Saturday, May 26, 2012

New Post From Goro Adachi

It's been a great week for unusual predictive analysis.  Monday saw the release of the Webbots, and yesterday, Goro Adachi released Transit Ritual 2012, his first major post since September 27th of last year.  His predictive style defies a conventional definition, and is an always interesting read.  Excerpts: 

All through life and history we've been sailing aimlessly through the river of time, and time is a condition that separates the present from the past and future. Limited awareness. We are here and we don't know why. Sometimes we think we can almost feel the secrets, the truth, hidden away in the "Hall of Records" be it in our DNA, Egypt, Mars... but always just out of our grasp. To "time travel" is to access the hidden side of reality, history, or destiny to find out who we really are. We aren't there yet, but from a multicontextual "big picture" perspective, escaping Earth's gravity represents or reflects a major first step. Multicontextually speaking, the closer we get to Mars and the more we learn about its history (including life), the closer we get to the edge of time, to hyperspace.

The Mayan calendar paranoia and discussions make the year 2012 an ideal temporal framework in which to microcosmically simulate or foreshadow the process of the Apocalypse, the lifting of the veil... the proverbial "ah ha!" moment... which is just around the corner. The 21st century is the designated end of the road where we have to "jump" out of time and become Prometheus ourselves.

It's long and involved, and if you're new to his writing, you should read prior posts for context.  Goro Adachi uses a certain set of archetypes, and what at first seems almost dizzying becomes clearer with each inter-related article.  And while disasters do play a role in his analysis, Goro Adachi's version of the future is overall, very positive.  We are making evolutionary leaps towards Apocalypse in its most hopeful definition:  The lifting of the veil.  Global Consciousness is being coaxed awake, and when that happens; it will be wonderful. 

In the meantime, Goro Adachi does his best to point us in the right direction, towards our eventual home.  His is a vision of hope, almost a lone candle, the sole illumination against the ever accelerating darkness.. 

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