Monday, April 4, 2011

Radioactive fallout may hit Taiwan in two days

From AsiaOne. Excerpts:

Nuclear fallout may hit Taiwan on Wednesday evening at the earliest, after a small amount of radioactive iodine-131 was detected in the skies over Taiwan last week, said the country's nuclear energy authorities yesterday. The fallout will come straight from Japan's Fukushima, where a stricken nuclear power plant is steadily leaking radioactivity, but the impact on Taiwan will be "minimal," said the Executive Yuan's Atomic Energy Council (AEC) in a forecast.

Again, technically true, in the most immediate sense of the present-term, but not really too far into the future.  Radiation is cumulative, and this isn't over. 

It shouldn't be too long before Japan's neighbors begin to..  express their..  uneasiness/ irritation/ disdain..  when contamination continues to rain down, unabated..  How long is too long?  No idea.  Could be next week, May, no later than June, but there's a pretty good chance this will happen. 

Continually unfolding situations will directly effect how quickly and how far Fukushima Event deteriorates before all radiation is contained.  Days?  Weeks?  Months?  Years?  We won't know 'til we know..

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