Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Laura Bush - Democrat?

Laura Bush supports gay marriage and abortion rights. Huh. A couple thoughts:
*She was politically bound to not voice her opinion until Bush's term of office was up.
*She was also bound by marriage. This is not James Carville and Mary Matalin. There will be no public disagreement within the First Family. It isn't fair to say "If she would have said this earlier...," a response I initially had, as it was simply not an option for her.
* Is she a Democrat? She's loved by more liberals than you'd think..
* Her views are out there, now.. Where to, next? Will she become more active for her political beliefs? How will the Right respond? Will the last sitting Republican First Lady be unwelcome at future Republican events? She's been forgiven, but she's pissed off the faithful a couple times before..
*Just how betrayed will "True Believers" feel? And, more importantly, how will they react?

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