Saturday, September 17, 2011

Hurry Up, Kids; World War 3 Is On! If You Miss The First Five Minutes, You're Gonna Be Confused!

So far, its all quiet on the Western MSM front (Red Alert!  Tom Brady said something scandalous!), but the tension has definitely ramped up between Greece and Israel and Turkey(and consequently, Russia, the U.S., and China..). 

The reasons vary, but combine for some potentially deadly inertia.  Turkey is angry because of Israel's actions concerning the Freedom Flotilla earlier this year.  Israel is pissed because Turkey supports political reform in Middle Eastern countries involved in 2011's Arab Spring, reforms that will further isolate Israel, and the Israelis are also mad that   Turkey downgraded their diplomatic status.  So now Israel has started hanging out with Turkish enemies the Greeks, the Armenians AND the Kurds This all pretty intense, seeing how these two nations(Israel and Turkey) were strong allies only months ago..

And now, the Greeks and the Turks are at odds of Turkey's oil exploration in the Mediterranean.  Due to the activation of existing defense pacts, if hostilities escalate, Israel and Greece (and Russia!) will be on one side, Turkey, Iran, and the United States will be on the other.  Uh-Oh!  And to really send the whole situation into Defcon 1 land, China might end up siding with Turkey, Iran, and the U.S.  Overlapping diplomatic and defense pacts are awesome!  And they'll probably insure our complete involvement, confusion, and ultimately, destruction! 

And please, bear in mind, my explanation is terribly simplistic, not factoring in other alliances with nation-states (Syria, Lebanon..), political factions(Hezbollah, PKK), escalating tensions between Palestinians and Israelis, Palestine's lobbying for U.N. Statehood status, and rich, western countries sticking their ass in this ever-growing potential apocalypse..  And the fact these people have hated each other for a millennia.. 

Imagine a tangled ball of Christmas lights the size of your house.  Untangle it.  Oh yeah; it's electrified.  That's kinda what we're dealing with, here..

It's a good thing this will be on television, or I'd be worried that it's all real!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Look Into The Eyes Of A Madman..

And then read his crazy "christian" words..  Pat Robertson says Alzheimer's makes divorce OK.  Century Link News via AP.  Does anyone take this obvious Dementia patient seriously anymore?  (Note:  My father suffers from late stage Alzheimer's, so I'm not flippant about his mental state.  Robertson is definitely suffering from some kind of neurological illness.  He HAS to be..)  Excerpts:

Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson told his "700 Club" viewers that divorcing a spouse with Alzheimer's is justifiable because the disease is "a kind of death."

During the portion of the show where the one-time Republican presidential candidate takes questions from viewers, Robertson was asked what advice a man should give to a friend who began seeing another woman after his wife started suffering from the incurable neurological disorder.

"I know it sounds cruel, but if he's going to do something, he should divorce her and start all over again, but make sure she has custodial care and somebody looking after her," Robertson said.

The chairman of the Christian Broadcasting Network, which airs the "700 Club," said he wouldn't "put a guilt trip" on anyone who divorces a spouse who suffers from the illness, but added, "Get some ethicist besides me to give you the answer."

Nice.  Is it wrong to want to punch an elderly dementia patient in the face?  And just in case you think this is a fluke misstatement, here's some other Robertson zingers.  I bet a couple of those really stung his butthole on their way out.. 

Enjoy your quiet time, Pat.  I bet your mind screams when you're by yourself..

Go Ahead, Punk: Make My Gay!

Clint Eastwood: ‘I don’t give a f*ck’ if gays marry.  Awesome.  From Raw Story.  Excerpts:

Don't expect to see him marching in a Pride parade anytime soon, but gays may have found an unexpected ally in Oscar-winning director Clint Eastwood.
"These people who are making a big deal out of gay marriage?" Eastwood opined. "I don't give a fuck about who wants to get married to anybody else! Why not?! We're making a big deal out of things we shouldn't be making a deal out of."

"They go on and on with all this bullshit about 'sanctity' -- don't give me that sanctity crap! Just give everybody the chance to have the life they want."

It's nice to see some old-school Republicans still exist, and that a few feel compelled to speak up.  Eastwood's right:  We have bigger problems than who kisses who.  Please..  Get the fuck over it and concentrate on the many, many real problems our country faces! 

Remember:  We won't stop circling the drain until we fix America's Real problems, and deal with America's Real Enemies.  And they ain't the boys and girls who hang out at those bars in the bad parts of town.  Deal with it. 

Just for this, I'll rent Gran Torino, after all..

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Massive New Radiation Releases Possible from Fukushima … Especially If Melted Core Materials Hit Water

The Smiths: Songs You Should Know

Most of The Smiths entire canon can be summed up in a one word theme:  Longing.  Longing for the love(and kind of love)Morrissey never got, longing for a world that could, but doesn't exist, longing for the  anonymous people that populate their songs; the foolish, the dying, the comatose, those longing for their own version of love. 

And no one did it better. Those sexy, sad, melodic, and obsessive refrains work as well today as they did when new.  Enjoy.  Note:  If you don't have the volume turned all the way up, there's always Louder.  Go Louder.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

They Didn’t Win—We Lost

Gonzalo Lira quotes The Great Emancipator (and Prophet) Abraham Lincoln.

I May Have Misspoke..

Or then again, maybe not.  There seems to be some confusion (still) regarding the identity of the Fukushima Mystery Man, who appeared on a live cam August 28th.  As I posted Tuesday, it seemed to be Enson Inoue, after he admitted to going up to the reactor site at Fukushima, but now, another man has come forward to claim credit.  Ex-SKF.  Excerpts:

Some of you may have read about and seen the video/screenshot of a mysterious worker who appeared in TEPCO's Livecam of Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant.

Well, he's gone semi-public with his email to a high ranking administration official on September 8, protesting the harsh working conditions for the workers, and he has posted his statement and photographs inside the plant on his website:

Mystery solved.  Maybe.  A poster replies to the Ex-SKF link with this..  "Anonymous said...

there is a second man said to be him - this one has a name...
when i posted the fuku1live-video at my youtube channel a few days later somebody commented:
‘the man in this video is an mma fighter, fix the link below and read the article
he went there to feed stay dogs and volunteer in a hospital’
his name is Enson Inoue.
you will have to search this name there, as the page opens not directly.
i actually believe this is truehe is holding his arm horizontally for about 20 minutes, try yourself to do it longer than one ;-)"

He's right:  That's difficult, and requires A Lot of strength.  After watching some of Inoue's video diaries, he looks a little bigger (more muscular)than the man in the suit.  I'm not saying that it's not him, what I'm saying is that my opinion has shifted bact to "undecided."  Not that it really matters. 

Inoue got attention for his work and website, and this still unknown man got attention for his grievances regarding TEPCO's operational policies.  Looks like everything turned out great!  Except for that whole Fukushima thing, ya know..