Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Troubling Feeling I Have About The Whole Limbaugh Baingate Hilarity..

Holy rewrite!  Limbaugh tries to deny Batman conspiracy.  Video courtesy of The Rachel Maddow Show.

Of all of Limbaugh's oafish blithering, I'm bothered by this rant, but not for any standard "I'm offended" bullshit reasons, other than the generalized escalation of poisonous rhetoric from the entirety of what used to be the Grand Old Party..  Other than that.  But with Limbaugh specifically:  I think this episode is the beginning of some kind of neurological disorder.  I'm assuming that, unless he surrounds himself with total lickspittles and has zero fact checkers, someone on his staff could have easily researched this accusation tangent and saved fatty the embarrassment of even going down to crazytown in the first place. 

No, Limbaugh went off-off script with this one, and caught everyone off-guard.  Having witnessed first hand my father's descent into the deteriorating cognitive abyss, I have the same feelings watching Limbaugh that I did when dad began his slide.  There are brain farts, and then there are Brain Farts.  This was a big one.  He could have acknowledged the mistake and moved on, but didn't, deflecting, saying we heard wrong, not that he misspoke.  Hilarious, when paired with the first video, by the way.. 

My father couldn't acknowledge any mistake, either.  If he were to, then he'd have to question deeper as to why he made that mistake.  It's a door he never opened; Ever.  If I'm correct about Rush, I doubt he'd be quick to open that door, either, as you just can't un-know what you know..  Until you forget it.  And by then, it doesn't matter.

Also, the few times he looks towards the camera..  I've seen that look before, and I know what it means..  At least I know what it meant within our family..  I could be wrong.  My intuition may be off.  I've watched this video a few times, and Limbaugh does a good job passing this off as nothing, but there's something substantive there happening, if only seen in hints and slivers.  There is something not       quite      right           happening.. 

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