Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Starfaring University?

Taken from George Ure's essential Urban Survival Site.
"If we're ever going to be a starfaring world, we need a university that will teach people a different way of being....that's what we want you to consider." A heady challenge if there was one, rebuilding higher ed with an avowed 'get off Earth bent', but that was the gauntlet thrown down by a prospective consulting client I spoke with this week. "Let me mull it around in a Peoplenomics report, because it's a big topic and I don't want to see your business plan details," I told the caller. As the week wore on, the topic came clearly into focus as one that humans could be working on, but because of our preoccupation with the ruling money paradigm, we aren't pursuing. Nor is it likely we're about to. The good news? Our old paradigms die, or we do...and that watershed event might be a good time to reinvent how humans purpose themselves and learn.
Now that we're knee-deep in about twelve different flavors of shit, it becomes obvious that we-as-global-society should have spent our time more constructively.  Just two recent-history examples here:  1.  One billion dollars towards Research and Development in 1975 for Solar, Water, and Wind would have completely changed our future direction(s).  2,  Better than half-assed Nuclear Emergency Response plans from TEPCO, GE, The IAEA, anyone..  would have also been appreciated, as it might have kept the planet from a horrifying, irradiating catastrophe, you know, like the one unfolding now..  
Now that it's down to the wire on so many societal fronts, it's cool to see at least some people are still capable of Forward Thinking, and taking some action regarding those thoughts and ideas.  Focused thought toward future goals and timelines SHOULD be our first priority, although it never has, and will never be a majority opinion, without some paradigm smashing Event.. 
If..  IF we don't spectacularly off ourselves, we stand at the brink of a massive leap in human consciousness, effecting all aspects of this present form of reality.  Implications from The Best Possible Choice are as spectacular as The Worst Case Scenario.  The visible differences between the choices of directions we face become clearer, but the way forward, and our ultimate fate remain unseen and uncertain.
What's next ?

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