Friday, September 23, 2011

Skylab 2.0 (Zany-Random-Doom-Remix)..

Head's up!  Or not..  No worries, if you're in North America.Watch Out!  Head fake/Just kiddin'..  BAM!
So remember to keep looking up while hiding underneath something sturdy..  Real sturdy..

Meanwhile, I have a really hard time believing authorities have no way of knowing where the satellite will land, but they do know that it won't be North America..  The best mathematicians and scientists with all their advanced theorems and video and tracking technology can't tell us the trajectory of one satellite and its possible debris trails?  Maybe it is as simple as they say, and I'm the one overestimating the intellectual abilities of Earth's Scientific Elite.  That must be it.  I mean, seriously;  Not even an idea of potential landfalls?

Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean I can't see that maybe I'm too paranoid..  Or not.  The jury is still out..

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