Saturday, July 18, 2009

Strange Story of the Day, or "Let X=X."

I was cruising around Fark earlier, looking for a strange human interest story to throw out there, and came upon this doozy.. "Amputee hops around Wendy's pointing a gun at employees because they forgot his straw. Then it gets wierd(sp.)." Imagine my surprise when the story appeared on the website of the local ABC affiliate, KSPR. Not really. No surprise there..
Of course this happened in the Ozarks..

Friday, July 17, 2009

Again; The Solution! This Time with Official Numbers

It's right there in front of you, folks.. California, will you economically Fall at the hands of those who violently insist they know the "Prince of Peace," or will you Rise with the Plant created by Our Creator? Hint: Vote "Spiritual," not "Religious."

Bad Omen

This sucks. Wayne County is Detroit, so.. this should be horrible to watch when it spirals downward, out of control..

This doesn't help, either. Where's the money going to come from to fix this bridge? This portion of I-75 is traveled on over 160,000 times a day. The detours will be chaos, I'm sure. Michigan feels bleak, even more than before..

More Alaska Weirdness

This time it's goo. When did Alaska turn into Florida?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Turmeric As Wonder Drug

Long, but worth-it article here. Worried about cancer(prostate, colon, lung)? What about Alzheimer's? Cholesterol? Rheumatoid Arthritis? General inflammation issues? Turmeric(or its active ingredient Curcumin) can help!

Maybe, of course.. Maybe it can help. The authors make a pretty convincing argument that Turmeric/Curcumin could help A Lot of people without ever making that specific argument. (Paragraph added in a later edit, 7/17).

While I've taken Curcumin for over three years now, I've never tried this particular brand before. But I will. Certificate of Analysis? Quality Guarantee? These people are Serious..

Monday, July 13, 2009

Latest from Goro..

After reading Goro Adachi for more than five years, I've got, maybe, a grasp on how to explain his concept of "Synchronistic Mysticism." In the Symbolic Universe, every Person/Place/Thing is assigned some value/meaning just.. by being. Each object then can be grouped with other objects that relate in some way with yet more objects larger in symbolic value. For example.. "Pollution" is much larger in value than say, "trash can," "gum wrapper," "oil spill," or "carcass," but those words can all be symbolically linked to "pollution."

"Piles" of Symbols then become larger when more related words are added. Visualize an empty room with piles of blocks grouped together. Each block is a symbol, and the sum of each pile is the larger symbol. Then, connections between the larger groups of symbols will occur, and more connections within the group will begin to appear. Meaning is derived from the interpretation of these connections of smaller to larger related events, and connections between different, larger archetypes. I didn't say it was a simple explanation..

So a portion of Goro's process must involve scanning world events constantly in order to develop each relevant symbolic theme as fully as possible. I understand that he does what he does, and somehow these multicontextural wonders appear, what I still don't understand(and probably never will) is HOW he does it. How can he sift through, then synthesize the massive amount of information required to connect the events(past), occurrences(future), people, and things in the manner in which he does connect them? Featured in this article: Planetary positions around the sun, Princess Diana, the State of Indiana, Michael Jackson, Paris, the April earthquake in Italy, 2001 A Space Odyssey, Prince William, Janet Jackson's "Nipplegate," and Nickelback(!).

Intrigued? You should be. It's a long, confusing read(all the articles are), but if you dig it, you will be hooked..

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Luc Arbogast: Man, or Something Else?

Listen to him sing, and tell me if that's not too far off.. Otherworldly talent paired with unapologetic individuality(just look at him!): Is he for real? He's my nominee for Coolest Freak of the New Millennium..

He's also my hope for this new Millennium: Amazing occurrences from unlikely sources..

Brian Killmeade doesn't know much, and he loves to tell you so.

What the deuce, man? Genetic homogeny in Sweden and Finland exists, but "marrying other species."? That's as artful and nuanced as ya' got? I know it's Fox, but who the fuck hired this guy? Stay on the script man, stay on the script!