Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Today's Blind Items - The Hookers Return

Juicy.  Crazy Days And Nights.  Excerpts:

I have written about the hookers a couple of times. The famous duo that split when one had success and the other continued to keep selling her body for less and less money. The less successful hooker just has never been able to find that gold mine but now she figures she has a huge way to make money and has been shopping a book about her former partner in crime. It features stories that even I didn't know and apparently also documents how the more successful hooker has always planned to have happen what is happening in her life right now. There are e-mails and copies of texts from a few years ago when they were still speaking all the time about how the more successful hooker wanted to find a rich man who was good looking but in the closet. It turns out that the successful hooker hates sex. In fact, the less successful hooker says that pills are about the only way the more successful one can get through it. The successful hooker even named four guys she thought would be perfect for her and she got one of the four.

The book also names names and how much celebrities and athletes paid. It talks about every athlete they have been with and how many times they were busted by wives but because the hookers were celebrities they managed to not get accused of doing anything with the husbands. They would say they were with the husband for a reality show idea. The wives would get so excited at the prospect of being on a reality show they would not even wonder why the husband had been with one or both of the hookers in his hotel room.

Yowsah.  The consensus from commenters appears to indicate either Brittany Gastineau or Paris Hilton(!) for the less successful hooker, and Kim Kardashian(!!) as the more successful one.  Crazy?  Maybe..  Other than that miserable, short lived "E" show, I've never heard of Gastineau, and if she has a sex tape out, it isn't nearly as famous as the other two.  Also, that's how they became famous!  Both of their biographies make more sense if this is indeed about them.  The phenomenon of famous-for-being-famous has never made sense to me, especially considering none of these people seem to have "talent." 

So if this indeed who the consensus thinks this is, when their sex tapes were released, were they "accidents" as much as they were "marketing strategy?"  Also, would this really be that much of a stretch to believe that, with sex as pervasive as it is culturally, that nationally famous attention whores might have started their careers as bona-fide whores?

I feel bad for whomever this may be.  Money, fame, fabulous-ity, surrounded by equally soul-less vessels, all dancing faster as The Void becomes larger, inescapable..  Chaos and  flashbulbs and chasing the Next Big Fix slowly snuffs out any remains of humanity.  The quiet of an empty room must be terrifying.

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