Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Japan Updates: May 10, 2011

Radiation Detected At Japan Nuke Plant's Reactor Building RTT News.  Excerpts:

Japan's Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power plant, knocked out in the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, has been found to have increased levels of radiation inside one of its damaged reactor buildings, reports said on Monday.

According to its operator Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO), radiation levels of 600-700 millisieverts were detected on the first floor of reactor one building. Radiation levels though measured 280 millisieverts inside the building's southern entrance. However, radiation exposure limit for workers has been pegged at 250 millisieverts per year.

After being disabled by the catastrophe, the power station has been letting out radiation into the air and sea.

U.S.-Japan joint survey reveals high radiation beyond evacuation zoneasahi.com.  Excerpts:

The first map of ground surface contamination within 80 kilometers of the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant shows radiation levels higher in some municipalities than those in the mandatory relocation zone around the Chernobyl plant.

The map, released May 6, was compiled from data from a joint aircraft survey undertaken by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and the U.S. Department of Energy.

It showed that a belt of contamination, with 3 million to 14.7 million becquerels of cesium-137 per square meter, spread to the northwest of the nuclear plant.

After the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, those living in areas with more than 555,000 becquerels of cesium-137 per square meter were forced to relocate. However, the latest map shows that accumulated radioactivity exceeded this level at some locations outside the official evacuation zones, including the village of Iitate and the town of Namie.

"I am surprised by the extent of the contamination and the vast area it covers," said Tetsuji Imanaka, assistant professor of nuclear engineering at the Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute.

TEPCO submits compensation aid request to govt  Yahoo.  Excerpts:

The president of TEPCO on Tuesday submitted a request for Japanese government aid in compensating those affected by its stricken nuclear power plant, as the utility said it faced funding problems.

Presenting the request to trade and industry minister Banri Kaieda, Masataka Shimizu told reporters that TEPCO would undertake bold restructuring measures to help pay for damages caused by the world's worst nuclear accident for 25 years.

Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO) said in the submitted document that the company faced "an extremely severe situation regarding fund-raising such as loans from financial institutions, not to mention bond issuance."

What will the government do when TEPCO fully implodes? 

Good news.  Make it happen Soon..  Japanese Power Company Agrees to Reactor Shutdown  Excerpts:

A power company in central Japan says it is suspending operations at the country's fourth largest nuclear power station until it makes safety improvements. Monday's announcement comes after Japan's Prime Minister asked the plant to halt operations because of concerns over the facility's vulnerability to earthquakes and tsunami.

The Hamaoka plant of Chubu Electric Power sits on the Pacific coast in an area that seismologists say is long-overdue for a massive earthquake. By one government estimate, there is an 87 percent chance that a quake of magnitude eight or higher will strike in the next 30 years.

Chubu Electric President Akihisa Mizuno announced the decision at a news conference. Mizuno says the company has decided to stop reactors 4 and 5 and postpone plans to restart reactor 3, which is currently stopped for maintenance.

Radioactive mountain tops  Natural News.  Longish article.  Worth the read.  Excerpts:

Several Japanese are crying out about what is going on in Japan. Hirose Takashi is telling us that, "The nuclear power plants in Japan are aging rapidly; like cyborgs, they are barely kept in operation by a continuous replacement of parts. And now that Japan has entered a period of earthquake activity and a major accident could happen at any time, the people live in constant state of anxiety."

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