Tuesday, March 29, 2011

On Air Brain Scrambling Events: Happening More, Or Better Documented?

I don't know.  In the millions of hours of collected, recorded television/media footage throughout the course of the camera's invention, I'm sure lots of examples of these strokes or seizures or aphasia are out there, making their way onto various blooper reels, but I don't remember seeing any of them.  Not that I haven't seen some, or many, but as dramatic as these episodes are, I don't ever recollect specific incidents seen, or any memories about my reaction to that event, either..  I am sure, though, that I've never seen three of these events clustered this tightly(Considering The Grammys were six weeks ago..).  Odd, indeed.

My top three reasons/factors:  1.  Aspartame related Neurological Disorders.  2.  MK Ultra confusion.  3.  The Matrix is breaking down. 

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