Friday, February 3, 2012

Long Wave Astrology in February 2012 As Neptune Leaves Aquarius and Enters Pisces – Changing Global Mythologies In A 150 Year Dreamscape

Astrological History Happens Today.  From Robert Wilkinson's Aquarius Papers.  Excerpts: 

Neptune will re-enter Pisces on February 3, 11:03 am PST, 2:03 pm EST, 7:03 pm Greenwich. This begins a 14 year long, strange journey that will lead humanity along spiritual lines that happen only once every 164-180 years. It is also where we first turn the corner in a 500 year sub-Age that began 1888-1894.
Still, April and May gave us the first sense of the impending plunge into a great oceanic dreamscape that confronts humanity. In those months we got a front end experience of the larger collective atmosphere about to commence.
The end of Aquarius represents a culmination point of managed collective energies. It is where we go through spiritual transfigurations, emerge from a chrysalis, and transform our lives forever within a larger collective consciousness. Through Neptune we have all experienced this on some level, subtle or obvious.

It is a point where our understanding of ourselves as a collection of congealed light particles can be seen from a holistic angle of vision, where we see ourselves as “merest specks in the ocean of light.” Perhaps that’s why the reality of Light as the composing energetic factor in all material creation is now an accepted fact. All material creations derive from light, both in waves and particles. Those who have been open to these energies are now experiencing their “light nature,” whether they know it or not.
So as Neptune says goodbye to Aquarius for about 135 years, take a moment to reflect on the fact that you’ve now experienced the exact point of "the cusp of the Age," where our past 2000 year Age of Pisces will soon give way to the coming 2000 year Age of Aquarius. This is a profound moment in the past and future history of humanity, and by understanding what we’ve felt about our Higher Self and purpose these past 22 months, we’ve tuned into the very first impressions of the coming Great Age of Aquarius.

It all starts today!  Neptune has come home, and Pisces is In Full Effect.  Don't dream it:  Be it.

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