aren't looking out for the "little guys?"

Holy freakin' Crap! Now, tell me again why blacks don't trust white-owned corporations?

The little boy returns..

Possibly.. El Nino's last "tantrum years" were 1997-98, the strongest El Nino ever recorded. Remember the landslides? Remember all those coastal California homes sliding down hills and sometimes into the ocean?

On top of everything else, here comes the rain, again..