Monday, April 16, 2012

Another Russian Chartered, German Ship Intercepted Delivering Weapons To Syria

The Back Channel Prelude to WW3 continues..  Zero Hedge.  Excerpts:

Two months ago we explained very diligently, why courtesy of the strategic Russian Naval base in Tartus, Syria, the Russian regime will never, repeat never, let the Syrian government be replaced by various insurgent forces (very much like in other parts of MENA(Middle East/North Africa), which now are suffering from an absolute political vacuum and even greater corruption in the aftermath of the Arabian Spring). Granted, while Ambassador Rice may say she is "disgusted" with the subsequent Security Council vote which courtesy of Russia and China halted a intervention in Syria based on unbiased media reports showing one side of the story, one can only imagine how disgusted the rest of the world may have be with the stupid placement of Iran in such close proximity to all those US army bases. Subsequently there were various reports of Russian troops arriving in Tartus, both confirmed and denied by Russia, which were promptly forgotten: after all distractions from other, far greater problems can not become too repetitive or else the general audience will habituate.

But all that was a month ago, and attention spans these days are short, so it is time to once again escalate, and sure enough yesterday the AP reported that Obama has approved an aid package to the Syrian rebels. Naturally, since this whole theater is all about severing strategic Russian national interests in the Mediterranean, and thus, into the Suez, Arabian Gulf, and ultimately Persian Gulf, German Spiegel reports of the immediate tat to America's tit..  as apparently yet another Russian-chartered, German ship has been intercepted carrying military equipment and munitions into Syria.

As the geo-political rankings continue to shuffle and re-shuffle, Syria remains near the top of the standings for "The country that, directly or indirectly, officially lights the fuse to all-out war."  Congratulations, Syria;  Your friends AND enemies must be so proud of their efforts!

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