Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Japan Update June 8, 2011

Totally “Fukushima‘ed” Continues  Great post from George Ure's Urban Survival..

Slowly, but surely, the officialdumb in Japan is leaking out what anyone with a good Geiger counter and knowledge of reactors has already concluded: Yes, there were three – count ‘em three meltdowns in Japan.

As we’ve reported before, a lot of fast-track Japanese execs who have been in places like Ohio and Fremont (to name just two) doing their equivalent to ‘time in the colonies” are now rethinking whether to return when time’s up here.

What we haven’t previously discussed, however, is the flip side which are the American exec’s in Japan. Like this reader who’s heading out – deciding as the subject line of his email put it – figure it’s now time to be “Pulling Up Stakes in Tokyo…”

Buy high, sell low. WTF? Yup, that’s how it works if you are getting back a security deposit on a foreign home. Five years ago we bought a boatload of yen at Y117/$ for our downtown Tokyo rental. Getting the deposit back this week at Y83/$. That’s an annual yield of about 7.2% Don’t think I could have played the stock market any better, especially during the past five years! Of course it’s a bit sadder when you change the perspective to realize that the dollar has lost over 7% per year in buying power.

We’re sad to leave Japan, minus the Fukushima fallout. This week the government released a model showing that Tokyo probably got a serious dusting of Fukushima fallout on the 15th of March. I remember that day, specifically, because it was clear and sunny, but quite breezy, two days before we were told to bug out. We had the windows open at work, and we got a bunch of very unusual debris that blew in and settled all over our desks and shelves. Having been a Scoutmaster for over 10 years, I’ve been around plenty of campfires when asshattery happens with plastic garbage. The fallout is a grayish snow that sticks to everything. That’s what blew in our window. Except instead of the normal campfire crap, which with all the di-methyl chickenwire dioxin is bad enough, this stuff was probably hotter and nastier. Wonder if my household goods shipment will trip a portal monitor in customs?

Ultimate irony is that that the kanji characters for Fukushima (??) mean “lucky-island.” Fukushima is neither, nor will Honshu be, if the meltdown drama continues.”
Much as we would like otherwise, I just don’t see any way around it continuing. Bummer.

Summer Brings New Problems Affecting Japan And World: Will Fukushima Cause International Higher Mortality Rates?  From Before It's News..  Excerpts:

Over the last fifty years it has become apparent that nuclear energy is full of dangers, some of which carry repercussions even greater than those produced by a nuclear weapon.  By way of their response to the disaster at Fukushima Daiichi, the nuclear industry, regulatory oversight committees, nuclear engineers, and leading scientific experts have failed the global community.  Their actions have proved that they continually underestimated the situation, and did not fully understand it before making crucial decisions.

The quantities of radiation released to date are unprecedented, say the Japanese government, and they are very sorry for having withheld important information.  They will also likely claim it “unprecedented” as people across the island nation and northern hemisphere are subjected to short and long term exposure to radioactive materials emitted from the power plants 3 reactors in full meltdown.

Melted Fuel at Fukushima May Have Leaked Through, Yomiuri Says  From Bloomberg via Rense.  Excerpts:

The melted fuel at Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear power station may have leaked through the pressure vessels of the Nos. 1 to 3 reactors, the Yomiuri newspaper reported.

The Japanese government will submit a report to the International Atomic Energy Agency that raises the possibility the fuel dropped through the bottom of the pressure vessels, a situation described as a “melt through” and considered more serious than a “meltdown,” according to the report, which cited the document.

5.77 Microsieverts/hr On Street Pavement Near Tokyo  You Tube via Before It's News.

Japan Plans Fundamental Change in Nuclear Rules, Regulator  Bloomberg.  Excerpts:

Japan plans a “fundamental revision” of its nuclear safety rules and will create an independent regulator to prevent a repeat of the disaster at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi atomic power station.

A report by the government last night also said a national debate is needed on the “whole concept of nuclear power generation,” indicating an energy policy that powered Japan after World War II into the ranks of the world’s leading economies is being questioned.

White House & NRC Recommend 50 Mile Fukushima Evacuation, Yet Insist US Safe With Only 10  Latest video from Arnie Gundersen, via Rense.

Independent probe launched into Japan's nuclear disaster  From New Kerala. 

According to the Japan Times, the panel headed by Yotaro Hatamura, a professor emeritus at the University of Tokyo, will analyze the incident with the objective of unveiling the "the true nature of the accident."

Huh..  Wait; what?  Cause, Impact, or Ramifications:  What exactly are they talking about?

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