Sunday, May 27, 2012

Chinese TV promoting the 2012 UEFA cup, flagging the destruction of London!

File Under:  Oddly Specific, Animated Promotional Doom.  Subcategory:  Weird as HELL!  Or maybe, a Vision of Hell..  The accompanying video has been removed(Before I got to see it, by the way..), but the stills provide some creepy context.  Disturbing.  Check it.  The Truth Behind The Scenes.  Excerpts:

Chinese TV promoting the 2012 UEFA cup and flagging a nightmarish scenario of warfare and bloodshed in Europe.

The upcoming UEFA 2012 soccer championship is being promoted in China in a very peculiar manner: bombers are carpet-bombing major European capitals, like London (UK), Paris (France) and Rome (Italy), tanks and rocket launchers releasing their deadly shells and soldiers are shooting the sportsmen.

But the most disturbing subliminal message is the clash between a human team, represented by a Lion, and a non-human team, represented by a Serpent.

I think the tendency would be to dismiss this as some marketing campaign gone wrong, a mis-fire of a commercial.  This Championship is a major event, and much thought from many, many people goes into every moment of each commercial message.  But, what are the Chinese trying to say? 

Isn't this just like any American, over-the-top, nu-advertising type, sensory overload assaults-called-commercials we see all the time?  Or maybe this is just the Chinese version of extreme advertising?  These images of war and alien combat  not out of bounds within Chinese advertising sensibility.  Just the way they don't understand the rhythm, the style, or the types of images used to sell us on things:  Our sensibility.

Or might there be more significance to these chosen images, the order in which they are presented, and what they imply?  I don't know about you, but I'm totally rooting for the human team!

If I can find this video, I'll update this post.

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