Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Samsung's 4G-FU To My Senses Needs Addressing..

To Whom It May Concern at Samsung,

Just a quick note to you stating emphatically that, thanks to your goddamned, screeching, smashing, and generally insufferable commercial for the Samsung Infuse 4G, I'll NEVER buy a phone from you, much less any technology; ever.  Yes, I hate it that much.  You have succeeded in creating an almost perfect In-Your-Face-For-Your-Ears assault on the senses.  The spider as visceral level-repulsion is trumped by shrieking obnoxiousness and multiple poundings, and by the end of the ad(If I can't find the remote), my pulse has increased along with my blood pressure, and the whole experience leaves me physically agitated, and spiritually depleted.  Samsung has worked Hard at getting our attention.

Problem is, for me, it didn't work.  I had to really pay attention to the commercial (I needed to know where to focus my hate..) for the critical information to sink in.  The overall tone for the commercial is way too distracting to be effective.  Now, your short term feedback might state otherwise, but I'd wager you lost a segment of people who were Neutral/Positive towards Samsung, but not now, really..  And those people, like me, will simply not consider another Samsung anything, as there's more than enough technologies to choose from.  No fuss, but no more:  Period.

So, I'm sure a lot of people did laugh.  But your commercial also created people like me  Awesome job.  Samsung worked hard, and they got my attention.  Too bad.

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