Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Couple Blind Item Pieces For You..

Because sometimes gossip is accurate.  Check out the comments for each.  In both instances, I do believe those commenting are correct.  Both have potentially huge implications.  I doubt, though, these stories will have "legs."  Both have more effective private implications or could be used as blackmail or manipulation, later.  Both found at Crazy Days and Nights:

Blind Item #1

I guess she is a celebrity now. Not sure what her title would be. Anyway, she definitely has A list name recognition. Actually she has A+ name recognition. Anyway, she has lost weight recently and says it is because of diet and exercise. Could be true, but the little pick me up powder she was wiping from her nose the other night is probably helping too and that famed LA weight loss drug Adderall.

Hint:  Name rhymes with "Nailin."  According to the comments, of course..  There are photos at the Daily Mail, if you'd like to Bing for yourself..

Today's Blind Items - Now We Know Why

This celebrity is A list in his field. He has had lots of romances, with lots of different women. Or he says he has at least. The only really documented celebrity relationship he has had was with this other A-lister from a different field. They were not together long. Wham bam kind of thing. He told her he wanted to wait until they were in a committed relationship before they did anything. So, they got into a committed relationship and he still couldn't do anything. Nothing. Nada. No amount of Viagra was ever going to raise his flag. When she decided to talk to him about it, our celebrity insisted he had no issues and that he was tired. Every night. Every day. Oh, he was also sick. When she kept asking, he would get more angry. Super violent. Spit flying out of his mouth angry. Turns out he really likes men but can't ever take the chance of ever being caught with one because it would ruin his career. End it. No more love and admiration. He actually hates when female fans touch him. Reminds him of his failures. One outburst where he swung at the A lister was enough for her to walk out the door. With a broken arm which she had to keep outside a cast because she had press to do. At night she would come home and put it in a sling and cry. Took an extra month to heal because of what she had to do to keep up appearances.

Hint:  Rhymes with "Menny Snezney" and "Kene Wellziger."  Flashback.

If these people didn't have massive right wing majority fan-bases, these items wouldn't nearly be as salacious.  But if you take their money, you must live by their code.  Still, I feel sorry for them:  They've run headlong into a confrontation between their desires and their public persona(s).  Ultimately, something will give.  And God help 'em when that happens..

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