Sunday, March 27, 2011

Japan Quake: Latest Updates, March 27, 2011/New Update: Japan is evacuating. Japan is finished

Video from The Cruise Ship Jobs Guru GuyThis is him now.  Rambling, intermittent weeping, anger..  It's all here, and it's sincere..  The evacuation notice is unofficial, of course--He's telling the world what his acquaintances are doing.  This is now Life in Tokyo:  Isolation, unreliable knowledge, massive Unknowns, not knowing What's Next, Helplessness, and palpable Tension and Fear.  Those poor people..

Woes deepen over radioactive water at nuke plant, sea contamination  From Kyodo News.  Excerpts:

Japan on Sunday faced an increasing challenge of removing highly radioactive water found inside buildings near some troubled nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi plant, with the radiation level of the surface of the pool in the basement of the No. 2 reactor's turbine building found to be more than 1,000 millisieverts per hour.

Exposure to such an environment for four hours would raise the risk of dying in 30 days. Hidehiko Nishiyama, spokesman for the government's nuclear safety agency, said the figure is ''quite high'' but authorities must find a way to pump out the water without sending workers too close to push ahead with the restoration work.

Plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. said the concentration of radioactive substances of the puddle was 10 million times higher than that seen usually in water in a reactor core, but later decided to reanalyze the data because it found some errors.  (Again with the vague bullshit..)

Meanwhile, Tokyo Electric, known as TEPCO, is studying whether highly toxic plutonium is contained in the soil of the plant. The No. 3 reactor was using plutonium-uranium mixed oxide fuel for so-called ''pluthermal'' power generation.

Fukushima crisis could stretch into ‘months, years’  From RawStory.  Excerpts:

Japan appeared resigned on Monday to a long fight to contain the world's worst atomic crisis in 25 years after high radiation levels complicated work at its crippled nuclear plant.

Radiation at the plant has soared in recent days: latest readings at the weekend showed contamination 100,000 times normal in water at reactor No. 2 and 1,850 times normal in the nearby sea.
"It's very worrying ... there is something seriously wrong (at No. 2)," said Rianne Teule, a nuclear expert for environmental group Greenpeace based in South Africa.

Under-pressure plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) conceded what experts have long been saying: that Japan now faces a protracted and uncertain operation to contain overheating fuel rods and prevent a meltdown.

Further afield, beyond the evacuation zone around Fukushima, there has been plenty of evidence of radiation -- from tap water in Tokyo 240 km (150 miles) south of the nuclear facility to particles found as far away as Iceland.   This is not a fucking "local event."  This is not a "local event."  Do--You--Understand?

No, the Amount of Radiation Released from the Japanese Nuclear Reactors is NOT "Safe"  From Washington's Blog.  Excerpts, and his links, too:

Tyler Durden points out that - when you consider the fact that the amount of Caesium-137 released at Fukushima in the first 3-4 days of the crisis amounted to 50% that released by Chernobyl over 10 days - the real run rate of the radiation released at Fukushima is now about 120-150% the figure released by the Chernobyl explosion.

There are other signs of high levels radiation. See this and this. And it is important to remember that the amount of radioactive fuel at Fukushima dwarfs Chernobyl.

This Could Continue for a While..

Japan Nuclear crisis: Nuke plant radiation 10 million times high  Video from Indian television.

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