Friday, August 5, 2011

The beginning of the Fourth night of the Ninth Wave

Written back on July 13th, Calleman's analysis predicted the Fifth Day of the Mayan Ninth Wave would produce a global economic collapse.  I'm not saying anything more will happen from now until August 17th, when the Fifth Night begins, but don't be surprised if this does indeed happen, as momentum around the world continues to build.  First, excerpts from Calleman's article:

A couple of months ago I expressed my expectation that the Fifth day, beginning on July 31, 2011, will bring a global economic collapse, which would be the start of this end time scenario. What is going on now in this regard is that the European banks is still trying to find a solution for the Greek debt crisis by the end of July and a few days later, August 2, the decision will be made in the US whether to raise the lending ceiling or not. Meanwhile, increasing focus is placed on Italy, whose national debt in relationship to its GDP is almost as high (120%) as that of Greece (140%), but whose economy is seven times larger with correspondingly much larger potential consequences of a default on debt payments. A very delicate situation is thus already arising at the beginning of the fifth day and it remains to be seen if more money can be printed to avert a collapse.

Because it could be so painful a global financial collapse would seem to many to be a destructive event and hence not likely to occur in a period of light, a day. The economic system of the world is however probably the greatest obstacle to the development of unity consciousness that exists on our planet. I think it can even be said that a collapse of the world’s financial structure is a pre-requisite for us to be able to craft relationships of oneness between ourselves. For this reason it is not unlikely that such a collapse would occur in a day and then especially in the fifth day, which is the particular day that in the waves brings the breakthrough energy to the new frame of consciousness. Unity consciousness is thus likely to be perceived as a threat to many persons in economically dominant positions and this is part of the reason that so powerful media interests have sought to delude people about the Mayan calendar and postpone its true end date, October 28, 2011.

Around the world..

It's Friday night now, USA/CST.  We'll check back Sunday night when the Asian markets re-open.  Have a great weekend, and ride the Ninth Wave, babies..

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