Saturday, May 2, 2009

Man bites Genetically Modified dog, redux..

Black fly in your chardonnay, indeed..

Sadly, they're back..

Via Fark..

While Fox News proved they could work up a frothy head of tizzy about a potential pandemic, they haven't forgotten the Truly Important News..

While this is a tragic situation for the family, THIS IS NOT NATIONAL NEWS.
Will the American public ever tire of "victim porn?"

Good thread. Some choice herbal suggestions. A sample:

4/30/2009 1:44 AM Re: The Indians had a cure for the 1908 flu-this one too Quote
All you have to do with dry or fresh herb, is simmerslowly on very low heat in a pot with a lid.Never raise the heat(you will burn the "fruit"), simply wait patiently for the water to come to a boil-immediately reduce heat and keep on a simmer. You should make the water level just above the amount of herb in the pot (just like regular cooking)and if you need to, add water if the water burns off too much.You keep it simmering until your tincture is DARK. This depends on how much water/herb you personally are using.
As soon as it is dark remove the water that is now a tea into another bowl and set aside. Your work is not done yet.
It is still viable.Pour more water in the pot and do the process again.Pour the next batch of tea in with the first.
You do this until simmering the herb no longer produces a dark color. BUT NO LESS THAN THREE TIMES. VERYIMPORTANT!(the herb slowly strips down its medicine, some of the most valuable is near the end of the "washings"-3 times or more)
Throw the herb out of the pot.
Pour all three batches(or more) of tea(that you set aside in another bowl)back into the pot.Raise the heat again SLOWLY, with a top on, and simmer and reduce the tea until it is very dark.Steaming off all the extra water concentrates the medicine.
High heat destroys the fruit, which is the medicinal quality of the herb.
Now this is the easiest and most accessable way to make an Alchemical tea for medicinal purposes.

So if this flu turns out to be a dud, at least I'll have a much stronger homeopathic knowledge base. I can live with that!
Hold your horses..

"The WHO said yesterday that there was no reason to raise its five-step alert level to the sixth notch as the outbreak of swine flu appeared to remain steady.
The day before, the organisation had raised the alert level to five, which signals that a pandemic is ``imminent''. Phase six would signal that the world is in a pandemic."

Story straight, much?

It came from Outer Space..

MeatEatOr asks a pretty good question. If he's right, what does that mean? The fourth post down fleshes out a theory, and the post with the header "acko speculates" (bottom of page one) adds plausibility.

Not a conspiracy "favorite" (No cabal responsible/completely random), but still..

Friday, May 1, 2009

From via . That's Flu Trackers, a single issue forum site. I haven't checked this out fully, but it's worth a look.

Re: Cytokine Storm Cure! Quote
This is from the flutrackers forum:
"decreasing cytokine storm vs. strengthening immune system"
Join Date: Feb 2006Location: norCA, USAPosts: 1,317Default Enhancing the immune system vs minimizing cytokine stormI copied this over from the Everything about elderberry thread. It's a reply to Zkurmus question about using a sambucol supplement that also contains echinacia. But as you will see, I get into other possibilities... I hope others will share their family prep plans.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Zkurmus, just a quick reply...
Echinacia is considered an immune system booster. I haven't looked into the research that might support this. My mom always swore by it and drank all sorts of things with echinacia in it on a daily basis. I saw some articles posted by Shannon or LMonty that echinacia may boost some of the factors that the body produces in its over-reaction to H5N1 that is called the "Cytokine Storm". (Cytokines include interleukins, tumor necrosis factor, other immune system messengers that "cascade" too vigorously in response to H5N1 infection...). Maybe I can find some of those references.
The cytokine storm (and ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome) which may result from H5N1 infection is thought to be more likely in children and healthy young people with strong immune systems.
* The death rates from H1N1 in the 1918 pandemic supports this hypothesis: 50% of deaths occurred in those 18 to 40 years old, and most died within a day or two.* So do the death rates among the young in Asia from H5N1 today: don't know the exact stats, but 50% of deaths so are in those under 25, I think.
There must also be an exposure factor determining who gets ill ill in the first place: the youthful work force in 1918, and kids who care for chickens in Asia today should be factored in.
Thus, there are suggestions that having a strong immune system may be a risk factor for death from H5N1 in the coming pandemic if you get sick. If that is true, then theargument by some is that to the degree that any herbal remedy, medical treatment or vitamin enhances immune function, it may increase risk of death by cytokine storm if you get the bug.
Key will be avoiding becoming infected with H5N1. Social distancing and being reclusive will be a protection. Having food, basic multi-vitamins, vitamin C and other resources available to be able to remain sequestered will be a protection.You and your family don't want to have contact with other humans who could infect you.
Before the pandemic hits, I'm suggesting to my family that we all have the best functioning immune system possible. Prior to pandemic we're continuing with echinacia if we already take that supplement (I don't, but some family members do.). Some family members who keep bees swear by bee propylis. I don't think it increases the cytokines, but I don't know any research on this.
Other family members swear by reservatrol, which is present in full cluster unfiltered concord grape juice (or wine) where grapes are prone to getting a fungus and reservatrol is created on the grape skin in reaction to the fungus. Reservatrol is also found in almonds, peanuts, full cluster unfiltered, hot extracted mulberries, blackberries. I posted on that on another preps thread.
[link to]
If someone gets sick, we plan to stop the echinacia, but not the propylis, or reservatrol.
Some believe it's helpful to take sambucol before infection and increase the amount if you get infected with H5N1. We're planning to do that. I've made a number of quarts of sambucol tincture from dried elder berries soaked for 10 days in vodka. I didn't sweeten it. It tastes like death warmed over, but I think it helps, given some recent experience with the common flu and pneumonia. I may try making some without alcohol as I am not much of a alcohol consumer. I have also made tea from the dried berries.
If your sambucol supplement contains echinacia perhaps you should discontinue it when the pandemic hits near you.
If the person gets sick, there are other supplements that may reduce cytokine storm (and ARDS). Antihistamine like "Benadryl" or the generic equivalent is another "over the counter drug" we have on hand. It's cheap and available at places like Costco in the US.
Turmeric (95% curcumin) is another anti-cytokine storm herbal remedy. It should be abundant in your part of the world.
Omega 3 fatty acids are said to be beneficial.
Lipitor (10 mg/day) is a prescription drug that may be beneficial in recucing the cytokine storm. It is prescribed for high cholesterol and should be taken under a doc's supervision. The doc checks liver function to make sure you're not one of the rare people who have an adverse reaction.
I have not saved all the scientific research notes I made when sorting my way through various options last fall. I'm willing to see if I can find some of them again on the internet. If so, I will post them under preps. Maybe others who have thought through the "what if's" will contributeas well. We're all in uncharted waters in planning to mitigate the pandemic effects. What each person and family does will have to be based on personal research, what's available where you are, and making your "best guess".
I am not an MD; this is not advice, simply what my family and I are doing. We don't have antivirals, so we're in the same boat as you on that one...
Here's a page of food, materials and supplement preps I made up with some firefighters last fall. Med stuff is at the very bottom under PERSONAL NOTES.
From George Ure's incredible economics site Urban Survival..

First Hybrid Flu Death
First, an update from a pretty good source about what's 'hot' on the flu front this morning:
"1) A 23 month old in Texas died. Seems to not fit the pattern, but no details released to public yet, so I don’t know if this is an anomaly or something is different than normal about the swine flu. Based on normal flu years, about 5-15% of US deaths are healthy young adults that don’t fit the pattern. This may be the same hard to figure out death pattern, or something may have changed in the way the H1N1 is behaving. We’ll know more as details are released.
2) Patient zero (or very near to zero) was apparently identified. Young boy who was sick in early March. His blood was tested then & they found nothing, since they weren’t looking for swine flu. Retested & apparently positive. His parents did not get sick, nor others in the village; at least sick enough to have seen a doctor & had blood-work done. They live right next to a big pig-plant (locations in Mexico & US). They, of course, say that the swine flu has nothing to do with them & their pigs don’t have influenza. I’m sure the Mexican health agencies will do more than take their word & look into it."
Meantime, maybe someone was actually paying attention yesterday when I bemoaned the lack of precision when it comes to the hybrid flu that's making the rounds. Not only is the World Health Organization calling this outbreak the 'North American Flu' but I see where "U.S. officials want 'swine' out of flu name" as well.

I continue to be perplexed by a couple of points: The first is "Where the treatment protocol?" and the second is "What are the over-the-counter/OTC options?" for the millions of Americans who either don't have healthcare, or figure they would face more risk by going to a hospital than by self medicating and staying at home.

One the question of treatment protocols, it turns out that they really do exist...well...sort of.

For example, a quick search of pandemic flu treatment protocols brings up a US Department of Transportation study "Preparing for Pandemic Influenza" but it's focus is not on the doctor/PA level practitioner trying to respond to a sick patient, so much as it's a guide for 9-1-1 centers
to develop dispatch protocols for Personnel and Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs).

Similarly, the Homeland Security "Best Practices and Model Protocols" document of April 2007 does a fine job of sorting out who should respond how at an agency/sector level but darned if it gets into the diagnostic tree and efficacy studies.

I haven't had time to do an exhaustive search, but after spending a fit of time on the phone with a doc I know, his point that the practitioner-level/treatment recommendations really ought to be more readily available. His view went something like this: "OK, so I have someone show up in my office and they've got a 102 degree temp, they're barfing their guts out, sniffling and hacking...what's the current best course for proper diagnosis and treatment based on the most current cases which CDC and WHO have in this episode?"

To be sure, the WHO has some generalized information on their web site if you scroll to "Treatment and Prophylaxis: Antiviral Agents, but it's not a detailed diagnostic flow chart by any stretch. What this particular doc is looking for is the whole tree, contraindications and a drug-by-drug summary. You know, the kind of thing that would say use this antiviral but only if the patient doesn't have the following conditions, kind of thing, along with a batting average or best SWAG based on these similar modeled responses.

Would you be happy with the flu response plan for Tonga down in the South Pacific? That's easier to come by. But enough of that...on to the next point.

How this flu kills is interesting. Seems that it triggers an over-reaction by the body's immune system in a process called cytokine storming. Here's a contributed article by Spencer Feldman, this is NOT PRESENTED AS MEDICAL ADVICE AND IS FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY and remember as you read this, that it was prepared for bird flu not the hybrid which is currently in play. That said, it may offer some perspectives on how the flu operates and let me say this one more time: THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE - FOR THAT SEE YOUR DOCTOR! Got it? :
Suggestions for the Acute Management of a H5N1 Pandemic, by Spencer Feldman
The H5N1 (Asian Avian Flu or "Bird Flu") virus owes its lethality to its ability to instigate pathological immune responses in the host via cytokine storm. This leads to disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and massive infiltration of inflammatory cells into the lungs. Thus, any H5N1 protocol must take into consideration, not only the inhibition of the virus, but also the effects of DIC and alveolar flooding.
Given that there are reports of some patients dying within three hours of initial symptoms, any medical response must be swift and aggressive. Traditional models for treatment outside of a hospital setting rely upon antiviral medications. This is insufficient as there are now strains of the H5N1 that are resistant to all major antiviral drugs, and furthermore does nothing to address the issues of DIC and alveolar flooding.
Alternative models concentrate on immune stimulating products. This is a dangerous idea as it is the strength of the immune response that makes the H5N1 so deadly. Increasing immune response may prevent an initial infection, but in an infection that has already taken hold, it will only worsen the outcome.
Preventative Measures: Studies suggest that Vitamin E and Selenium may decrease the infectivity and pathogenicity of the H5N1 Avian Influenza(1).
Additionally, air pollutants have shown to increase the risk of contracting the H5N1 Avian Influenza(2). Raising glutathione, a primary detoxification pathway for petrochemicals may be of benefit. Finally, strengthening capillary walls may be suggested in preparation for a possible hemorrhagic episode.
Acute Management: Current scientific thought holds that the lethality of the H5N1 Avian Influenza may be caused by systemic viral dissemination, cytokine storm and/or alveolar flooding(3). As such, an intelligent protocol for supporting the body would be to take these factors into consideration. The H5N1 Avian Influenza contains the compounds Hemagglutinin and Neuraminidase (also called sialidase). Both of these compounds are required in the infection cycle of certain virus. The drugs Zanamivir and Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) are both Neuraminidase inhibitors.
One study suggests that the common Chinese Herb Astragalus may also be a Neuraminidase inhibitor(4). Since another study(5) suggests that Ca2+ and Mag2+ both speed up the activity of neuraminidase, and that Ca2+ is required for its function, making these elements unavailable via chelation with sodium and potassium citrate may be of use.
Studies also suggest that Lactoferrin(6), sulfated polysaccharides such as Ceramium Rubrum(7) (Red Marine Algae) and Elderberries(8) may be Hemagglutinin inhibitors. Unfortunately, Elderberry also increases cytokines (see above) especially Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha (TNFa)(9) which is specifically associated with the toxicity of the H5N1 Avian Influenza (10). For this reason, ingredients that studies suggest normalize TNFa such as Curcumin and Vitamin E (11),(12) should be considered.
One outcome of a cytokine storm can be disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). DIC may be responsible for the massive hemorrhaging seen with the H5N1 Avian Influenza(13). Thus, in addition to supporting normal cytokine levels, supporting the body in normalizing blood coagulation parameters with nutritional compounds may also be suggested(14),(15),(16). The drugs Amantadine and Rimantadine work by inhibiting the matrix protein(s). Studies indicate that Glutathione and Resveratrol may have an effect on matrix proteins as well(17), (18). Finally, Lactoferrin may support the body in decreasing infiltration into the lungs of inflammatory cells(19).
Emergency Solution While I have already manufactured a product that contains all of the ingredients listed, the FDA does not allow for commercial sale alternative products to be made (other than homeopathics) for the bird flu.
The following ingredients should be available locally and might form the basis of a makeshift H5N1 survival pack.
1- Curry powder as a source of turmeric to suppress TNFa
2- Red wine with the alcohol boiled off as a source of resveratrol
3- Kelp as a hemagglutinin inhibitor
4- Astragalus as a neuraminidase inhibitor (available at any Chinese herb shop)
5- Vitamin E as a blood thinner (available at any health food store) Conclusions
Reports of people dying from the H5N1 Influenza in as little as three hours from the first signs of infection suggest the necessity of carrying on one’s person whatever they consider an adequate defense against this infection.
To recap, In designing such a defense, the key factors to address regarding the H5N1 virus would be:
1- Decreasing the risk of initial infection
2- Decreasing the potential virulence of infection
3- Inhibiting Hemagglutinin
4- Inhibiting Neuraminidase
5- Inhibiting Matrix proteins
6- Binding of viral receptor sites
6- Reduction of calcium and magnesium
7- Decreasing general inflammatory cytokines
8- Decreasing TNF-a in particular
9- Supporting normal platelet activity
10- Decreasing free radical activity in the lungs
11- Minimizing hemorrhage
12- Strengthening blood vessels
13- Protecting against the after effect of hemorrhage
14- Replenishing electrolytes lost to diarrhea
15- Inhibiting secondary infections

Alternative Herbal therapies for Genetically Modified Flu

There's more, but this a good start..

Emergency prep list

I culled this from Go there if you can handle conspiracy theory. If not, the information presented is still valid. Guy by the name of Gabriel (I think) originally posted this. Thank you, Gabriel.

I am compiling a list of what YOU need to get in terms of supplies for preparing for a widespread level 6 Pandemic. With the help of the mods, I hope to have this thread updated and available for readers of GLP. This site can be a valuable resource for those who need news aggregated from alternative sources as well as direct preparedness tips that go further than the typical "plastic sheeting and duct tape" nonsense you will get from Federal authorities.

First off, lets start with WHY one would be well advised to prepare for this pandemic. Worst case scenario, this virus is readily transmittable and has a mortality rate equal to or greater than ~2.5%. It appears that the virus is spreading easily between humans, however, it is unclear what the mortality rate is. Currently the death toll in Mexico stands at aprox 150 and the reported cases number 1,600.

According to these numbers, the death rate due to infection in Mexico stands at 9.3%. Now, lets assume for the sake of argument while trying to be conservative as possible, that the number of reported cases is underreported and that we are actually looking at 100% more cases than reported. This would have the effect of lowering the mortality rate to 4.6%. A 4.6% mortality rate is nearly 50 times more deadly than seasonal influenza. This would represent our worst case scenario and the basis for our preparations

Influenza can be easily transmittable and it is caused by a virus that spreads in the air in aerosol form. Being in a room in which a person sneezed or coughed puts you at risk of contracting the disease. It is also transmitted by contact with infected people. Handshaking, hugging, kissing, or even touching something that had been touched by an infected person puts you at risk of contracting the disease. Doorknobs, handles, keyboards - anything you touch can potentially put you at risk of infection. This is why it is important to wash your hands regularly to remove any virus from your hands before they are able to infect you. Common routes of infection include your lungs, the membranes lining your nose and also your eyes.

The best things you can do to help PREVENT infection is:

Wash your hands regularly to remove any virus that comes in contact with the surface of your skin. Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth unless you have washed your hands first. Disinfect your work area and items you interact with regularly. ie: keyboard, phone, mouse, desk, etc. Do not make contact with people whom you do not know for certain are not infected. Limit exposure to areas and places where other infected people may be. Telecommute/work from home if possible, and if you work in an office, work with your office door closed.

Consider wearing a N95 face mask, for added protection. Also, wear wrap around glasses/safety glasses in public to prevent infected aerosol from entering your eyes. For added protection considering wearing latex gloves while out in public and then discard of them outside of your home.

Important Tips: Alcohol and hydrogen peroxide does NOT easily disinfect and kill viruses. Do not rely on hand sanitizers to replace washing your hands. Even Lysol requires direct contact with viruses for a period of 5 Minutes in order to claim a 99.9 percent kill ratio. Washing your hands with plenty of soap and water is the BEST way to cleanse you hands and body from any virus contaminant that you make contact with.

Having a healthy immune system if important to not falling ill but it is not the best way to prevent getting sick. The best way is to limit exposure. Eat well, stay healthy, take vitamins, but do not rely strictly on vitamins and supplements to prevent you from getting sick.

Now, on to the preparedness and supply portion. We need to prepare to first off limit exposure and secondly, to be prepared for mass pandemonium in case things go from bad to worse. Make a list of all the things/supplies you need on a weekly or bi-weekly, or monthly basis and figure out a way to purchase them all at once and at one location. You want to limit exposure, that means limiting the number of people you come in contact with. If you go out to buy groceries or pick up something at the store 3 times a week, you have 3 times the exposure as you would if you went only once a week.

Try to buy in bulk and only go to a store once every 2 weeks or LESS if possible. Don't go to the grocery store, Costco, Target, AND Wallmart all to get your supplies. Pick ONE place and try to go early in the morning or late in the evening when fewer people are at the store. Don't shop in an area that you know if suffering heavily from infection and If you can, buy supplies in a different city or neighborhood. If you see people coughing or sneezing - LEAVE the area. Do not confront them, just leave, it's not worth it.

List of supplies and things you need:

3 Gallons of bleach that can be used for disinfecting items and also for making disinfectant sprays. Can also be used to disinfect drinking water.
1 liter bottle of Betadine disinfectant
Several pairs of safety glasses
3 boxes of latex gloves3 boxes of N95 face masks
3 gallons of antibacterial soap
5 Large cans of Original Lysol
10 boxes of bar soap like Ivory or Dial
2 large cases of paper towels
1 pump sprayer like what you would find in a garden center for spraying fertilizer or insecticide. Can be used to spray bleach disinfectant mix.
3 5 Gallon buckets of grains like rice or beans. This is important in case grocery stores shut down or resupplying food becomes difficult or poses a high risk of infection.
20 1 gallon containers of distilled or mineral water for drinking.
5 large cases of bottled drinking water3 rolls of plastic sheeting. This would be useful in making a decontamination room or helping to seal off an room that an infected person is in -Might not be room in hospitals.
3 rolls of Duct Tape - Always useful stuff
200+ cans of assorted high calorie food items.
2 large boxes of strike anywhere matches as well an assortment of candles.
2 10 gallon gas containers filled with fuel. Buy gas containers from Home Depot
Well supplied First aid kit that includesIf possible fill several prescriptions that you may need in advance for pre-existing conditions. You don't want to have to go to the pharmacy once infection has spread.
If possible fill a prescription of broad spectrum antibiotics. Secondary bacterial infections are a great risk factor if suffering from Influenza.
If possible fill a prescription of antiviral drugs like Tamiflu or Relenza.
If possible fill a prescription for a fast acting bronchodilator like Albuterol. This will help in keeping your airways open if suffering from influenza.
Stock up on bottles of vitamins such as Vitamin C, D, E, and B complex. Include Zinc supplements and a good multivitamin. Start taking the multivitamin daily.
BUY A SHORTWAVE RADIO. In case you lose power you want to have a means to gather info from various sources.
Buy plenty of batteries for your electrical devices.
Consider purchasing a gas generator. Don't run it in your house - will cause carbon monoxide poisoning!
Buy a gas or liquid fuel lantern.
Keep your vehicle with never less than 3/4 of a tank of gas.
Store several quarts of oil in your trunk in case you need some.
Keep your vehicle in good operating condition
Make sure you have a spare tire and means to change it.
Keep 300-500 dollars worth of cash stashed in a safe place - more if possible. Also consider keeping several gold coins with you in case you cash starts loosing value/inflation price gouging.

If things get really bad where you live, and the ability to resupply breaks down or becomes difficult or dangerous, don't wait for FEMA! Pack everything up in your car including the 20 gallons of gas and leave the area. Either go into the country and camp or drive to a location that is not suffering as heavily with infected. Consider staying with other family members. You need to stay alert and be ready to leave an area BEFORE you get locked down in some kind of a quarantine. If you are stuck in a quarantine, then hunker down, live on your supplies. Look for opportunities to resupply. The amount of food and supplies listed above should be enough for 2 people to get by for 60 - 90 days depending on rationing.

Don't be fatalistic about all of this. Get your supplies. You can make it through and being prepared will be an advantage.