Saturday, May 9, 2009

When I lived in Denver, Wednesday was always a very special day,

as that was the day the new Onion was delivered. Not familiar with The Onion? It's only the greatest and funniest free paper ever. Some samples..
And here.. And here..

Great media and review section, too.

Branson, Missouri triple threat

1. Branson blows. 2. Cheeztastic! 3. Branson Awesome.
Numbers two and three are interchangeable, of course.

I'm not sure, but I think this sucks..

“Exactly how improbable does a cataclysm have to be to warrant proceeding with an experiment?” - Dr. Adrian Kent

How many serious, in-your-face doom scenarios are we going to have to endure? I don't know how much theoretical research has been done in this particular branch of psychics, but I would vote for much, much more before CERN(Large Hadron Collider, or LHC) goes back online. This experiment could be the zero point for humanity's understanding of psychics and the beginning of an amazing new world, or, we could get sucked into a black hole of our own design, ultimately swallowing the entire planet. Now that, my friends, is a serious coin toss.

I'm not sure what freaks me out the most:

These passages from a Scientist involved with the project ("Last September, Dr. Fabiola Giannotti, the lead scientist working on the Atlas facility (one of six collision detectors at LHC), said (with an observed degree of uncertainty in her voice, according to an Italian reporter for Corriere), 'Do not be afraid of [the LHC]. Our super-accelerators are not going to destroy the Earth. The LHC is going to be the place and the moment where and when we will decide about the future [direction] of particle physics.' -and-Dr. Giannotti said in response, 'It is a ridiculous fear because [collisions like those at the LHC] occur spontaneously every second in nature thanks to cosmic rays from space. Such collisions release energy billions of times higher than those we obtain [at the LHC]. And even if we can generate black holes as a theory suggests, they would be microscopic and evaporate in a fraction of a second.'), the response to the last quote (Sound a little like “famous last words”? I hope not!),
or that it's already malfunctioned before.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Just over 100 days?

With those pesky daily attacks, I'm sure it feels like a whole lot longer..

Astro highlight: Happy Birthday Buddah!

Robert Wilkinson breaks down the Sun/Taurus-Moon/Scorpio business happening now, and it's aspects with.. well, read for yourself.

If you want to know more about astrology, Aquarius Papers is a really great start. And Astro's not bad, either.

Just because we tolerate his bullllllshit doesn't mean other countries have to..

When Weiner came a courtin', England locked its doors. Funny (how his exteme views on the world got him labeled as an extemist!), but Sad (he won't learn anything from this experience--guaranteed.).

And don't feel too sad for the Weiner Savage, either. Some past outrages:

Looks like there's no stopping this runaway train.

Uh-oh. I really, REALLY hope this doesn't happen, as the Law of Unintended Consequences will make this oh so unpleasant. Israel, Iran.. everyone just chill out.. Here, smoke this, sit down, relax, and I'll be back with a couple bags of Fritos for the both of you..

Flu Updates

I started blogging in earnest only recently in response to the threat of this possible pandemic. What to have on hand, what alternative herbs to take, what to do if you've got it and can't get medical help.. And, while I don't think its threat level has necessarily diminished, the information seems to be highly contradictory.

I'll continue to monitor postings on several sites, and encourage you to do so, too. It's become a little too quiet a little too quickly.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

What the hell's a Goro Adachi?

Goro practices Synchronistic Mysticism. I've been reading for five years now, and while I have no idea how he connects the threads, I know that he does.
He only publishes publicly two or three times a year, and this post is from yesterday.

Long and challenging and confusing and amazing, his articles are always among my favorite reads on the 'net. C'mon, take a peek..

Missouri State Senator Justus has same sex ceremony in Iowa: Iowa, Missouri, not destroyed in hellfire and brimstone.

Congratulations Jolie and Shonda! And thank you, District 11(KC), for sending an incredibly intelligent, driven, empathetic, and downright cool individual to represent your interests in Jefferson City. I've known Senator Justus for over 30 years now, and I KNOW you chose wisely!

Onward and upward, ladies!

I guess the North American press couldn't cover two important Mexican stories at once..

We might become confused..

Under cover from the Chupacabra Flu "epidemic," the Mexican Senate passed a vote to legalize drugs, including marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine. Posession of small amounts of these drugs will soon be legal. Peddling small amounts of said drugs will also be legal. That's pretty big news, right?

But wait, conservative President Felipe Calderon has to sign it first. Oh yeah, Calderon proposed the bill! Mexico's lower house has yet to approve the measure, but that looks to be a technicality. Calderon to Drug Cartels: F--U!!

Any bets about the rationale for the legalization arguement here? Economic, or Strategic?

NASA discovers "Hand of God:" Christians, Nerds minds blown simultaneously.

Looks like a hand to me. If there's a Heaven, I'd hope it looked something like this..

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Webbots proclaimed "Awesome," but they knew that already..

I can't say enough good things about George Ure and his kickass Urban Survival site. Not gone yet? Go! This is an extensive read, but well worth it. Take it, George..

"10XCSN Explained
It has been a real privilege to be a small part of the predictive linguistics project over the past 9 years and this week two events have occurred that have shown me - without a doubt - that the future can be personally known, at least to some degree.

The first major 'hit' (e.g. getting a prediction absolutely, undeniably, smack-dab right) goes back to a column I wrote and posted at the site on Saturday October 11th, 2008 under the headline "Things we don't like to talk about..." Now, in order to prove to you that I didn't just go and write that page yesterday, and to ensure that everything is on the up-and-up, here's the Google cache of the report from October. Link.
Now Grasshopper, I'm going to take you to time monk school: Let me share the little problem, which as a 'time monk lite', I was pondering last October.

Knowing what I did at the time about coming/forward events out a few months, what could I write in what's now the semi-distant past that would show undeniable foreknowledge that the event many months ago, but which without giving away the future (and taking a risk of being party to making it happen would still underscore how really precise the technology can be in the right (no axes to grind) hands.

What we were expecting (October 08) was to see an event to take place in Ohio which would become a kind of a rally-point for the rising confrontation between omnihumanity and PTB / authority.

Much as the Kent State shootings in 1970 became a rallying point for the (then) anti-Vietnam War movement after four students were killed in a confrontation with armed forces of 'authority', we had linguistics that led us to believe something of a similar but different nature would be taking place in the same kind of geographical area.

So I decided to write about this future event back in October '08 by calling it "10XCSN" which I can now reveal referred in part to Crosby Stills, & Nash, the popular rock and rock group that wrote and performed a memorial to the Kent State Shootings titled simply "Ohio". This was a hugely emotional song. The liner notes from the CSN album "Decade" touched on how deeply moved people were by that song as Neil Young wrote:
"It's still hard to believe I had to write this song. It's ironic that I capitalized on the death of these American students. Probably the most important lesson ever learned at an American place of learning. David Crosby cried after this take."
So that - so we're now clear - is what the "CSN" part of the "10XCSN" was about.

What about the "10X" part? Ah. How many students were killed? Four. Ask you what four times 10 ("10X") that number would be? Forty, you say? Bingo.

So finally time unveils the "event" that we've been waiting patiently for these past six-months: "Block party becomes Kent riot: 40 arrests and climbing as police break up mob" reports the Record-Courier's Kasha Legeza-Burton. So that's as close to a perfect fit as we can offer: 10XCSN referred in October of 2008 to the 40 (+) that were to be arrested at Kent State, scene of the 1970 shootings memorialized by CSN and 10-times as many humans involved.

Whether we will see this morph into a musical (or viral video) rallying point against corpgov remains to be seen. But I'd suggest that the odds of getting 10XCSN in October and having the underlying event 'fade to real' in the present is well above statistical 'chance' although you're welcome to make your own informed decision about that.
While I personally wish that Cliff would continue the project, there's more --- much more --- that falls under the general subject line "Things we don't like to talk about..." and I totally respect his decision to hang it up for a while.

I take some solace in both Bob Dylan and then Jimmy Hendrix ssinging of "All Along the Watchtower"

There's a hint or two, if you want them, in the Wikipedia entry about "Watchtower" :
Commenting on the songs on his album John Wesley Harding, in an interview published in the folk music magazine Sing Out! in October 1968, Dylan told John Cohen and Happy Traum:
“ "I haven't fulfilled the balladeers's job. A balladeer can sit down and sing three songs for an hour and a half... it can all unfold to you. These melodies on John Wesley Harding lack this traditional sense of time. As with the third verse of "The Wicked Messenger", which opens it up, and then the time schedule takes a jump and soon the song becomes wider... The same thing is true of the song "All Along the Watchtower", which opens up in a slightly different way, in a stranger way, for we have the cycle of events working in a rather reverse order."[5] ”
Christopher Ricks has commented that "All Along the Watchtower" is an example of Dylan's audacity at manipulating chronological time: "at the conclusion of the last verse, it is as if the song bizarrely begins at last, and as if the myth began again."
And maybe it will.

The lyrics of Hendrix's version are personally poignant because I associate it with our 'time monk' mentality - look but don't touch; we're just here to learn to Dance with Universe better:
"No reason to get excited," the thief, he kindly spoke,
"There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke.
But you and I, we've been through that, and this is not our fate,
So let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late."
The other event that was 'trippy' specifically involved me personally - one of those things that falls out of the 'model-of-the-model' [MoM] (a subset of the big modelspace that is used for referential integrity checks where we sometimes look at our own futures a bit) and something happened exactly on schedule and right down to some unbelievable levels of detail that I won't go into here, but I can assure you, it was a world-shaker. Imagine having 6-months of lead time on how a meeting would go.

It's like someone saying "You'll be on the corner of this street and that at this time on Thursday April 23 and the phone will ring and it will be this person and here's what the conversation will be about...and don't forget to ask about X because that unlocks things hidden from most. " Damned if it didn't happen exactly...

Dangerous stuff knowing the future in advance, another reason why you might want to hold to the mental imagery of "Three riders are departing and the wind's begun to growl...." Fine time to be outta Dodge."
Several Peoplenomics readers wrote in to correct my lyrical quote: "Two riders were approaching..." I was told.

"Nope, you're not getting it...the three riders would be Cliff, Igor, and me..."

Does the technology suggest anything we haven't talked about? Well, having your money in a local bank of high quality is something on my personal list this week.

Oh, and does the world end in 2012? No. At least a few folks with "be on the road with cheerful courage" but whether that means we'll all be driving Saleen 7's to a party with friends, or wandering around in an out-take from Mad Max's world gleaning what can be found in the leftovers of 2012...well, don't want to spoil the adventure for you.

But the life-changer in all of this for me has been a developing appreciation that 'be careful what you wish for' has implications that go deeper than you might ever imagine. Want to change you life? Ask yourself this: "How many minutes a day do I spend consciously embedding my expectations about the future into the form I want it to arrive in?"

You might be pleasantly surprised. Or, then again, we could be wrong."

Scariest. Book advertisement. Ever.

Buy this book or die. But hey, no pressure..

Embrace your Inner Granola

Hug it, love it, and feed it non-GMO food from rare seeds dot com. In time, you won't even miss the taste of all those spliced chromosomes!


Carrie forgot to read the fine print. It's not too late to head back to the Special Olympics, dear. La Douche might even leave you alone..

This is code for "Guess what's going to be legal soon?"

Oh Arnold, you're rapidly becoming my favorite pot lovin', Austrian Governor of California!

Nottatoomuh, indeed.

"He's a little shy. Planet X, will you please come out from behind the Sun?"

Okie Dokey!

Via Godlike Productions, of course. It's been pointed out that since this was allegedly recorded in the Northern Hemisphere, it should be visible anywhere north of the Equator. I don't have an answer. The question remains, though: What is it?

..And Kentuckians can't figure out why people think they're stupid.


Nobody's talking about getting married here. They're not wanting to adopt children, share financial assets, push for "special rights" (what the hell ever that is), or further some shadowy agenda that we all discuss on "meeting night" (Monday nights, 9 p.m. at the Public Library--the place heterosexuals would least expect!). All these kids want is just to be able to use the restroom. Really? You wouldn't feel the least little bit..driscriminated against.. if you couldn't go when you needed to?

You think about that the next time you got a load brewin' and no where to drop it. Then think, "8 hours.."

Monday, May 4, 2009

..kinda like a Raiders/Patriots game..

California Boob-Job vs. La Douche. Who to root for? Who to root against? It's a virtual tie for overall toxicity of character! If pressed, I'd side with Douche, as he's got the right idea (but coupled, sadly, with a way wrong, snotty-ass approach) and a couple of IQ points on her. But only a couple.

My big problem with her is how quickly she ran for Fundie cover after one spat with a Celebrity Gossip. She dates Michael Phelps, for God's sake! How long before the evangelicals wake up to this friendship of convenience? Her work with the Special Olympics is completely forgotten, and she looks like a bigger opportunist than her nemesis. Not an accurate portrayal, and a shame, really..

But please don't make me choose.

Dutch man REALLY hates obelisks..

Two from The Copycat Effect:
What the Fluurgg? Another withdrawn, polite, Mohawk-sporting, Taxi Driver imitating/obsessed lone nut/assassin? Yawn, already. The subtext of the article, though, drops some interesting clues as to what this really might have been.

Chupacabra Flu? Maybe. Maybe not. I think it's still way too early to predict where this is all going, but if H1N1 duds out, this could be at least a partial explanation.

Also: Might these events be connected?

Sunday, May 3, 2009

"Working class horse wins Derby; has no plans to give up night job at Subway"

Meanwhile, back at the flu..

All the Decontamination Suits at Waxy's smell like Patchouli..

D-Rock at Branson Missouri has the short lowdown on Management's strategy to combat Genetically Modified Flu at Branson Landing: Stricter sanitary measures. If I was a betting man, I would have guessed less stricter sanitary measures. Well played, Branson Landing Management Team. Well played.

Coma Victim Shows Signs of Life..

Run Forrest, Run!

Poor Jon. Sometimes when she talks, you can almost see him leave his body.

Is Quantum Mechanics controlling your thoughts?

Well, is it?

Long-ass article. Worth a read. Two baseline (read; oversimplified) conclusions: 1. Plants are much more structurally sophisticated than we think. 2. Our conscious minds are much more structurally sophisticated than we think.

After reading this article, going under anesthesia seems a bit more.. uncertain. This might also explain consciousness "issues" related to pharmaceuticals, drugs(illicit), and head trauma. Certain highly efficient sub-atomic processes are blocked, and normal function switches off. Complicated, yet simple.

via Goro Adachi.