Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Gina Rinehart Is A Bubble

The article should have been called "Gina Rinehart is bigger than a goddamned planetoid and probably smells like a toxic waste dump," but the author has more class than I.  I pray for the day when we get to see this waste of humanity, depleted of her INHERITED wealth, working at McDonald's, cleaning toilets, foraging roadkill for food, something soooo beneath her station, harassed every day, every step of the way by those she used to harass simply by being "Gina Rinehart, Obnoxious Blimp and second generation mining mogul."  Please let me see that day..  Zero Hedge.  Excerpts:

Last week she said:

If you’re jealous of those with more money, don’t just sit there and complain. Do something to make more money yourself — spend less time drinking, or smoking and socializing and more time working.

Today she claimed that Australians should be willing to work for less than $2 a day:

Australian mining magnate Gina Rinehart has criticised her country’s economic performance and said Africans willing to work for $2 a day should be an inspiration.

Ms Rinehart is said to make nearly A$600 (£393) a second.

The richest woman in the world is making an increasing number of public appearances, and speaking of increasingly controversial topics.

I wonder why.

It couldn’t be that she is becoming increasingly aggressive and controversial because her core business is in trouble, could it?

Marc Faber suggests so:
There have been four mega bubbles in the past 40 years. In the 1970s it was gold; in the 1980s it was the Nikkei, and in the 1990s it was the Nasdaq. Bigger than all of them, though, has been the iron ore bubble, a tenfold increase in prices in less than a decade.

Pop!  Motherfucker, Pop!  I wanna see her sweat!  And not her normal "my heart is beating, so you know I'm damp" kind of sweat, either.  You'd think with all that money she could pay for a less repulsive exterior to hide her repulsive interior.  The epitome of a horrible human..  Dis.


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