Friday, September 14, 2012

Who made the anti-Muslim video? What L.A. County knows but is not saying.

Huh.  More intrigue surrounding this bunch of "Coptic Christians."  Raw Story.

A movie cannot shoot in Los Angeles County without a permit, and a permit makes public the names of the film’s writer, director, and producer.

This means that answers to the question of who was behind “Innocence of Muslims,” the anti-Muslim project that sparked a wave of mob violence across the Middle East and may have created the cover for a deadly attack on US diplomats in Libya, now appear to be in the hands of Los Angeles County officials. And they are not talking.

A US law enforcement official told the Associated Press Thursday that authorities believe that a 55-year-old Coptic Christian, a US citizen named Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, is behind the film. A convicted felon, Mr. Nakoula has changed his version of events numerous times in interviews with various news outlets.
On Thursday, after being contacted by both the FBI and the US State Department and on its legal counsel’s advice, the office of the CEO of L.A. County removed from public availability what has been confirmed as the permit issued to shoot at least part of the anti-Muslim film. Permits are normally available online and by request from the county.
Paul Audley, president of FilmL.A., the nonprofit group charged with issuing film permits for L.A. County, confirms that a permit was issued to Media for Christ, a conservative nonprofit based in Duarte, Calif., east of Pasadena, to shoot what eventually became “Innocence for Muslims.”

The permit was pulled for a project titled “Desert Warriors,” he says, but is quick to add, “We do not get involved with the content of a movie because that would get into issues of free speech.”

It was a single day permit – for Aug. 18, 2011 – and is filed with Los Angeles County under permit number F00043012.

Here's a weird thought:  What if  the "Libyan protest"/attack wasn't scheduled to coincide with the release of this "film," rather, the film was released(made known) to coincide with the scheduled attack?  Wouldn't that be a kick in the pants?  A logistical stretch, maybe..  But then again, maybe not!

Also:  All that filming in just one day?  Wow!  What an efficient production team!  This doesn't smell at all!  Thanks, Internets!

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