Monday, February 6, 2012

Eddie Long Apologizes to Jewish Group for King Ceremony

King what?  King Hypocritical Homophobe?  King DownLow?  King Kocksucker?  King Loonyhomo?  (The last one's my favorite, btw..)  Looks like we're headed for a psychotic break of some kind..  Megalomania much, "Bishop?" has some of the mystifying details..

After being named a king at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in January, Bishop Eddie Long has now abdicated his throne and apologized to the Anti-Defamation League for the dubious coronation ceremony where he was draped in an alleged “Holocaust Torah.” (Seriously, would you believe this if someone had written it?)

"The ceremony was not my suggestion, nor was it my intent, to participate in any ritual that is offensive in any manner to the Jewish community, or any group. Furthermore, I sincerely denounce any action that depicts me as a King, for I am merely just a servant of the Lord," Long wrote in a letter addressed to Bill Nigut, southeast regional director of the Anti-Defamation League, an organization that fights anti-semitism. (Respectfully, "Bishop," I call bullshit.  Every bit of this circus smacks of you!  Own it, baby..)

Some members of the Jewish community were outraged when a video of Long’s ceremony circulated on the Internet depicting Long being presented with Jewish scrolls alleged to date back 300 years and which were rescued from Auschwitz concentration camp during World War II. The ceremony was presided over by self-ordained Rabbi and Bible teacher Ralph Messer, who was visiting New Birth.

Nigut said he was "horrified" by the service, which had no roots in Jewish traditions.
And(Precursor/Stressor event):

Long has recently returned to the helm of his church after taking a leave of absence that coincided with his wife’s decision to file for divorce. Last year, Long also grabbed headlines for allegations of sexual abuse from several young men who were members of his Atlanta church.

This shocking bit Kraaazee! is a portent of something much larger, much more shocking, and much, much more Kraaaaaazzee!  He just can't help himself..  In whatever shape it assumes, the next Shoe is about to Drop..  And hard..  Poor Eddie.  Only the truth shall set you free.  Your truth?  You like dudes.  Get over it.

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