Friday, June 3, 2011

Japan Update June 3, 2011

Japan's office casual going Super Cool  Japan hasn't the electricity to cool office buildings.  It's summer here in the Northern Hemisphere, and it's going to get hotter.  So business drones can now wear polo shirts!  Hotness, right?

Do you think by mid July they'll all be down to boxers and A shirts?

French research institute finds high radioactivity  NHK via Rense.  Excerpts:

A French independent radioactivity watchdog has found radiation in Fukushima Prefecture 60 times higher than the annual reference level for ordinary people recommended by an international commission.

The measurements and calculations found an annualized amount of 60 millisieverts at a farm in Iitate Village in the prefecture.

The level is 60 times higher than the annual limit for ordinary people, except for radiation workers, of 1 millisievert, recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection.

The researchers also found high radiation levels in Fukushima City. At some places in the city, the levels of radioactivity were 7 to 9 millisieverts a year.
TEPCO Live Fukushima Cam - With 30 Sec Delay!  According to Rense..
Wastewater rises, fears mount  NHK via Rense.
The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is struggling to remove pools of highly radioactive wastewater as fears of an overflow get more intense.
Tokyo Electric Power Company says wastewater levels rose around 6 centimeters inside the No.2 reactor turbine building, and in its utility tunnel, during the 24-hour period through Thursday morning.
Increases were also seen inside the No.3 and 4 reactor turbine buildings.
The water level in the utility tunnel is now just 28 centimeters from the surface outside the No.2 reactor, and 24 centimeters from the surface outside the No.3 reactor.
Magnitude 6.3 - OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN  Found it through Godlike Productions.
Fukushima Water Has More Radiation Than Released Into Air
The water level in basements and trenches at Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s Fukushima plant rose and may contain more radiation than is known to have been released into the atmosphere in the worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl.
The amount of contaminated water rose to about 105 million liters (28 million gallons) from 100 million liters on May 18, and may start overflowing after June 20, the company known as Tepco said in a statement today. Radiation in the water is estimated at 720,000 terabecquerels, general manager Junichi Matsumoto said at a media briefing in Tokyo.
"The risk of overflow is as serious as the meltdown of reactor fuel rods that's already happened," Tetsuo Ito, the head of the Atomic Energy Research Institute at Kinki University in western Japan, said in a phone interview. "Tepco should've acknowledged this risk weeks ago and could've taken any urgent measures."
What is this?  Genocidal malfeasance?  Extinction-Level-Negligence?  All the while, this Event continues to teeter on the verge of Global Disaster, as the rest of us continue to watch, and continue to wait.

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