Monday, June 18, 2012

Deja Vu: Pasok Is Warming Up To Coalition With Only New Democracy

Ahh, the great PASOK flip-flop.  Nice..  Sensible Greeks, you have every reason to believe the two parties that brought you to the brink of financial DOOM will find the way back to prosperity!  Good for you;  Here's a participation ribbon!  Rest up, Riot Dog; You'll be busy soon enough!  Zero Hedge.  Excerpts:

One of the biggest caveats from yesterday's Greek election result was that Pasok announced it would only participate in a broad coalition government that includes Syriza. Obviously Syriza promptly turned down the offer, which has now put the ball back in the court of the Pasok leader - Venizeloz. Being a career politicians, and knowing quite well what the final outcome of the Greek fiasco would be, it was only a matter of time before the former minister of defense, finance, and yes, sport, would flip flop, and hint that a government of just ND and Pasok would also work, as the alternative is just too harsh to even consider. In other words, we may shortly get a repeat of the precisely same leadership that brought Greece to 23% unemployment and a completely destroyed financial and economic system, with Veni back in the role of finance minister once again.

Does this mean a Greek government just may happen, evading a 3rd Greek election in as many months? We will know for sure by tomorrow night, when Pasok said is the deadline by which a new government has to be formed. As for bets on the longevity of the new cabinet, we have no idea what the spread is, but we take the under.

What's the definition of insanity?  Happy fun times are just ahead with your "new" old leaders, Greece!  Opa!  When you take back to the streets, remember to hydrate?  It's gonna be a long, hot summer!

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