Friday, May 14, 2010

Great News is on break, now. My name is Apocalypse; How can I help you?

Gulf Spill Could Be Much Worse Than Believed.

"A computer program simply tracks particles, and calculates how fast they are moving. Wereley put the BP video of the gusher into his computer. He made a few simple calculations and came up with an astonishing value for the rate of the oil spill: 70,000 barrels a day — much higher than the official estimate of 5,000 barrels a day."

A barrel is 42 gallons. So the equation is(for the moment), 70 thousand barrels of oil multiplied by Day 24(FYI - estimates run between 20 and 100 thousand barrels per day. 70 thousand was used, I'm sure, as the low end of the high estimates.). Oh yeah, and BP isn't even close to containing this yet..

"At NPR's request, experts analyzed video that BP released Wednesday. Their findings suggest the BP spill is already far larger than the 1989 Exxon Valdez accident in Alaska, which spilled at least 250,000 barrels of oil."

So we have this doom to look forward to, which is nice..

Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Visual Representation Of Time?

Look at this picture.

Then think about these circles as a pipeline, in which the earth is currently travelling through space. Is this what time looks like?

Laser Beams Penetrating Thick Canopy Detect Thousands of New Structures, Show Maya Adept at 'Building Green'

Science Daily (May 12, 2010) A flyover of Belize's thick jungles has revolutionized archaeology worldwide and vividly illustrated the complex urban centers developed by one of the most-studied ancient civilizations -- the Maya.

Central America, Mexico, the American South West.. Is it too fanciful to think that we are a few years away from finding the Mayan culture was massively bigger than previously thought?

Jupiter Prefers The Term "Misplaced.."

Jupiter loses one of its belts.

Looks Like We've Got A Psychic On The Forum..

In 9 days we will witness an event so catastrophic it will change society as we know it. Above average Doom delivered right to the day..
"And it's just the beginning . . . . 4.20.2010"

A lot of people made fun of this prediction. And then it happened. But, more importantly, it also Started To Happen that day, and only becomes worse.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Laura Bush - Democrat?

Laura Bush supports gay marriage and abortion rights. Huh. A couple thoughts:
*She was politically bound to not voice her opinion until Bush's term of office was up.
*She was also bound by marriage. This is not James Carville and Mary Matalin. There will be no public disagreement within the First Family. It isn't fair to say "If she would have said this earlier...," a response I initially had, as it was simply not an option for her.
* Is she a Democrat? She's loved by more liberals than you'd think..
* Her views are out there, now.. Where to, next? Will she become more active for her political beliefs? How will the Right respond? Will the last sitting Republican First Lady be unwelcome at future Republican events? She's been forgiven, but she's pissed off the faithful a couple times before..
*Just how betrayed will "True Believers" feel? And, more importantly, how will they react?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What The Hell Is Going On In China?

China children 'hacked to death' in new school attack. This is not the first attack of its kind; it's attack number SIX. Two factors contributing to this weird and grisly new.. trend are Social/Economic revenge, and Copy Cats, both types of crimes committed by the insane. This type of attacker poses a major problem for China both short and long-term.

According to one of the links, China has an estimated two percent of their population that is mentally ill. Two percent of 1.3 billion people is 26 million, so that's A Lot. There is also a stigma attached to mental illness and counseling, so not many seek it out and there isn't a system in place to cope with growing numbers of overstressed, less educated, newly poor(er) Chinese. The first attacker claimed revenge against society as his motive, and that, evidently, has resonated within a certain segment of China's populace. And these copycat/revenge killings will likely continue, as the economic circumstances that changed and collectively stressed Chinese society will also likely continue.

So, unless the unreported mentally ill and socio-economically disadvantaged classes get bored with the idea of attacking and killing kids or the Chinese government(and the people in general) gets its shit together regarding treatment for(and the outlook for those with) mental illness, there will be a major increase in these attacks. The memories of these attacks, not only the direct victims, but on this entire generation of children, will directly effect their collective psyche with fear that the rest of us will never understand. From almost infancy, this generation of Chinese children will Never Feel Safe, and they'll live their entire life from the shadows of this horrible, dark perspective.

Sad, and the global implications for the future are a bit disturbing..