Sunday, June 26, 2011

Is the Chinese Economy Sputtering for the Same Reasons as the American Economy?

From Washington's BlogExcerpts:

It was tempting to believe that China was different.

With its command and control economy with some of the trappings of free market capitalism, trillions in reserves, and abundant natural resources, many thought that China would "decouple" from the Western world's problems and sail into a prosperous future.
However, despite its long history, exotic names and seemingly strong position, China cannot avoid the rules of economics which have applied to all countries throughout history.
The Telegraph noted last June:

China's chief auditor has warned that high levels of local government debt could derail the country's economy, with some observers suggesting that a number of Chinese provinces are even more fiscally-troubled than Greece.
Few countries will come through unscathed when the global economy tanks.  And I do think China looks stronger than it actually is..

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