Friday, January 14, 2011

Epic Flooding: Brazil Edition

Brazil Flood Disaster Kills Hundreds Excerpts:

Torrential rain this week has triggered deadly
flash flooding and landslides in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro, leaving a death toll of at least 348 as of Thursday.

two hardest-hit cities were Teresopolis and Novo Friburgo, located in the highlands north and northeast of the city of Rio de Janeiro.

Cloudbursts pelting already-saturated ground triggered walls of water that reportedly burst through homes as people slept. Whole families died and hundreds of homes were either swept away or buried beneath earth and rock.

Weather observations from the area show rainfall of 3 to 6 inches,
or 75 to 150 mm, beginning Tuesday. But Metsul,
an online weather blog, indicated that rainfall may have reached 12 inches, or 300
mm, within a few hours at both Teresopolis and Novo Friburgo, during the disastrous height of the event.

Brazilian Gallery here: Australian update here: Bonus: Short term economic impact to Australia and its trading partners. Another possible explanation for the continuing and widespread weather weirdness here.

These really are the "interesting times" the cookie spoke of.

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