Burglar Cuts Self on Glass Breaking Into Home, Dies. Let X=X. Gawker. Excerpts:
A bizarre story out of northern Vermont began to unfold Wednesday night after police were alerted to a man found dead inside the kitchen of an unoccupied house in Burke.
Authorities say the man, identified as 73-year-old Duwayne Masure of Sutton, broke into the home and was preparing to burglarize it, but didn't get very far. Masure cut himself on glass shards while climbing in through the back window and subsequently bled to death.
Burgling unoccupied houses ain't no way to live your life, young man..
Infamous for his prediction of the great recession, Europe's demise, and the collapse of the US financial system (as well as profiting extremely handsomely from said predictions), so well captured in Michael Lewis' book "The Big Short", UCLA's Dr. Michael Burry undertakes UCLA's Economics Department's commencement speech with much aplomb. In this "age of infinite distraction", the astounding truthiness of this 15 minute speech is stunning fromsingle-sentence summation of Europe's convulsions that "when the entitled elect themselves, the party accelerates, and the brutal hangover is inevitable" he reminds us that Californians, and indeed all Americans, should take note.A quarter-of-an-hour well spent from a self-described 'chicken-little' who was "just trying to figure it all out".
Another clear-eyed warning to be ignored, yeah? It's not like this collapse is already in motion or anything..
June 23, 2012 – GULF OF MEXICO-It’s quite likely that the fourth tropical cyclone of the North Atlantic Hurricane Season is brewing in the southern Gulf of Mexico, more specifically, in the Yucatan Channel. The Yucatan Channel lies between Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula and western Cuba. Tropical depressions seem to have a habit of forming on weekends, and this low appears to be following that habit. On Friday, June 22 at 0900 UTC (5 a.m. EDT), System 96L was located near 22.5 North and 89.5 West, near the north coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. The GOES-13 satellite continually monitors the eastern U.S. and provides updated visible and infrared imagery. An image from June 22 at 1601 UTC (12:01 p.m. EDT) shows a large low pressure area near the Yucatan’s northern coast with disorganized showers and thunderstorms. In the image, some of the thunderstorms near the center of the low appear to be higher than the surrounding clouds, which indicates they are higher and stronger. The National Hurricane Center (NHC) noted that atmospheric pressure on the surface continues to fall, indicating that the low pressure area is intensifying. Forecasters at NHC give System 96L a 70 percent chance of becoming the fourth tropical depression of the Atlantic Hurricane season, sometime over the weekend. Meanwhile, System 96L is expected to move slowly northward into the Gulf of Mexico this weekend (June 23-24). The NHC notes “Interests along the entire United States Gulf Coast should monitor the progress of this disturbance through the weekend. Heavy rains and localized flooding are possible across the Yucatan peninsula, western Cuba, and southern Florida through Saturday.”
Ankara, Turkey:Syria said Friday it shot down a Turkish military plane that entered Syrian air space, and Turkey vowed to "determinedly take necessary steps" in response. It was the most clear and dramatic escalation in tensions between the two countries,which used to be allies before the Syrian revolt began in March 2011.Turkey has become one of the strongest critics of the Syrian regime's brutal response to the country's uprising. Late Friday, Syria's state-run news agency, SANA, said the military spotted an "unidentified aerial target" that was flying at a low altitude and at a high speed. "The Syrian anti-air defenses counteracted with anti-aircraft artillery, hitting it directly," SANA said. "The target turned out to be a Turkish military plane that entered Syrian airspace and was dealt with according to laws observed in such cases." Turkey issued a statement Friday night following a two-hour security meeting led by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, saying Syrian forces downed the plane and that the two Turkish pilots remain missing. It said Turkey"will determinedly take necessary steps" in response, without saying what those actions would be. "Following the evaluation of data provided by our related institutions and the findings of the joint search and rescue efforts with Syria, it is understood that our plane was downed by Syria," the statement said, without providing other details. Relations between Turkey and Syria were already tense before the downing of the F4 plane on Friday. Turkey has joined nations such as the U.S. in saying that Syrian President Bashar Assad should step down because of the regime's brutal suppression of the uprising in his country. Turkey also has set up refugee camps on its border for more than 32,000 Syrians who have fled the fighting. Syria and Turkey have expelled each other's ambassadorsand Syria has accused Turkey of supporting Syrian opposition and even allowing Syrian rebels to operate out of Turkish soil.Turkey strongly denies the allegations.
Syria now takes the lead in the category "Global Flashpoint/Global War." Also, could Syria and Turkey actually be geo-political"frenemies?"
Clif High, mastermind behind the Webbot project, has a new podcast out, and it's freely available. Coupled with Courtney Brown's Far Sight Institute, Clif has a new, unifying theory involving Remote Viewing and his own Shape Of Things To Come data, and said theory is BIG, like destructo-sized space rocks splashing down in the Pacific, flood wrecking worldwide coastlines, and possibly/probably washing away a lot of inland sites everywhere, too, BIG. From Halfpasthuman..
"Important for humans who live in coastal areas of earth. Podcast available free at clif's wujo page. Distribute the idea to all who will listen. If you need to validate this with our old reports, please visit the web bot forum and ask there, before asking us for copies. After listening to the wujo, you will understand we are going to be very busy tending to our own local needs. At this point i grant anyone freedom to distribute any of our old reports as universe demands. Time is short."
So there you go. Believe it or don't. But if you feel the least bit intrigued, listen to the podcast and hit Courtney Brown's site. I'm not even 15 percent in, but I've been following the webbots since 2003, and the recurring themes Clif mentions in his podcast have been around since then. Clif High is a genius, and the accuracy of his algorithms are much better than chance, but much more research is needed. There have been way too many bot hits to be dismissed, and if his data overlays with Brown's remote viewing data to provide a much clearer future view; So be it. Go read for yourself or don't. Consider this passed on, but with emphasis. If you don't know who Clif High is, you really should check him out; Now.
Fuel assembly removal was slated for late 2013. Now they're moving it up by one year? I wonder what factors changed their risk assessment and resulting actions?Japan Today.Excerpts:
Workers at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant will begin removing fuel rods from a damaged reactors a year ahead of schedule, a government minister said Thursday, a move to address concerns about the risk of a new quake that could cause a further accident and scatter more radioactive debris. “We would like to start taking out undamaged fuel this year. Preparation is now under way,” Japan’s nuclear crisis minister, Goshi Hosono, told Reuters in an interview. “Doing it quickly is important. But we also have to make sure those workers out there, who are struggling under harsh conditions, will not be endangered by trying to move things fast.”(Fast, like the earthquake happened 15 months ago and we're just now getting around to dealing with Reactor 4's Spent Fuel Pool fast? That fast?)
Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO), operator of the plant, had said in April it aimed to begin removing the fuel rods from the No. 4 reactor at the end of next year. That would have left large quantities of radioactive fuel rods outside the protection of strong containment vessels for two and a half years after the accident. Experts say the fuel rods, now covered only by water and a white plastic tarp,could present a risk of a knock-on accident if the reactor building collapsed or the water supply used to keep the rods cool were disrupted by another earthquake.
Some 1,535 fuel assemblies—enough uranium fuel rods to power three reactors—are being stored in a poolatop the mangled No. 4 reactor building.The reactor, which was shut down for maintenance at the time of the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami, was badly damaged by a series of powerful explosions that followed the disaster as power was cut off to the plant. Hosono said last month during a visit to the Fukushima plant that he expected workers to begin removing fuel from the No. 4 reactor’s storage pool next year. Work began in April to raise what amounts to a giant tent over the building to keep radioactive dust from scattering during the transport of the fuel rods.
TEPCO says its analysis shows the No.4 reactor building would hold up in a strong earthquake. ButJapanese safety regulators ordered TEPCO to recheck its findings last month after measurements showed one of the walls of the reactor building was buckling out by about 3 centimeters.
This rescheduling and actual start of fuel assembly removal is really fast action coming from TEPCO. Alarmingly fast. This situation bears watching..
Starving Greeks queued around the block for free food handouts yesterday as the country's politicians managed to end a crippling stalemate to form a coalition government. Young children as well as the elderly waited in line in Athens to collect the parcels of fruit and vegetables donated by farmers from Crete to help ease the devastating austerity faced by many Greeks. But as hungry people collected food, a few miles away a new conservative-led alliance was formed, vowing to renegotiate the country's strict European bailout in a bid to breath economic life back into the debt-stricken country.
Don't forget, Merkel has already stated she Will Not Re-Negotiate any terms of Greece's bailout. It's all theater on Samaras' part; Greece's harsh realization in three.. Two..
Conservative Antonis Samaras was sworn in as prime minister and head of a three-party coalition that will uphold the country's international bailout commitments. In the hot seat: New Prime Minister Antonis Samaras vowed to rescue Greece's economy as he spoke for the first time after being sworn in to office at the presidential palace The move ends a protracted political crisis that had cast grave doubt over the country's future in Europe's joint currency and threatened to plunge Europe deeper into a financial crisis with global repercussions. Samaras, an American-educated 61-year-old economist, was sworn in three days after his party won the second national elections in six weeksbut without enough votes to form a government on its own. His New Democracy party will join forces with the socialist PASOK party, which came in third place, and the smaller Democratic Left led by Fotis Kouvelis. Discussions on the lineup of ministers were expected to be completed by Wednesday night. ‘I will ask the new government that will be formed tomorrow to work hard so that we can offer tangible hope to our people,’ Samaras told reporters as he left the presidential mansion. Greek stocks rose marginally in response to the news, with Athens shares closing up 0.5 percent, limiting earlier gains. The new prime minister was to meet with outgoing Finance Minister Giorgos Zanias, PASOK head Evangelos Venizelos and Kouvelis on Wednesday evening. All three parties broadly back Greece's pledges to bailout creditors for further austerity and reforms,although they have pledged to renegotiate some of the terms for the rescue loans.
Again, Merkel and the rest of Germany will not budge. The Greeks will only bring back bad news. How long will this coalition last?
Royal Bank of Scotland, Lloyds Banking Group and Barclays are all in line for a downgrade by ratings agency Moody’s over fears the eurozone crisis threatens their stability.In a move that would cost financial institutions billions of pounds and could have a knock-on effect on the cost of credit to business and consumers, Moody’s is set to push some banks down two notches, sources said. Moody’s will also downgrade a number of the biggest banks around the world, it was claimed, a decision that would show how the eurozone sovereign debt crisis is hitting all areas of global finance. The cuts are part of a wider review by Moody’s of the global banking sector that Sky News said is likely to be unveiled tonight after the US market closes.The downgrades, which are expected to range in scope from one notch to three notches, will follow joint efforts by the Bank of England and Treasury to boost cash flows in Britain’s banks through a multi billion pound cheap loan scheme. The banking industry has been hit by higher funding costs as the eurozone troubles escalated and has been hoarding money for fear of another worrying phase in the crisis.
And U.S. banks aren't immune,either.. This from the L.A. Times. Excerpts:
U.S. banks hammered with downgrades: Moody’s Investors Service lowered the credit ratings of 15 the world’s largest banks late Thursday, including Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs, saying their long-term prospects for profitability and growth are shrinking. The ratings agency said it was especially concerned about banks with significant financial markets businesses because those markets have become so volatile.
The global effects of this round of downgrades should be a large portion CNBC's jabber-talky today, but probably not scary enough for Rick Santelli to shit his pants on-air. Although that day is coming, it probably won't be Friday.. When that day comes, don't worry, though: I will be posting video!
Ocean X team returns from their first expedition investigating the mysterious object they discovered in the Baltic Sea. The expedition was supposed to provide answers, but instead yielded yet more questions. It has also broadened the minds of those involved! [Peter Lindberg, Treasure Hunter]: “We have experienced things that I really couldn’t imagine and I have been the team's biggest skeptic regarding these different kind of theories.I was kind of prepared just to find a stone or cliff or outcrop or pile of mud but it was nothing like that, so for me it has been a missing experience I must say.”(Chinese translation, maybe? I don't know what a "missing experience" is..) The team were completely dwarfed by the mysterious object, which is about 60 meters in diameter and lying almost 80 meters down on the bottom of the Baltic Sea. There are visible formations on top of the object, which are set at a 90 degree angle and look like passageways or walls, as well as something that looks like it could be a staircase.The divers also found a hole about 25 centimeters in diameter, though it is not yet known where it leads. In addition, they found circular forms of small rocks that appear to have been placed like a pearl necklace. Geologists who follow their work haven´t been able to explain what it is yet. .. Also, some strange phenomenon occurred… A main objective of the dive was to film the object,and yet the camera stopped working when they approached the object. [Stefan Hogerborn, Professional Diver]: “Why isn’t anything working, anything electric out there and the satellite phone as well stopped working when we were above the object and then we got away about 200 meters and it turned on again and when we got back over the object it didn’t work so that’s kind of strange as well.” Mr Hogerborn says he has never experienced anything like this during his 20 years as a professional diver. Dennis Åsberg of the Ocean X team is one hundred percent sure after the first expedition that they have found something quite unusual. [Dennis Åsberg, Treasure Hunter]: "I am one hundred percent convinced and confident that we have found something that is very, very, very unique.Then if it is a meteorite or an asteroid or a volcano or a base from, say, a U-boat from the Cold War which has manufactured and placed there, yes, or if it's a UFO, well honestly it has to be something." Lab results will be forthcoming, and a second expedition is already planned to depart in two weeks.
Every new discovery adds to the intrigue.. Oh, Baltic anomaly, I love your mysterious ways! Will you please turn out to be something much larger and cooler than our limited imaginations can fathom? Also, if you could, please don't be the property of some race of jerk ass aliens with a taste for human flesh! Inter-galactic hugs and kisses! -L-
Maybe it's hungry. I found this onThe Truth Behind The Scenes. But this video is a longer one than the link from You Tube. What is the entity capable of reflecting plasma ejections back onto the Sun's surface?
Total Death Star vibe comin' off this sphere, no? Seriously; What is this?
Dark, yes; But Doomy? Yes, well; That too.. The Economic Collapse, via The Extinction Protocol. First and last paragraphs:
June 20, 2012– ECONOMY– Yes, it is officially time to start freaking out about the global economy. The European financial system is falling apart and it is going to go down hard.If Europe was going to be saved, it would have happened by now. The big money insiders have already pulled their funds from vulnerable positions and they are ready to ride the coming chaos out.Over the next few months, the slow motion train-wrecks currently unfolding in Europe will continue to play out and things will likely really start really heating up in the fall, once summer vacations are over. And: Restated for effect.. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has declared thatGermany will not budge at all on the terms of the Greek bailout.If you are looking for some kind of a global financial miracle; you can stop watching. If European leaders had a master plan to save Europe, they would have shown it by now. The entire house of cards is starting to come down and things are going to get really messy. A lot of people both in the United States and in Europe are going to lose their jobs and their homes over the next few years.It is likely that the next recession will be even more painful than the last one was.
Our global financial inter-connected-ness will come as a big shock to many people. Also shocking will be the lack of preventative monetary firewalls that could have averted this looming crisis.
There's a sad symmetry to the simultaneous descent-into-death situations of both Mubarak and Old Egypt. They both feel so interwoven, so inevitable, approaching rapidly.. It's almost like it had to go down this way.
What happens when Mubarak dies? Nothing? Will the Military and Muslim Brotherhood come to terms without violence? Will it be a symbolic opening for escalating, countrywide conflict? Utter chaos broadcast live?
Egypt’sformer president Hosni Mubarak is close to death, conflicting previous state news agency reports that he was “clinically dead,” Egyptian military sources said in the early hours of Wednesday. The 84-year-old is said to have had a stroke and was moved from prison to life support in an army hospital, where he is believed to be in a coma and on life support,according to Egyptian military sources. But they said he was not “clinically dead,” as briefly reported by the state news agency. Egyptian Nile TV, a state-owned news channel, has reported that attempts continue to be made to revive Mubarak. The former president has been portrayed as being in poor health by officials for the past year, arriving in court on a stretcher during a trial for his role in the killings of demonstrators who helped overthrow him during last year’s uprising. He was found guilty of the charges on June 2 and sentenced to life imprisonment. Since then, Mubarak’s legal team has been pressing to have him moved from the prison hospital to a better-equipped facility, saying he was not receiving adequate treatment for his condition. However, prison authorities previously refused to let him seek treatment elsewhere. Doctors defibrillated Mubarak twice earlier this month, and there were reports saying he was suffering from bouts of depression, high blood pressure and shortness of breath. On Tuesday evening, two security sources told Reuters news agency he had suffered a heart attack and stroke and was in a coma. They said he was finally to be moved to Cairo’s Maadi military hospital. Shortly afterward, the state news agency, in a report echoed by a hospital source at Maadi, said Mubarak was “clinically dead” - a condition normally defined by the lack of heartbeat and breathing and one from which patients can be revived. However, General Said Abbas, a member of the ruling military council, later told Reuters that, while Mubarak had suffered a stroke,“any talk of him being clinically dead is nonsense.”
Another military source saidhe was on life support: “He is completely unconscious. He is using artificial respiration.” A third military source described the former leader as “almost stable,” without elaborating. Meanwhile, a medical source told AFP news agency: “Mubarak is not clinically dead … He is in a coma and the doctors are trying to revive him.” “He has been placed on an artificial respirator,” the source added, in an account that was confirmed by a member of Egypt’s ruling military council, who spoke to AFP on condition of anonymity. Egypt’s state television carried a ticker item saying Mubarak was in “a coma and is not clinically dead.” General Mamdouh Shaheen, of the military council, told CNN: “His health is deteriorating and he is in critical condition.” Al Arabiya television said Mubarak’s wife Suzanne had arrived at Maadi hospital. Private television al-Hayat broadcast video which it said was of Mubarak being moved. The images showed a patient on a stretcher being transferred from an ambulance into hospital. There has been no clear statement from independent medical experts on what ails him, though state media has reported a variety of illnesses from shortage of breath to heart attacks. Political backdrop The news of his failing health comes againsta backdrop of renewed tension over Egypt’s difficult transition, with both candidates in a key presidential vote that wrapped up on Sunday claiming victory in the poll.
The Muslim Brotherhood said their candidate Mohammed Mursi had won the run-off vote in the early hours of Monday morning, and on Tuesday provided what they said were certified copies of ballot tallies to bolster their claims. But Mursi’s rival Ahmed Shafiq, Mubarak’s last prime minister, has also claimed a victory, with his campaign accusing the Brotherhood of issuing false figures and insisting official results scheduled Thursday will declare him president.
CNN interviewed an Egyptian pundit/expert whose name I didn't see that said there's a possibility when they say "clinically dead" they might mean the very different "brain dead." There might be a translation problem. Maybe; Maybe not. Either way, it shouldn't be too much longer..
Here's the thing: I haven't seen this anywhere else(Yet) and therefore isn't fully verified. But look at the photos and tell me they're not from the same event. Whatever is happening in China looks to be big. Big. Above Top Secret.Excerpts - More Pictures at the link:
I work in the marine industry and I occasionally get some emails that are what you might term (not mainstream media worthy)…when in fact they are. Today I received an email about a pipeline rupture in China. I have NOT seen any of these pictures or heard anything on the news about this.To my knowledge, this occurred a couple of weeks ago and is still on going. IMO this puts BP’s Deep Water Horizon to shame. This information needs to get out; it is crazy that this has not received the same attention.I am trying to verify this from other sites but I can’t from work as all websites that are owned by China are blocked in my company (and I’m at work). Maybe some of you can help here and spread this. There are quite a few pictures below.
Actually, I've tried posting pictures twice, with no luck. I blame blogger gremlins. Or Society. Go to the link. If this isn't a hoax, it is a multi-tiered, ongoing, full on Enviornmental Catastrophe.
**UPDATE** My non-paid, but very thorough fact checker has declared this event is from 2010. It happened, but is not recent. Thank you, Maria!
A twofer fromThe Extinction Protocol.Any guesses as to what country starts exploding first? Syria, or Iran? Funny how no one's talking about just Iran anymore.. With Russia and China firmly in the mix, things is gettin' more real by the day, huh? The whole thing:
June 19, 2012 – MIDDLE EAST –Iran, Syria, Russia and China are planning the “biggest-ever wargames in the Middle East,” according to an unconfirmed report on the semi-official Iranian news site Fars News. According to the article, the four countries are preparing 90,000 troops, 400 aircraft and 1,000 tanks for the massive joint maneuvers, which are to take place along the Syrian coast within a month. The report states that Russian “atomic submarines and warships, aircraft carriers and mine-clearing destroyers as well as Iranian battleships and submarines will also arrive in Syria” and that Egypt has agreed to let 12 Chinese warships cross the Suez Canal for the exercises. The IDF spokesman’s office called the report a “political matter” and declined to comment. Iran is currently holding talks with six Western powers over the fate of its nuclear program. The talks, said to be held in a tense atmosphere in Moscow, seek to alleviate world concerns that the Islamic Republic is developing nuclear weapons. Syria meanwhile faces international pressure to end a 15-month crackdown on local rebels trying to oust Syrian President Bashar Assad.China and Russia have come to the aid of both countries in recent months at the UN Security Council, vetoing military intervention in Syria and expanded sanctions on Iran. –Times of Israel
Russian ship bound for Syria: Britain stops Russian ship carrying attack helicopters for Syria. A Russian ship believed to be carrying helicopters and missiles for Syria has been effectively stopped in its tracks off the coast of Scotland after its insurance was cancelled at the behest of the British government.The British marine insurer Standard Club said it had withdrawn cover from all the ships owned by Femco, a Russian cargo line, including the MV Alaed. “We were made aware of the allegations that the Alaed was carrying munitions destined for Syria,” the company said in a statement. “We have already informed the ship owner that their insurance cover ceased automatically in view of the nature of the voyage.” –Telegraph
The Russians must be freaking out about now; They cancelled our insurance! We've been check-mated by the English! Brits, please; Putin ain't afraid of no Queen..
Ahh, the great PASOK flip-flop. Nice.. Sensible Greeks, you have every reason to believe the two parties that brought you to the brink of financial DOOM will find the way back to prosperity! Good for you; Here's a participation ribbon! Rest up, Riot Dog; You'll be busy soon enough!Zero Hedge. Excerpts:
One of the biggest caveats from yesterday's Greek election result was thatPasok announced it would only participate in a broad coalition government that includes Syriza. Obviously Syriza promptly turned down the offer, which has now put the ball back in the court of the Pasok leader - Venizeloz.Being a career politicians, and knowing quite well what the final outcome of the Greek fiasco would be, it was only a matter of time before the former minister of defense, finance, and yes, sport, would flip flop, and hint that a government of just ND and Pasok would also work, as the alternative is just too harsh to even consider.In other words, we may shortly get a repeat of the precisely same leadership that brought Greece to 23% unemployment and a completely destroyed financial and economic system, with Veni back in the role of finance minister once again. And: Does this mean a Greek government just may happen, evading a 3rd Greek election in as many months?We will know for sure by tomorrow night, when Pasok said is the deadline by which a new government has to be formed.As for bets on the longevity of the new cabinet, we have no idea what the spread is, but we take the under.
What's the definition of insanity? Happy fun times are just ahead with your "new" old leaders, Greece! Opa! When you take back to the streets, remember to hydrate? It's gonna be a long, hot summer!
Models for Typhoon Gucholhave tracked significantly west, so that's great news! Now the only thing we have to worry about regarding Fukushima is.. Everything else. Here's the roundup..
File Under: Forbidden Archaeology. See Also; Secret Civilizations-Technology without context. Zen Haven. Excerpts:
An extremely high tech civilization definitely existed in the distant past of our planet, we currently know nothing about these beings. Most of what we can learn about prehistoric people is from the artifacts they left behind.
However, certain prehistoric findings seem to be extremely frustrating when it comes to analyzing their unknown properties.
One of them is the three-pronged plug embedded in a small piece of granite.
Despite that the artifact is available to any researcher for analysis, not many of them decided to test it!
Instead, the artifact has been categorized as a hoax – without any examination.
Is there something we are afraid of discovering?
This mysterious archaeological finding was discovered accidentally by electrical engineer John J. Williams in 1998. Like many other precious, though undervalued artifacts, it may constitute a proof that extraterrestrial visitations to the planet Earth widely influenced our ancestors, so they became advanced and civilized and walked the earth long before any of the known ancient cultures came into existence.
Based on a few, preliminary consultations with an engineer and geologist, the artifact has an appearance of an electronic component embedded in a naturally formed, solid granite stone composed of quartz and feldspar – including very small percentages of mica– already existed at the time of the formation of the rock.
In addition,it resembles an electronic XLR connector or another very similar component and reveals no trace of having been glued or welded.
The Tiresome Eurozone Soap Opera Has Entered Re-Runs The Eurozone "drama" needs some fresh plot developments; it has become boring.
What's more tiresome than a hastily rehearsed soap opera that replays the same boring plots again and again? Re-Runs of that soap opera. The Eurozone "drama" is now in re-runs and I for one am switching channels. Nothing will change until some critical part of the worm-eaten, corrupt construct of artifice and denial collapses in a heap.Until then, all we have is replays of the same boring plot lines: Put-upon Greece: We were just minding our business here in the sunny south, living happily on borrowed billions in a thoroughly corrupt Status Quo, and suddenly we're debt-serfs squeezed by rapacious Eurozone enforcers of the banking cartel. What did we do to deserve this? It's not fair. Put-upon Germany: We were just minding the store here, racking up 40% of our GDP in exports and raking in bank profits loaning money to our Eurozone compatriots, when suddenly everyone who's lived beyond their means demands that we refinance their debts because we're rich. Excuse us, but did anyone look at how we got rich? Hard work, cuts in spending, high taxes and a tight lid on wages. What did we do to deserve this? It's not fair. Married couple in counseling: France and Germany: It's all his/her fault. They never bothered to understand me, etc. The lit-fuse terrorist: Either refinance our debt and bail out our Status Quo, or we're gonna blow up the Eurozone!
Is anyone else tired of the entire cast and threadbare plotlines?
As reported in the previous post,the Greek PASOK party of former PM G-Pap may have thrown a grenade into coalition discussion, following an announcement by Katerina Diamantopoulou that Pasok will not join into a coalition government with ND unless Syriza also joins said coalition. Which Syriza stated moments ago it would not do. The question then comes whether ND can form a government (150+ seats) with any of the other remaining parties (up to and including neo-nazi New Dawn or the communists... why is there no Pirate party in Greece?). The answer is most likely not, but not before some serious horse trading shows that the second Greek elections has achieved nothing, and the world now has to look forward to a 3rd Greek election round, some time in August, and then another, and then another, until no more assets are left to be plundered from the state which will have no head for a long time. Incidentally, just as we predicted on May 3 in "Previewing The First Of Many Greek Elections"
As summarized by Keep Talking Greece:
Next Question: What government? •PASOK official Anna Diamantopoulou said that PASOK would not join a coalition government without SYRIZA.
•PASOK considers citizens have down voted the party’s policies therefore it can not join a pure ND-PASOK government.
Short answer? The whole thing meant nothing, really. No one is any safer in their current position, and the volatility will continue.
There was no media coverage about the demonstration, only NHK reported but it was told to be only 400 people, where it was 11,000 people.[LINK] However, major foreign media covered the demonstration, they are the only source for Japanese to know what is happening in their own country.
【BBC】Japan PM Noda orders nuclear reactors back online And: (There's video at the link, too) Japan approves two reactor restarts, more seen ahead
By Linda Sieg and Kiyoshi Takenaka
TOKYO Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:52am EDT
(Reuters) – Japan on Saturday approved the resumption of nuclear power operations at two reactors despite mass public opposition, the first to come back on line after they were all shut down following the Fukushima crisis.
Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda, his popularity ratings sagging, had backed the restarts for some time. He announced the government’s decision at a meeting with key ministers, giving the go-ahead to two reactors operated by Kansai Electric Power Co at Ohi in western Japan.
The decision, despite public concerns over safety after the big earthquake and tsunami crippled the Fukushima plant, could open the door to more restarts among Japan’s 50 nuclear power reactors.
“There is no such thing as a perfect score when it comes to disaster prevention steps,” Trade Minister Yukio Edano told a news conference after the announcement.
“But, based on what we learned from the Fukushima accident, those measures that need to be taken urgently have been addressed, and the level of safety has been considerably enhanced (at the Ohi plant),” he said.
All's well, everyone's safe, so start those reactors back up, boys! The latest models show Fukushima is almost directly in Typhoon Guchol's path. If Guchol's a direct hit, wouldn't that be a PR Nightmare /Radiological Catastrophe /Human Cataclysm?
The unipolar world
It is a ceasefire that Russia doesn’t want, didn’t ask for, and in fact
expressly rebuffed, an agreement between the Ukrainians and Americans, but
now it i...
Question from reader: Dear Mr. Fulford, I have been following your weekly
updates every Monday for the past three or four months, perhaps even
longer. I mu...
How Things Work
Gawker.com is shutting down today, Monday 22nd August, 2016, some 13 years
after it began and two days before the end of my forties. It is the end of
an ...
Mom Has Stacked Dinner Party Roster
GOLDEN, CO—Their eyes widening in amazement as the 43-year-old rattled off
the names of heavy hitter after heavy hitter, impressed members of the
Service Interruption notice
You may have noticed rigorousintuition.ca is currently down. We're moving
servers. Drew informs me it shouldn't take too long. Perhaps tonight or
This, ultimately, will be a record of the evolution of my consciousness through life experience. It's a bit of a jigsaw puzzle at the moment, but the archive is close to achieving some form of order.
I'm not sure this.. will have an "end," as much as a stopping point.
I have unusual interests. I seek out alternative news, philosophies, and cosmologies. Heres a sample of my reading life. Thanks for peeking in..