Friday, March 18, 2011

Japan Quake: Latest Updates, March 18, 2011

Nuclear crisis: Inside Fukushima's exclusion zone.    From BBC. 

The video is horrible:  You are looking at soon to be dead people.  No one's coming for them, and they know it.  For these people, it will be at once a quiet, reflective, gray, inevitable, angry, numbed, and yet, at times, a beautiful and poignant passing.  But what's left of the streets will remain quiet, as they are now, as they will be when the last one goes..  Each individual, microcosm, and town shuts down at roughly the same time.  Recent and terrible events have shocked them into quiet.  Ultimately, the radiation will still them.

These people are the tragedy of "not with a bang; but a whimper.."

Physicist: "What They Are Doing Is Basically Using Squirt Guns Against a Raging Forest Fire" ... Japanese Should Use the Chernobyl Approach Instead  From awesome sauce  Washington's Blog..

It's not effective, because the workers cannot get close enough to put water here. That's why I would personally advocate the Chernobyl option. Do what Gorbachev did, call out the Japanese air force, get the army to bring a fleet of helicopters armed with sand, boric acid and concrete, entomb it, bury it in concrete.

Japan nuclear plant: exposed to the elements - nuclear fuel in meltdown

Open to the elements after its walls were blown away, this is the dried-up storage pool where overheating fuel rods are threatening a nuclear meltdown at Japan's stricken Fukushima power plant.

Close-up pictures of the devastated No 4 reactor building show the gaping hole through which radiation is escaping into the atmosphere as the rods break down.
A week after the Fukushima Daiichi plant was crippled by the earthquake and tsunami, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said the situation remained "very serious". Graham Andrew, the scientific and technical adviser at the UN safety body, said there had been "no significant worsening" of the situation, but the No 4 unit remained "a major safety concern".
Photographs taken from an aircraft by an employee of the company which owns the power station showed for the first time the full extent of the damage to the reactor units, three of which suffered explosions following a failure of its cooling system.

In unit No 4, a whole wall is missing from the area where spent fuel rods are stored while they cool to a safe temperature.

Inside the building, a green-painted crane, which is normally used to move the fuel rods, caught the daylight flooding into the hall.

Beneath the crane, just out of shot, is the pool holding the fuel rods, which should contain water 45ft deep but which has now boiled dry.

Nuclear Emergency - Fukushima nuclear reactor - JAPAN LIES !!!! 15-03-2011 WE WANT THE  This guy shows the media blackout happening in Japan.  He did a good job holding his anger, but it's there, and he's correct:  The Japanese deserve the truth, whatever that truth is.  He asks that you spread his video, so help me spread it, please..

The Ongoing Events at the Fukushima Dai'ichi Nuclear Plant No. 1  Two days old now, so outdated, but a great background for understanding how the situation has grown and mutated.

VIDEO: TEPCO Releases New Aerial Footage of Crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Reactors  From Bradblog.

New aerial footage released by Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) today details even more of the extensive damage to numerous reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant following explosions at reactor Units 1 through 4 which occurred in the days following last weekend's record earthquake and tsunami.

Radioactivity found in airline passengers landing in U.S.  From The Examiner.

The New York Post reports that passengers who deplaned flights that had originated in Tokyo triggered radiation detectors in two major U.S. airports.

The flights, which arrived yesterday in Dallas and Chicago, both had passengers who showed low levels of radiation. This was detected when the individuals passed through customs.

Swedish Government: Radiation To Cover Entire Northern Hemisphere  From Prison Planet.  Found it on Before it's News..

Suggesting that levels of radiation leaks from the stricken Fukushima plant are being grossly under reported by Japanese authorities, a Swedish government agency told Reuters today that not only will the radiation reach North America, but it will subsequently cover the entire northern hemisphere.
Stressing that the levels were not dangerous for people, he predicted the particles would continue across the Atlantic and eventually also reach Europe.”
Experts are correct in assuming that the initial waves of radiation will be low, but expect levels to rise in subsequent days as the effects of the three blasts to impact the Fukushima facility, which occurred on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, manifest themselves in the form of increased radiation injected into the atmosphere.

Radiation Spread Seen; Frantic Repairs Go On  From The New York Times.

The first readings from American data-collection flights over the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in northeastern Japan show that the worst contamination has not spread beyond the 19-mile range of highest concern established by Japanese authorities.

But another day of frantic efforts to cool nuclear fuel in the troubled reactors and in the plant’s spent-fuel pools resulted in little or no progress, according to United States government officials.

Japanese officials said that they would continue those efforts — including spraying one of the reactors with water cannons on Friday afternoonbut that they were also racing to restore electric power to the site to get equipment going again, leaving open the question of why that effort did not begin days ago, at the first signs that the critical backup cooling systems for the reactors had failed.

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