Monday, September 3, 2012

Hal David Has Died. Long Live Hal David!

We'd drive all over Taney County, every Sunday, in a 1972 Chrysler New Yorker.  My grandparents, mom, sometimes dad, or an aunt or cousin or both and I would drive around, some roads being more familiar and/or dangerous than others, of course.  Grandpa drove.  Always.

And he chain smoked while driving.  Also; Always.   He only cracked the windows, never fully rolling them down.  Between the curves and the second-hand smoke, I was usually car-sick moments after our drive started.  Unpleasant.

The best part of the day was always Dionne Warwicke on the eight track.  My grandparents loved her, and so did I.  As they were, at the time, in their late 60's, it was the only way I ever thought of my grandparents as being "cool" in any way.  They had both volumes of her greatest hit collections.  Within the confines of that car, I can't remember hearing any other artist played.  Dionne Warwicke made nausea much more tolerable, and in some cases, cured it completely.

When I say "Dionne Warwicke," I am also referring to the songwriting team of Burt Bacharach and Hal David, Ms. Warwicke being their Muse.  There are many, many other talented artists that worked both with Bacharach and David together and alone, but I prefer to focus on my favorites.  In no particular order, here they are:

Thank you, Hal David, for creating some amazing pop perfection.  Your contributions are greatly appreciated.  Greatly.

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