Friday, January 15, 2010

Amazing Pictures, Pollution in China

Horrible pictures of "progress." These poor fuckin' people.. And please, don't forget, our insatiable desire for cheaply made goods contributes to their pollution, and ultimately, to their very painful deaths..

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Fuck You, You Fuckin' Fuck.

I knew this would happen. Have these "christians" ever read the New Testament? Oh yeah, fuck you too, Pat "shitstain" Robertson..


California Assembly Panel Votes To Legalize Marijuana! (The exclamation point is mine..)

Haitian earthquake information so far..

"Scientists have warned for years that the island of Hispaniola, which Haiti shares with the Dominican Republic, was at risk for a major earthquake.."

Official USGS report: From The Telegraph (Note: The Telegraph is using the 7.3 magnitude report, as opposed to the 7.0 being reported in the American press. USGS tends to reduce EQ mags on a regular basis. I don't know why..)

"..Largest Quake In Over 200 Years.."

Good video from Canadian Television here..

Tonight is the first night. This will become so much more horrifying with tomorrow's light. The devastation in Haiti continues for who knows how long. If you pray, keep them in your prayers..

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Who is Benjamin Fulford?

Fulford's been on the conspiracy scene for some time now, chronicling some kind of back-channel universe of higher than Presidential security clearances, Asian secret societies, Mafia and Vatican co-operation, and factions of the U.S. Government and Rothchilds, all pitted against the financial thugs currently in world control, all locked in a cyber/financial global conflict. His latest post is a pretty good example and summation of who's who in his universe, and what's what. Is he a 21st century Eric Sevareid, or some deluded child of priviledge with an overactive imagination and access to the internet?

Fulford's website here. January 10th post is very interesting: Where is Henry Kissenger?

Extra credit research: Who is Leo Wanta? Or here.. Or here.. Or here?

We live in interesting times, my friends..