Friday, February 12, 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Have We Learned Anything from the Bush Years?

Great post (from December) on Washington's Blog. Long read, but incredibly thorough and persuasive. Print it out for your loony conservative friends, family, and acquaintances!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What? Meth Was Involved?

"When an officer approached the man, he noticed he was shirtless and wearing women's pants with a hole in the crotch exposing his genitals. The man also was wearing his underwear around his neck" From via Fark!

What's Happening February 11th?

"Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says the nation will deliver a harsh blow to the "global arrogance" on this years' anniversary of the Islamic Revolution." But what will that be? Nuclear test? Attack on Israel? Exclusive oil sales to China/Asia? Nobody knows for sure, but one "Conspiracy Nut" has a really good theory..

Monday, February 8, 2010

Well, Where Are They?

From the Ottawa Sun, via Xymphora..

Meanwhile, In The Former Soviet Union,

It looks like the Orange Revolution is dead, at least that's what the exit polls say, and the way the candidates are behaving. Ukrainians became disillusioned with the Pro-Western/American movement when changes within the government was not forthcoming. How about that? New faces; same corruption. Or maybe Ukrainians got hip to the Neo-Con supported Yushchenko's bullshit and wanted something new.. (Note the last link was from December of 2004, back when the Mainstream Media world wide were still fawning over the "upstart" Yushchenko.) Hopefully, Yanukovych(the apparent winner) will do a better job leading the country. If that should happen to fail, he could alway poison himself like his predescessor did..

Mass Resignations Signalling..

What do CEO's and Police Chiefs have in common? A whole bunch of both have been resigning lately. I don't know if they're connected, but both of these threads (from GLP) seem to think they are..

Sunday, February 7, 2010

O.J. Guilty - But Not Of Murder?

Huh. Interesting theory. I'm not sure this changes my mind(After all, she said he was going to kill her, and she ends up dead. Occam's Razor in action..), but this is a plausible Alternate Theory(Another less plausible, but AWESOME one here). Note the date of this link's post. April of 2008, and no one picked up on this story or documentary, even as a curiosity. I wonder why? I'm not saying that a blackout on this theory strengthens its credibility, but with the insane, anything-O.J. "news" the public has been subjected to over the last almost 16(!!) years, it gives me pause that this narrative has never been pursued. Again; why?

Read This Now, Before It "Disappears.."

"Possible Cancer Cure Found In Blushwood Shrub."

Japan Earthquake/EQ Roundup - February, First Week

Inital reports of 6.6, downgraded to 6.4. The quake happened around Midnight, CST(06:10 UTC). The trend here is, that for the first week of February, there have been four 6.0 magnitude earthquakes or larger, and one each day the last three days. There have been fifteen earthquakes magnitude 5.0 to 5.9.

Most of these quakes were within the "Ring of Fire," which is prepetually active, and the only aspect of note to those quakes is the escalated intensity of 6.0 quakes. The two areas outside the "Ring" to monitor is Yellowstone, which experienced a pretty intense "Earthquake swarm" last week, and this one, near Cumbre Vieja. And Cumbre Vieja is one area that, hopefully, will remain still for a loooonng time, lest this happens..