Friday, June 5, 2009

Is it because they're tired of replacing your lost cell phones?

Why are cell phone companies researching the pineal gland? Short YouTube, just three and a half minutes. Check it out..

I heart aliens, especially if they're reading this right now..

After all, the invasion is imminent. Brazil seems to be the nexus. All this according to Top Secret Airspace, my new favorite blog. With paragraphs like this ("it appears a race in the nearby Andromeda Galaxy has 'discovered' us. These 'unmanned' surveillance discs have made their way home at some point and reported back on our existence. The floodgate has opened.
Let me predict: Sightings of UFOs by will be unprecedented over the next few weeks. We are at a minute to midnight in terms of ending our isolation. Open unilateral contact is months, weeks, days or even hours away."
), what's not to love?

Another favorite story here. With such a kick ass headline, why bother backing up (or even explaining) the claim? And no, it's not that I don't believe in the possibility of UFO's, I just want a little meat with my wildly speculative theories. But sometimes, I love the Weekly World News type prose that this guy(I'm assuming) writes sooo well! What do you think? Did God evaporate Air France flight 447?

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Happy Birthday, Anderson Cooper!

CNN's ultimate news fox turned 42 today! Congratulations, and I hope he has many, many more birthdays to come! Personal note: Anderson, if you ever make it to Branson, stop by the corporate headquarters for your birthday gift! I, I mean, it, will be waiting!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

New Solar Cycle prediction

Peaking May, 2013. It's supposed to be the mildest solar cycle since 1928. It's been two years since a big solar flare, so NASA's predictions are just that: predictions. We shall see. And if the web bots are correct, we shall see soon..

Link to Half Past Human.

Behold the Puke Ray!

I'll take this over a taser any day! Imagine, subduing a criminal with non-lethal force, AND making them vomit! Win/win!

Ya think?

Evangelical man says Christians owe gays an apology. For what? The shame, the abuse, the rejection and alienation, the destruction of their souls.. stuff like that. Thank you, Mr. Gushee. Now if you can convince the other 30 million of you to follow suit, maybe we could all concentrate on more important issues, like short and long term survival on the planet, maybe?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Maybe it's bad, maybe it's good..

Great find by Robert over at Aquarius Papers. Concise, illustrative story as to why it's important to flow with the events of your everyday and not assign a "good" or "bad" to events until a later, clearer time..

Sunday, May 31, 2009

27 sightings for the year? I work with like, four, right now..

2009 Humanoid reports. That number does seem awfully low. I mean, have you ever looked around while shopping at one of the "Marts" in your area? It's like the cast of Men in Black at the Clearance isles..

More discussion on Above Top Secret..

Around Branson..

Three samples from Branson, Missouri. Darin's blog is the best around for local political perspective, bar none. This one's fun, this one's sad and needed, and this one's likely to get him in trouble..

Love him or not, Darin's got balls. Thanks, Darin.

If you're going to drink, just stay home, you f/n idiot..

SuperDelicious. That's one expensive bender! Be sure to click the photo to enlarge.

Thank Facebook for the SuperMajor Reconnection from the past!

From Fark. Who can't Facebook reunite?

Another Hi-Larious Criminal!

"Nobody likes you when you're 23.." Probably too amped up on adrenalin from the drive-by attempt to drive straight.. Or he's just stupid. Either/or..