Friday, October 15, 2010

Yeah, I bet he did..

Rescued miner says he saw God, devil during captivity. I bet they all saw a lot of things..

There are some occult dimensions to this story, and a fantastical theory or two, but it does bother me that they won't be talking about their first 17 days of captivity. Was it the fear of not knowing if they were to die or not, what they confessed out loud to ease their conscience.. Just in case, or was it something else? As of now, we won't ever know.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Well, How About That: The UFO's Did Come! Maybe/Kinda..

UFO Sighting Witness By Thousands Over Chelsea, New York, USA Oct 13, 2010. Video here..

UFO's over Golden Gate Bridge on Live webcam - 10/13/2010(video) (Interesting video of a forum discussing this footage.)

And a really freaky one..

Village in China disappears after UFO sightings On October 13, 2010 Google translation here..
Crazy f/n video here. The person taping this is too far off to get a detailed view of whatever the hell was going on, but a blue and white light that changes color, lights up the sky, and moves coupled with that wall of chaos sound.. This one strikes me as true, as the people within mic distance of that camera sounded freaked out, and unsure of what was happening. And the military supposedly has the whole thing cordoned off. Weird, I tells ya..

None of this is conclusive, though. I still can't decide: Is this Contact or Hoax?

Another thought: Conspiracy forums and theorists always have the next "doom date" that something major is project to happen. Usually, they are "misses." Even if these UFO's are debunked, this would constitute a "hit," as a much larger collective of our consciousness became focused on the subject of aliens and UFO's on this day, October 13, 2010..

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Although CERN's Been Out Of The Limelight For Awhile, It Could Still Kill Us All..

At least according to these guys.. How it Will Happen: Earthquakes, Strangelets and Black Holes. The reality of CERN's destructive potential is still theoretical, but scientists will have another chance end the world with horror, screaming, and fire November 9th, when CERN fires up and starts producing strangelets. Will CERN doom us all? Great news: Clif, creator of the Webbots doesn't think so. Not so great news: Clif does belive something's coming.. Something major. An event that will change our planet forever, arriving November 8th through the 12th. So.. That's something to look out for coming up in the next few weeks.. Happy Halloween!


Toxic sludge reservoir damage could lead to repeat of Hungarian flood. Key word: "Repeat.." Same reservoir, different cracking wall. Blurg..

Ancient Anomalies and Aliens - Part 1: Art

Pretty comprehensive and convincing post regarding the presence of aliens throughout the ages portrayed in paintings, symbology, and figurines. It's hard for me to dismiss UFO's when there are so many consistent images from so many disperate times and regions. They're all in on the hoax? It's actually easier to dismiss the admant debunkers who dismiss any evidence presented, clinging to what's left of a static worldview being torn apart by the dynamism of our changing -- universe.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Up to 40 states plan inquiry into foreclosure data

Boom! Excerpts:

The attorneys general of up to 40 states plan to announce soon a joint investigation into banks' use of flawed foreclosure paperwork.

A person briefed on the investigation said Saturday night that an announcement could come as early as Tuesday. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation was not yet public.
A joint investigation by 40 states would further escalate pressure on banks to widen their suspensions of foreclosures. On Friday, Bank of America became the first bank to halt foreclosures in all 50 states.

JPMorgan Chase & Co., Ally Bank's GMAC Mortgage unit and PNC Financial have stopped foreclosures in the 23 states where foreclosures must be approved by a judge.
A furor has been growing as evidence has surfaced that mortgage lenders have been using flawed court papers to evict homeowners (It must be an accident, right?). That's led state and federal officials to ramp up pressure on the mortgage industry.