Saturday, August 18, 2012

Kuzushi (breaking opponent's balance)...

"Fiction" from Clif High at halfpasthuman.  Excerpts:

For another four years, in the heat of the lower bowels of New Yawk, Albert also looked inward, way deep....deep enough to see his crushed femur from the 'inside'. These looks inward were where his insatiable lust for the oblivion of alcohol and drugs could not reach. Way deep. Deeper in the soul than the place from which tears spring. Deeper in the soul than pain. Way deep.

It was the inward look that changed Albert. One hot summer day on a street whose number matters not, from a haze of alcoholic depression, he woke, and was Albert no more. From the deep look that had been begun by Albert, someone, something else emerged.

This someone else found himself saddled with a crushed Albert body that did not suit, so it changed it, slowly over time, with clear water, little food, punishing exercise. After a while, though still Albert-like, even the body was someone else. Something else.

Worth the read.  ADD?  Relax;  It's short.

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