Thursday, December 1, 2011

Former GOP Sheriff of the Year Busted in Gay Sex-for-Meth Deal

From Gawker.  Excerpts: 

Patrick J. Sullivan Jr. was the beloved Republican sheriff of Arapahoe County, Colo., for nearly 20 years before he retired in 2002. In 2001, he was named national Sheriff of the Year. Yesterday he was arrested by the department he used to run for offering a man meth in exchange for sex.

I really do feel some degree of sympathy for this very conflicted man.  His Inner-Demons - Crazy Screaming Volume Control must be stuck on 11 and he can't turn it down..  So many instincts repressed and channeled elsewhere..  His tensions, now refined, made even more taut by his choice of occupation(with all accompanying  knowledge of Crime and Punishment and Societal Decay..  How far will we/he sink?).  A heretofore classic example of the extremes of duality one persona can assume:  The relentless crime fighter yin balanced by the meth smoking sodomite yang..  His inner dialogue; Chaos.  The last paragraph of Gawker's story is devastating in its irony: 

It's not clear whether Sullivan's love of meth-sex may have predated his retirement. He was booked into that Arapahoe County Jail, which also goes by the name Patrick J. Sullivan Jr. Detention Facility.

Here stands a man in shambles:  His law enforcement achievements forever overshadowed by the hypocrisy of his actions, a joke for late night comedians and lovers of schadenfreude everywhere.  A cautionary tale of repression and addiction.  A goddamned shame that his sexual orientation so shamed the man that he could only act upon his desires through the use of methamphetamines..

It's too bad his gay guilt drove his life to ruin..  Can you imagine the headline had he chosen otherwise?  "Nation's first gay National Sheriff Of The Year recounts his obstacles to the top."
Can you imagine the positive impact this man could have had had he just told the homophobes with their shame issues poisoning his mind to simply Fuck Off?  I hope this man finds peace.  I hope this man can rebuild his shattered foundations, rising to the task of making sense of the destruction his inner demons and behavior have caused.  It really is ok to be gay.  Hopefully, he can now understand and respond accordingly..  Good luck, Sheriff Sullivan.  Your near-term future will not be easy.

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