Friday, August 12, 2011

Romney to angry fairgoers: ‘Corporations are people, my friend’

After watching this video(From Raw Story), I think this event is quite possibly The Beginning Of The End for Romney's whole campaign.  Short term, he did keep talking and succeeded in talking over some protesters, but he looked like the Say Anything Shape Shifting Politically Entitled Shill he has been and always will be.  I guess he assumes that by saying the money goes back into human hands, we will be awed and forget that that money won't be taxed at all, benefiting from corporate tax shelters in off shore banks.  Or that his actions as governor mirror that of Obama in Health Care Reform and Budget.  Or that the whole financial system is structured to favor wealth retention by the Super Rich.

He thinks everyone forgot those things, or never knew them in the first place.  (He did look a little shocked to actually be heckled..  In Iowa, of all places!) 

He's the "Front Runner."  Does he not realize the early Front Runner almost never gets the nomination?  Does he not realize he looks exactly like the Mouthpiece For The Rich that he is?  For Romney, this event will play a part as to why he won't get the nomination.

There will probably be no more uncontrolled press events for Mitt..  But the damage has been done.  It's on You Tube!  His campaign won't fold anytime soon;  What I'm saying is, when doing a backward analysis on Romney's 2012 Presidential campaign that sputtered out and died waay before the convention, this event will be highlighted as contributing to, or the actual Tipping Point downward for Romney's aspirations.

"Corporations are people, my friend" is a quote for the political ages.  It is too honest an admission, and that gaffe cannot be undone.  Later in life, it'll be the phrase Mitt Romney hears just around every corner, just before rounding every  corner, walkin' the halls, probably muttering, forever a Coulda Been.  The lies have faded.  The truth remains.  And Mitt continues to walk..

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