Thursday, May 26, 2011

A very special election: Dems win NY-26

“Kathleen Courtney Hochul, the Erie County clerk and longtime Democratic figure who defied political experts who had given her little chance of success, ground out a stunning and surprisingly comfortable victory Tuesday in the special election for the House seat in the predominantly Republican 26th Congressional District,” the Buffalo News says. “The results marked a stunning defeat for the GOP in a contest that garnered intense national attention as the first competitive race following the Republican takeover of the House in last November's elections.” She said in her victory speech: "We had the issues on our side. We can balance the budget the right way and not on the backs of our seniors.”

Republicans frequently accuse Democrats of thinking too much in the abstract, or of dreaming if they think their proposals would actually work.  Republicans are guilty of a variant of this line of thinking:  Budget cutting in the abstract; not thinking of the emotional impact those cuts to Medicare would have, and how those genuinely dependent on such programs might react to this proposition.

Republicans seem genuinely Shocked that the public(especially the voting public) would freak out over them wanting to destroy Medicare!  And yes, to privatize Medicare with a voucher system will dilute each person's purchasing power(as profit considerations are ALWAYS considered), destroying the system on a spectacular, yet individual basis.  They really had no idea that people might get really angry when Wall Street financial thieves are reaping record profits, or that the oil industry gets massive subsidies and faces no consequences for the cataclysmic fuck ups they incur, while they, their children, or their parents/grandparents have to pay even more for services they already paid for!  Or that that program might be dismantled by people who'll never have to worry about their health care ever again!

They really thought things were cool..  They are so entitled, so out of touch with a majority of those depend upon for support, this was bound to happen, sooner or later.  They are so dependent on monies from the aforementioned corrupt and bloated entities, eliminating subsides for them isn't even a consideration.  By wanting to gut Medicare and leave Oil and Wall Street intact, Republicans have shown whose allegiance they serve. This is a big deal for both parties. 

And this will Not Go Away. 

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