Saturday, May 23, 2009

This site's owners must be overwhelmed with work..

Sad, I guess. I'm ambivalent towards the demise of malls. As an economic indicator, we'll be seeing Many, MANY more of these malls dying, very, very soon. I'm sad for the loss of jobs for the lower and middle class employees in the dead mall's surrounding areas that cripple their earning power and dead-shell remnants that blight their immediate environment. I'm sad for the waste of good resources that could have been useful somewhere else. I'm sorry for the sense of failure that hangs over a community when a local mall dies, a feeling of We didn't do enough or We should have shopped harder, or some other ridiculous notion felt by communities when their Center of Materialism fails.

What I don't feel bad about, what I won't miss, is the inevitable end of this Consume At Any Cost mentality that is eating away at our society like some runaway cancer. I won't miss this nationwide obsession for MORE (whatever MORE is) to the detriment of one's own immediate and long term financial security. I welcome an end to the fatal fallacy that buying more shit will plug the enormous, growing hole in one's heart caused by the baseline fallacy of materialism replacing love. I welcome an end to the smug, corporate arrogance of "If you build it; they will come," no matter how mediocre the concept, no matter how shoddy the construction, no matter how hollow the value.

The death of this smirking, greedy, orientation is actually the most welcome aspect of this, our increasingly dire nationwide situation. The money people, the corporatists, the planning and zoning committees, everyone involved from conceptualization to implementation, will now have to Think Harder about every project they undertake, rather than figuratively throwing shit against a wall to see what sticks. The eternal optimist in me hopes that malls of the future will be more Mixed Use, incorporating the needs of the community more directly into each project (Example: On site libraries and government/public facilities, housing within or nearby, integrated transportation hubs). Maybe some real thought will be put into each project, designing for the needs of the community 50 to 100 years into the future. Maybe some inroads can be made into countering this corrosive Bigger, Faster, Better, More! collective brainwash that chokes our common sense like some rampaging Anaconda snuffing the desire to "save," only allowing the concepts of "want," and "new" to survive.

As the situation is still not critical, a collective adjustment won't happen soon. But I feel that, despite the happy talkers on CNBC, the bottom is not in sight, and quite possibly, that we are on the far, outer ring, and the real downward spiral has not even begun. The future is unseen, more than a tad terrifying, but hopeful, nonetheless, as humanity has the capacity for optimistic, innovative reactions for even the worst of circumstances. That is my hope, as we enter this Zone of Unknown that is our upcoming Future..

Friday, May 22, 2009

Tired of those Psychic Vampires draining your energy?

They live, and they're so damn exhausting! Sometimes they don't know they're doing anything wrong at all. Their phobias, conditions, and lifeforce cravings can be traced to past life experiences. Are you one? Take this quiz. Here's how to protect yourself..

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Whoopi Goldberg to Glenn Beck:

What did the five fingers say to the face? Slap! It's funny, 'cuz she caught the Mormon in a BIG ASS lie..

"Put it in me, Scott.."

Quizno's marketing department has lost their damn mind..

More evidence she's crazy..

I hate it when La Douche is right..

Evidently, they're tired of Big Brother steppin' on their neck(s)..

See ya later, Big Government.. Alternate title: Town LIKES septic tanks.

The Day after Tomorrow Part 2: Payback, showing at a region near you.

Weather Doom. "But it kayn't be global wermin' cuz it's cold outside!" Via Rense(if you haven't gone to Rense before, watch out: It may blow your mind..).

Lotsa people going to be walking in circles Real Soon..

GPS could be Epic Fail by 2010. The Hopi's warning about an over-reliance on technology doesn't sound to far-fetched now, does it? And yeah, I'm aware of the irony of telling you this via the internet, so don't worry..

Jeff Macke completely lost his mind live on CNBC; Or is he the sanest person you know?

Wow. A. Did the pressure of live television get to him? B. Is he mentally ill? C. Drinking early? D. Sick of the mumbojumbo bullshit CNBC feeds "serious investors"? E. Just messin' with Dennis Kneale?


Quake watch..

If you've never looked at a USGS map before, this looks scary. But it's only a bit above average. This is actually close to the amount of earthquakes that happen daily. Great site to bookmark, if you haven't already..

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

And you thought your childhood sucked..

Beyond gruesome. I don't know what else to say..

Mmm.. Forbidden Pizza

Carbohydrates ingested during the commission of a crime turns your brain to mush. Example here..


Again with the flu.. This isn't going away anytime soon. If you haven't already, stock up on herbs and supplements that prevent the cytokene storm associated with this strain of influenza. If this is a real pandemic unfolding, the window is closing and there won't be enough vaccine and there won't be any supplements around for those who wait. Do it now! And if it's a hoax or mutates in some benign direction, well you've got a whole new set of herbs to add to your daily routine!

Chopchop, friends. Continue to pay attention, please..

Monday, May 18, 2009

David Lynch, Dangermouse, and Sparklehorse collaborate on Massively Awesome album no one will ever hear..

A Dream Project. Tons of amazing guest vocalists collaborating with two musicians at their creative apex. David Lynch(!) is in the mix. What could go wrong? "An ongoing legal dispute with EMI." Lynch's book of photos will be released, but the album of music might not ever be..

And corporations can't figure out why people despise them.

Please. Go. Away..

You people make my head hurt. Did anyone else think they were dooooomed two years ago? But why should I, or anyone else, care? If they weren't "famous," would anyone want to watch or be around a woman so thoroughly unpleasant or a man so thoroughly deflated and defeated?

Imagine waiting on this brood in a restaurant, or having to remodel their kitchen, sell them a car, or simply welcome them to Wal-Mart. Would your efforts be up to her standards? Doubtful. Would she tell you about it? Probably. He never had a chance. When the camera's off, I imagine he drives to remote places and cries..

Her very nature chaps my ass. She's like a pop-culture equivalent to Sarah Palin or Dick Cheney. Yeah, I dislike her that much.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

"I'm sorry, Dave..

I'm afraid I can't do that.."
Call me a Luddite if you wish, but I wouldn't live here. Too much SkyNet and HGTV meets Brave New World, not enough Jetsons..

Today's lil' freakouts. And by "lil'," I mean big.

1. Pakistan - Nuclear weapons aren't SuperKeen in the hands of those so-called "responsible" countries that posess them, but when they fall into the hands of less desirable factions, it could get ugly.. Here's a little more hysterical and a little less credible analysis..
2. Flu - Don't get rid of those designer masks just yet..
3. 20 million Beatles fans realize they're minions of Satan..
4. Gliese 581e wants to know if we're happy with our long distance service..
5. "How high's the water, mama? Three feet high, and risin'.."

So you're a little freaked on Obama's choices regarding our economic course..

Another perspective on recent events. While the Economy is in chaos, the public's subjective indicator, The Voice of the Economy (Economists, Heads of Industry/The Plutocracy, Mega-Investors, The Media/Pundits) is a cacophony, too. How does one go about correcting the overwhelming, embedded, evil way of conducting business that is The System? How without a total shit rain of resistance from 1000 different sides from those entities with a HUGE vested interest in the status quo? Pure speculation, this is, or is it?

"I shall bend like a reed in the wind."
Frank Herbert - Dune