Friday, July 20, 2012

Why Won't Mitt Won't Release His Taxes?

A lot is being made right now regarding Mitt's taxes, and his astonishingly stubborn response to releasing more than just the 2010 returns(And we're still missing a page, there, too..), the theory being Romney paid no taxes in 2009.  This is probably true, but maybe there's more:  What if he made a bunch of money in the quickly blooming LIBOR scandal between 2005 and 2009?  Like, a fuckin' killing?  Huge, HUGE MONEY! 

Maybe Bain ain't the only thing Mitt's got goin' on..  23 years of taxes to John McCain and only most of one year is part of the equation:  Maybe 2008 as opposed to 2012 is the other.  Four years ago during the economic meltdown,  nobody could prove nuthin'.  Maybe now they can.

So what if that's the case?  Nobody knows just how much this guy's really worth, or what financial vehicles he rode to his current success.  So much institutionalized financial shenanigans in the 2000's, and Mitt's a rich rich man in the wealth accumulation department.  Maybe transactions..  Overlapped.  Formerly sterling associations are now more..  Negative and/or Criminal than they were in 2008. It might all still be "legal," but it is also impossibly complicated and convoluted, and might not "feel" legal to unwashed, uneducated eyes.. 

You do realize some things are next to impossible to explain to you people, don't you?

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I just bought my horse an island, and I'd like to celebrate by buying another island."

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