Monday, June 13, 2011

Japan Update June 13, 2011

Fukushima I Nuke Plant Reactor 3 Gamma Camera Photos  Ex-SKF via Rense.

Japan’s Radiation Sleuths Toil With Borrowed Geiger Counters    Bloomberg.  Excerpts:

.More than three months after the biggest earthquake in Japan’s history and a 15-meter (40-foot) tsunami wrecked the Fukushima atomic power station, a picture emerges of ad-hoc responses to the crisis. In the days after the worst atomic disaster since Chernobyl, Tokyo Electric Power Co. was using fire hoses and makeshift pumps to try and cool the crippled reactors.

Tokyo Grows Green Curtains to Save Power  CNBC.  Excerpts:

The odd looking goya has long been a popular ingredient in Japanese cuisine, but Tokyoites are now growing the courgette-shaped bitter melon for reasons of energy conservation, not food.

Skylark, a restaurant chain, is cultivating the goya to create “green curtains” outside the windows of several hundred of its Tokyo eateries. The plants, it says, should form a natural shade to cool the interiors, reducing its reliance on air conditioners.

The government has called on companies and households in eastern Japan to reduce electricity consumption by 15 per cent this summer, as Tokyo Electric Power struggles to contain the nuclear crisis at its Fukushima power plant. Kansai Electric is also urging customers in western Japan to cut their electricity consumption by the same amount amid concerns that its nuclear plants might face delays in receiving approval to restart. (They will..)

Facts About Japan's Tsunami that You May Not Know  Associated Content.
Just two of several bullet points..

* If the power from the earthquake could have been made into usable energy, it would be able to power a city the size of Los Angeles for an entire year.

* It is believed that the tsunami wave that hit the shore of Japan was 77.4 feet high in one place.

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