Clif's latest Shape of Things to Come forecast is tentatively scheduled for mid to late October. This is just the first taste.Half Past Human:
All humans (and any other sentient beings here on Terra) should take heed of the state of the sun on a daily basis as their personal actions are affected by solar activity. Many thinkers, past and present, have noted that solar activity is mirrored here on earth. When the sun is roiling, as it is now, terrestrial humanity also roils, as it does now. The 'looniness' that can be smeared across large amounts of humanity by solar activity is known by the-powers-that-be, and they will use it for their nasty goals, as they are now. When the 'solar-looniness' is upon humanity, as it is now, the energetic forces, electrical and other, from the sun, put pressure on individual human minds, such that large scale group behavior is changed.As those humans who are suffering the 'solar-looniness' are un-aware of their plight, they react as though their emotional responses (to perceived reality) are both genuine, and internally generated.Neither is true, but don't try telling them that, or you are likely going to experience the 'solar-looniness' erupting in a human near you. It seems unlikely that the mass of humans so affected will be able to awaken to the solar-looniness distortions of their behavior, thus the up-coming period promises to be both noisy and dangerous.Therefore, those humans who are awakening to the unfolding nature of reality, will as the data describes, [separate themselves (from the) herd instinct], becoming [explorers (of the manifesting new earth/new cycle)]. We note that the definition (more or less) of 'sanity', is to be 'well adjusted to the world around you'.If said world is itself not well adjusted, disruptive, deceitful, dangerous, duplicitous, and generally in a terrible state, then to be 'sane' is of no rational benefit.Why be well-adjusted to an irrational and degrading situation?Rather the more appropriate response is to choose insanity, and thus not be well adjusted to the global madness. The insane, facing a world boiling with solar-looniness, will navigate, without participating, as the omni-humanity seas react to the solar storms. To all the 'insane', watching the asylum crumble before your eyes, be aware that 'walking time' is coming. Bare feet ground best. The good view is from the isolated hills. Be seeing you there. Post Scriptum: please re-read the little article on weather. We are there now. September 20, 2012
In case you were wondering what happened to that ever-growing sinkhole next to a butane cave; Well, it's getting bigger. And it's already affecting a lot of lives.. And nobody knows how to fix it.Sinkhole grows 400 feet, gas pressure too great for drillers.Examiner:
..The expanding sinkhole covers part of the massive 1-mile by 3-mile Napoleonville Salt Dome used by oil and gas companies to store and supply hydrocarbons and brine to nearby refineries in the nation's area known as Cancer Alley. "In the video of the sinkhole site, at approximately 00:35, you can see this growth towards and into the pipeline right of way," officials said in a blog post.
The parish officials' YouTube video of the sinkhole, Sinkhole Site 9.18.12, is "not approved" to embed on this site, and "Comments are disabled for this video" on YouTube. That flyover can be viewed on YouTube
(Here at the link..) "In the [9.18.12] video of the rig site, you can see that the drilling rig has been dismantled and removed in order to make way for the snubbing rig that will complete the final phase of drilling and entry into the cavern," officials stated in a blog post. The Louisiana sinkhole, an oil and gas disaster, is impacting security human rights of mandatory evacuees and residents who have remained. "Meanwhile, back at the sinkhole site, scientists have made another discovery that could keep residents out of their homes for an undetermined amount of time," reports WAFB. "They got down to 90 feet and experienced gas in the water aquifer and were unable to set water well due to the pressure. We put cement, plug, and got off the site and regrouped to come up with another strategy to set a vent well," explained director for the Assumption Parish Office of Emergency Preparedness John Boudreaux. Boudreaux said workers must replace the rig from which they have been working, with one that will allow them to vent gas from the well. The source of the gas is still unknown, according to officials. The sinkhole that developed on Aug. 3, after two months of over 1000 earthquakes in the vicinity and emerging gas bubbling sites percolating in nearby bayous, prompted parish officials to order a mandatory evacuation of 150 households in the Bayou Corne and Grand Bayou areas. That evacuation order remains in effect. Boudreaux saidresidents will not be allowed to return home until the gas is under control,according to WAFB that reports,"If history repeats itself, that could mean sometime next year."
It’s finally here—the long-awaited run on silver supplies. Speaking with Alternative Investors Hangout (AIH), GATA’s Bill Murphy tells investors, “Just pay attention, right now,” because the buying is so heavy in an unprecedentedly tight silver market,we “don’t know what will happen here; it’s historic.” And investors should, indeed, pay attention to Murphy’s latest assessment of the silver market. In July, he said an unidentified European billionaire told him to expect the bull market in silver to resume in late August. “The fellow I spoke with I’ve known for years, one of the wealthier men in all of Europe,” Murphy told SGTReport in late July [BER article]. “He’s got a lot of connections . . . It will be tough for the gold and silver markets [during the month of July], but starting in August they would start to ‘go nuts’, and they would ‘stay nuts’ for a long time.. . Big, big moves are coming, starting in August.” After 15 months of a painfully long consolidation, the big move in the silver price began, just as Murphy’s source predicted. After briefly toughing the low $27 level, silver has soared more than $7 withing three weeks, a gain of approximately 27 percent, or an annual compound rate of 6,500 percent! Reminiscent of Andrew Maguire’s demonstration to the CFTC of his intimate knowledge of JP Morgan’s nefarious activities in the silver space,Murphy believes his source is well-placed and able to leak accurate information to investors as it comes available.Hours after alerting media of Maguire’s meeting with the CFTC, Maguire and his girlfriend were attacked by a would-be assassin with a speeding automobile. (Someone's not fuckin' around, here..)
Moreover, the absence of King World News’ anonymous London trader has fueled speculation that Anonymous has moved on to Bill Murphy, who may also inherit DOS (denial of service) attacks following leaked information published by King world News. “Because of my sources . . . when . . . this was in July, that gold and silver were going to base, [then] take off before the end of August and go to all-time highs, much higher, and that’s what’s happening,” Murphy tells AIH. Another one of Murphy’s sources told him the silver market is so tight that the poor-man’s gold could touch $100 in another mini mania replay of the Aug. 2010 to April 2011 bull run that took silver from $17.50 to pennies shy of $50—a near-triple within eight months. A similar move today, off $26.50 baseline support, equates to a target price of $75, but, according to Murphy,this next move in the silver price could eclipse that exciting jump which began in the summer of 2010—both in amplitude and time frame. “I have other sources tell me the silver market is as tight as they’ve ever known in history,” he says. “I expect silver to go towards 80 [dollars] to 100, quickly.I know that seems like a big thing, but that’s what I think. “All I know is: the physical market, if you want to buy silver in size, is the most difficult in history. These are from my best sources. We’ve been right on everything so far; now, we’ll see what happens.” Though moves of that magnitude, suggested by Murphy’s source, may appear to newcomers to the silver market as hyperbole,but, because of the supply-demand dynamics of a heavily fettered silver market, the extent of an upward price adjustment may well become an inverse multiple of the extent of the price suppression. In the case of silver, the latest U.S. Mint activity report reveals a 191:1 ratio between the number of silver and gold ounces sold at the Mint. Taking into consideration the ratio of silver and gold available in Mother Earth is estimated at 12:1 (according to the latest mining statistics), monstrous moves in the silver price expected by Murphy appear very reasonable. And if the gold (and silver) cartel continues to buck Gresham’s Law, nature will indeed take its course—a consequence JP Morgan would like, desperately, to avoid. “The gold cartel, JP Morgan, is trying to suppress us, but if I’m right, there’s a big scandal coming regarding JP Morgan and the silver market manipulation escapades,” Murphy says. “It’s going to be something like the LIBOR scandal. I’ve been talking about this for months, as you well know. We’ll see what happens.” Without identifying the extent or exact nature of the scandal,Murphy has said in previous interviews he suspects many banks have defrauded customers through the offering of allocated gold and silver accounts, which, may, in fact, not exist. And those affected may be large Asian and other institutions, which could suddenly insist delivery of their metal—metal not available for sale at today’s prices. For the banks to make good on deliveries, much higher prices are needed to draw sellers out. In the case of silver, the price presumably must at least catch up to gold’s double from its 1980 high of $850 as a price level that could draw sellers to market. A double in the silver price, from its high of approximately $50 in Jan. 1980, suggests at least a $100 handle for the white metal could bring in the sellers—but maybe not. The market for silver has been dysfunctional for many, many years. “I know what should happen behind the scenes,” Murphy ends the interview. “I don’t know if it’s going to happen.If it [a stop to JP Morgan's scheme] doesn’t, it will come out in some other way, and it will blow peoples’ minds.”
Exciting! Got some extra cash and feel like a gamble? Silver beckons, baby..
Reservists drafted at no notice, Air Force, Central Command and other IDF units were flown to Israel’s northern Golan border early Wednesday, Sept. 19, for a surprise exercise called by Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz under the codename “National Asset.” The official IDF announcement tried to downplay its importance, describing it as a “planned, routine event.” However, debkafile’s military sources say the war game is the biggest the IDF has conducted in the eight years since the second Lebanon war on Hizballah in 2006, with tens of thousands of soldiers and senior officers, including the artillery and the air force taking part. Over the last weekend,witnesses reported heavy traffic of convoys of tank and APC carriers and military vehicles with emergency store markings heading north, just days after the IDF completed a large-scale war game on Israel’s Syrian and Lebanese borders simulating a Hizballah attack. Since early September, therefore, the Israeli Defense Forces have been in the midst of preparations which have the appearance of readiness for a real war rather than an exercise. Those preparations peaked Wednesday under a codename which signified its goal: the defense of national assets. Another sign of an impending conflict was provided by US diplomats who Monday began destroying classified documents and sensitive equipment at the Beirut embassy. As Islamist anti-US violence raged across Arab and Muslim countries, the State Department said this was a precautionary measure,without naming any specific threat.The trashing of embassy documents usually signifies preparations to evacuate an US embassy at short notice. It would be imperative in a war situation to keep them out of Hizballah hands. The official IDF announcement described the exercise as focusing on fire power under the command of chief Artillery Commander, Brig. Gen. Ro’i Riftin and due to end Wednesday night. The rapid deployment of military strength on this scale for a live-fire drill is required practice for an army facing the onset of war aggression. In the Persian Gulf, the US is leading 25 West European and Arab nations in a gigantic 12-day war game in the Straits of Hormuz which began Sunday, Sept 16. It includes a large-scale minesweeping drill to simulate the breaching of the Strait of Hormuz against Iranian efforts to block oil passage through the strategic waterway. The exercise - entirely by simulated measures - will also drill operations for destroying Iranian naval, air and missile bases in the Persian Gulf area and countering Iranian speedboats aiming to sabotage naval vessels and oil tankers. Among the participants are the UK, France, Saudi Arabia and the UAE. The United States has deployed three aircraft carriers with aerial strike forces. Military sources estimate thatwhen the war game ends on Sept 27, these forces will not disperse but stay on hand in the event of Israel attacking Iran’s nuclear program. As the exhibition of colossal Western might got underway opposite Iranian shores, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was quoted on his official website as saying: Iran will never bend to Western pressure The Islamic Republic, he told a military audience, "makes its decisions solely based on the interests of its people and the country, even if all of the world's powers get angry at its decisions." It "does not accept the demands of any superpower," he added. The Ayatollah also accused "Western and Zionist media" of fabricating reports on the biting effects of economic sanctions,hinting that the Iranian economy was not suffering.
Here's some music to listen to while you eat your stockpile of canned goods. Ladies and Gentlemen, The The:
“Little Dissipation Occurred … Due to the Nature of the Rapid Global Air Circulation System”Surprise! It IS as bad as the scientists and experts said it was! Worse, even.. Washington's Blog:
We warned meredays after the Japanese earthquake that the West Coast of North America could be hit with radiation. Our concerns – unfortunately – have been validated. Seethis and this. The peer-reviewed scientific journal Science of the Total Environment reports: Massive amounts of anthropogenic radionuclides were released from the nuclear reactors located in Fukushima (northeastern Japan) between 12 and 16 March 2011 following the earthquake and tsunami. Ground level air radioactivity was monitored around the globe immediately after the Fukushima accident. This global effort provided a unique opportunity to trace the surface air mass movement at different sites in the Northern Hemisphere. *** The analysis of the air mass forward movements during 12th -16th March showed that the air mass was displaced eastward from the Fukushima area and bifurcated into a northern and a southern branch outside of Japan (Fig. 3). This eastward bifurcation of air masses is in agreement with the simulation of the potential dispersion of the radioactive cloud after the nuclear accident of Fukushima (Weather Online Website of United Kingdom, UK, 2012). *** This work clearly demonstrates how little dissipation occurred during this time due to the nature of the rapid global air circulation system, and the Fukushima radioactive plume contaminated the entire Northern Hemisphere during a relatively short period of time. Note: The West Coast of North Americais also at risk from ocean radiation. The Department of Homeland Security and National Nuclear Security Administration recently sent low-flying helicopters over the San Francisco Bay Area to test for radiation.But they almost certainly will not make their findings public.
So those "hysterical" early warnings weren't really "hysterical" if they were "accurate," right?
In an excerpt from his new book, David Byrne explains why sometimes, he prefers hearing nothing. The Smithsonian. Excerpts:
Does our enjoyment of music—our ability to find a sequence of sounds emotionally affecting—have some neurological basis? From an evolutionary standpoint, does enjoying music provide any advantage? Is music of any truly practical use, or is it simply baggage that got carried along as we evolved other more obviously useful adaptations? Paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould and biologist Richard Lewontin wrote a paper in 1979 claiming that some of our skills and abilities might be like spandrels—the architectural negative spaces above the curve of the arches of buildings—details that weren’t originally designed as autonomous entities, but that came into being as a result of other, more practical elements around them. Dale Purves, a professor at Duke University, studied this question with his colleagues David Schwartz and Catherine Howe, and they think they might have some answers. They discovered that the sonic range that matters and interests us the most is identical to the range of sounds we ourselves produce. Our ears and our brains have evolved to catch subtle nuances mainly within that range, and we hear less, or often nothing at all, outside of it. We can’t hear what bats hear, or the subharmonic sound that whales use. For the most part, music also falls into the range of what we can hear.Though some of the harmonics that give voices and instruments their characteristic sounds are beyond our hearing range, the effects they produce are not.The part of our brain that analyzes sounds in those musical frequencies that overlap with the sounds we ourselves make is larger and more developed—just as the visual analysis of faces is a specialty of another highly developed part of the brain.
The Purves group also added to this the assumption thatperiodic sounds— sounds that repeat regularly—are generally indicative of living things, and are therefore more interesting to us.A sound that occurs over and over could be something to be wary of, or it could lead to a friend, or a source of food or water. We can see how these parameters and regions of interest narrow down toward an area of sounds similar to what we call music.Purves surmised that it would seem natural that human speech therefore influenced the evolution of the human auditory system as well as the part of the brain that processes those audio signals. Our vocalizations, and our ability to perceive their nuances and subtlety, co-evolved.Much more at the link: Here's some Talking Heads music you can evolve to..
Mysterious, potentially mutating energy streaming from our Galactic Center? What's our Galaxy up to, now? Before It's News:
Strange particles believed to be emanating from the elusive ‘dark matter’ at the center of the galaxy have been confirmed to be bombarding Earth. Two physicists from the prestigious Department of Physics & Astronomy at University of California discovered more gamma-rays bombarding Earth than believed by astronomers. The stream of electromagnetic radiation (spewed by the process of intensive radioactive decay and other other high-energy emissions) may be triggering the bizarre mutation of matter and an incredible energy cloud that an astrophysicist says threatens Earth. And: As the solar fury continues toward maximum in 2013a period of potentially dangerous intensity never experienced by any living person approaches.NASA’s been beating their drum warning the world at large about the danger.Strange, titanic forces are building deep within the sun’s nuclear core. It’s already been proven that the sun’s mass warps time, bends light waves and accounts for mutation of species on Earth.Now this new force may be directly interacting with matter in a way that could not only change Mankind’s understanding of physics, but change Mankind itself…and not in a pleasant way. Researchers into the disturbing phenomenon agree that whether the phenomenon has no real impact on humanity, or the worst impact imaginable, nothing can be done to stop it.The blind forces of nature rise like an unstoppable tsunami bearing down on the defenseless Earth. Will these forces overwhelm our feeble technology? Will we find ourselves the playthings of the gods? Against such unknowns humans are utterly helpless.
I am hoping these are the same Gamma Rays that turned David Banner into the Hulk. The sexy Eric Bana Hulk, though, not 70's Lou Ferrigno Hulk. Also, if we can call super powers, I still want flight, invisibility, and impervious-ness to bullets and explosions! 2013's shaping up to be an exciting year, no?
Science geeks around the world instantly got hard. Exciting news! Space:
HOUSTON —A warp drive to achieve faster-than-light travel — a concept popularized in television's Star Trek — may not be as unrealistic as once thought, scientists say. A warp drive would manipulate space-time itself to move a starship, taking advantage of a loophole in the laws of physics that prevent anything from moving faster than light.A concept for a real-life warp drive was suggested in 1994 by Mexican physicist Miguel Alcubierre; however, subsequent calculations found that such a device would require prohibitive amounts of energy. Now physicists say that adjustments can be made to the proposed warp drive that would enable it to run on significantly less energy, potentially bringing the idea back from the realm of science fiction into science. "There is hope," Harold "Sonny" White of NASA's Johnson Space Center said here Friday (Sept. 14) at the 100 Year Starship Symposium, a meeting to discuss the challenges of interstellar spaceflight.(Video at the link..) An Alcubierre warp drive would involve a football-shape spacecraft attached to a large ring encircling it. This ring, potentially made of exotic matter, would cause space-time to warp around the starship, creating a region of contracted space in front of it and expanded space behind. Meanwhile, the starship itself would stay inside a bubble of flat space-time that wasn't being warped at all. "Everything within space is restricted by the speed of light," explained Richard Obousy, president of Icarus Interstellar, a non-profit group of scientists and engineers devoted to pursuing interstellar spaceflight."But the really cool thing is space-time, the fabric of space, is not limited by the speed of light." With this concept, the spacecraft would be able to achieve an effective speed of about 10 times the speed of light, all without breaking the cosmic speed limit. The only problem is, previous studies estimated the warp drive would require a minimum amount of energy about equal to the mass-energy of the planet Jupiter. But recently White calculated what would happen if the shape of the ring encircling the spacecraft was adjusted into more of a rounded donut, as opposed to a flat ring. He found in that case, the warp drive could be powered by a mass about the size of a spacecraft like the Voyager 1 probe NASA launched in 1977. Furthermore, if the intensity of the space warps can be oscillated over time, the energy required is reduced even more, White found. "The findings I presented today change it from impractical to plausible and worth further investigation," White told"The additional energy reduction realized by oscillating the bubble intensity is an interesting conjecture that we will enjoy looking at in the lab." Where should the first permanent space colony be built? The Moon - It's our nearest neighbor after all. Mars - The Red Planet should be the next giant leap. Deep Space - Orbiting outposts are the only way to go.Asteroid Waystation - We should hitch a ride on a space rock.
White and his colleagues have begun experimenting with a mini version of the warp drive in their laboratory. They set up what they call the White-Juday Warp Field Interferometer at the Johnson Space Center, essentially creating a laser interferometer that instigates micro versions of space-time warps. "We're trying to see if we can generate a very tiny instance of this in a tabletop experiment, to try to perturb space-time by one part in 10 million," White said. He called the project a "humble experiment" compared to what would be needed for a real warp drive, but said it represents a promising first step. And other scientists stressed that even outlandish-sounding ideas, such as the warp drive, need to be considered if humanity is serious about traveling to other stars. "If we're ever going to become a true space faring civilization, we're going to have to think outside the box a little bit, we're going to have to be a little bit audacious,"Obousy said.
Exciting times.. In 1000 years, will modern society be viewed as "antiquated," or "pre-historic?"
Sununu in a nutshell: How dare you point out how my candidate feels using his own words! Idiot, Shill, or both? Both, of course.. Raw Story. The video of a sniveling Sununu(Isn't he a foreigner?) at the link:
Former New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu on Tuesday responded to leaked tapes of GOP hopeful Mitt Romney insulting “47 percent” of the country by channeling the assorted villains on the late 1960s cartoon Scooby Doo who said that they “would have gotten away with it, too, if it wasn’t for you meddling kids.” In this case, the meddling kid was former President Jimmy Carter’s grandson, James Carter IV, who obtained secret recordings of Romney at a May campaign fundraiser in Boca Raton. During an interview on MSNBC, host Andrea Mitchell asked Sununu, the chair of Romney’s national steering committee, to react to Republicans who had blasted the former Massachusetts governor for telling wealthy donors that it wasn’t his job to worry about the 47 percent of people who refused to “take personal responsibility and care for their lives.” “You’re missing the big story, which is this is in response to a president — the first president in my lifetime — who’s decided to run a campaign on class warfare,” Sununu insisted. “And it’s Obama who has opened up the class warfare issue. He attacks success, he says we need to get a hold of more money out of the rich. And he condemns those who have succeeded with ‘You didn’t build it.’ And Mitt Romney quantifies this, the [47 percent] constituency that Obama has been pandering to, both in policy and language as 47-47 and all of the sudden, you guys make that the story.” “And you fall for this idea that by quantifying it as a 47-47 divide to start with, now you got to start parsing all these things,” the Romney surrogate added. “The polls are 47-47. That’s where the starting point is, and they’re battling over the 6 percent in the middle.” “Gov. Romney was not talking about the polls,” Mitchell pointed out. “He was talking about the 47 [percent of people who don't make enough to pay income tax]. We know it came from Erick Erickson. We know that this has been a repeated theme.” “Ninety percent of the taxes in America are paid by people with adjusted gross income of $66,000 or more,” Sununu explained. “And what Mitt Romney is saying is that these people in that range are not the rich, that those people in that range are the people that are in the auto industry that Obama is so thrilled to tell us he saved, they are the people that are in manufacturing, they’re the people in the information technology jobs. $66,000 adjusted gross income doesn’t make you rich.” (And yet, he didn't say that, now did he?)
“Gov. Sununu, if Mitt Romney had said that in that fundraiser in Boca Raton we would not be having this conversation today and he would not be facing what many would say is a meltdown,”the MSNBC host noted. “No!” Sununu shot back.“If Jimmy Carter’s grandson hadn’t snuck this stuff out, you wouldn’t be having this conversation today. You ought to be talking about class warfare and this president nurtures it all the time!”(A fine retort for someone who so strongly believes in "personal responsibility: The other guy did it!)
"Whose Innocence?: Thoughts on Copts, Muslims, and a World Gone (Temporally) Mad" by Anthony Shenoda"
"When I first watched the "film," or the trailer, or whatever it is, I had little doubt that Copts, or someone quite familiar with Coptic historical meta-narratives, were behind it. Many of the slanderous comments against Islam and the Prophet Muhammad in the film are made by all manner of right-wing Christians and Jews,but the Coptic give-away in that 13 minute clip was the bit about the Egyptians believing in one god some five thousand years ago. This is a typical modern move on the part of many Copts and the nineteenth century Orientalist scholarship of things Coptic from which these narratives have frequently drawn authority.If, once upon a time, Egyptian Christians were engaged in the destruction of a pagan Egypt, now they are concerned to show how Christianity in Egypt was the natural evolution of an Egyptian religiosity that already hinted at a triune godhead, resurrection of the dead, and eternal life. This largely has to do with a desire on the part of many Copts to secure their national and Egyptian territorial belonging. Other scenes in the available clip also supported my thinking that Copts might be involved: The scene in which the doctor is educating his daughters (?) on the ways of Muslimsshows an image of Jesus that is extremely popular among Copts, an image that I have not seen popularly among other Christians.And the Syrian monk, Bahaira, who makes a later appearance, is an indication that whoever made this “film” 1) has a pretty good sense of contemporary Coptic monastic garb and 2) is aware of the very commonly held view among Copts (but also the Ethiopian Orthodox Christians that I have met) that the Quran was written by a (fallen) Christian monk. People who are aware of Islamic history know that Muhammad had met a Syrian monk called Bahaira. Many Copts hold that this monk is the “true” author of the Quran."
The Mossad-did-it theories are worse than useless. There is absolutely no evidence that the Mossad was involved. The Mossad thesis is connected to the idea that the Muslim unrest is supposed to hurt Obama's reelection.On the contrary, Obama will be able to have all the electoral advantages of having a war - Americans love wars, and love to vote for Presidents waging them - without actually having to wage a war. He just needs to drone kill some Libyans and then announce he's killed more American enemies, just like he killed Osama. Instant hero.Of course, once that happens the usual suspects will announce that this proves that the Mossad was behind the film, as they were really trying to help Obama get reelected! And the Geo-political conspiratorial circle of life is complete.
Huh.. They've held onto this secret for close to 40 years now, and have no immediate plans to introduce these diamonds into the market. What's the Master Plan, here? Washington's Blog:
Enough to Supply the Global Diamond Marketfor 3,000 Years Russia has just declassified a secret it has been keeping for 40 years: it is sitting on trillions of carats of diamonds, enough to supply the global diamond market for 3,000 years. The diamonds are “twice as hard” as normal, making them ideal for industrial applications, such as diamond saws.
We’ve previously discussed an even bigger stash of diamonds which may eventually flood the markets: one which is 10 billion trillion trillion carats. (Off-planet, and waaaay into the future..)
It'll be a nice day when your Kay diamond engagement ring is 25 percent of one day's wages, yeah? It'll be a wonderful day when a huge chunk of any elite's portfolio resets at zero! After all, diamonds might be forever, but that doesn't insure they won't someday become worthless!
The second part of that headline: "Nobody mentions krypton and xenon that poured from Fukushima plant, says Gundersen — 2-3 times greater than Chernobyl" Japan Times via Enenews: [...] Experts waved away fears about radiation, cabinet ministers scoffed at comparisons to Chernobyl, and the word “meltdown” itself was effectively scoured from the media.
Some observers, however, were quick to hit the panic button. One of the best known was U.S. antinuclear campaigner Arnie Gundersen, who predicted that the disaster would lead to 1 million extra deaths from cancer. [...] Gundersen, a nuclear engineer, says [the official release amount is] an underestimate.He puts the release of cesium at about half that of Chernobyl, and says little attention has been paid to radioactive gases, Xenon and Krypton, which poured out of the No. 1 plant in quantities “two to three times” greater than the 1986 Ukraine meltdown. He is sticking to his original alarming estimate of cancer fatalities. [...] Gundersen bases much of his assessment of Fukushima on what he learned from America’s worst nuclear accident, the 1979 partial meltdown at the Three Mile Island plant in Pennsylvania. As an expert witness during the probe that followed, Gundersen said the official estimate of radioactive releases there was also much too low. “You have to remember, we don’t know how much radiation was released. It’s guys like me who have to calculate it.” His assessment upped the official radiation figure for the accident by five times. “I’m dead sure that’s too low,” he says, adding that he believes the true figure could be 15 times higher than the industry estimate. [...] He cites the work of Steve Wing, an epidemiologist who says he has tracked 10,000 extra deaths from lung cancer in the first six to seven years after the accident.
“The same gases (Xenon and Krypton) that caused those cancers leaked out of the containment vessel at the Daiichi (No. 1) plant,” he says. “Nobody is talking about it.” He says the gases quickly disperse and are notoriously hard to measure. Other emissions are more straightforward. Plutonium is heavy and does not widely disperse. Cesium is relatively easy to track. [...] Future overheard statement heard just about anywhere in the world: "Nobody told me Fukushima was this serious! Why didn't anybody do anything?" "No; Lots of experts said Fukushima was serious. You just didn't listen. .. And now we're all dead. The End!"
Joyce Johnson’s new book reveals details of their relationship and how fame blighted On the Road author The former girlfriend of the leading novelist of the beat generation Jack Kerouac has revealed details of their affair and his descent into bizarre behaviour on finding fame, in a new book to be published more than 40 years after his death. Joyce Johnson, an accomplished author, also dispels the myth that Kerouac’s writing was effortlessly spontaneous. Where he claimed his novel On the Road was written in a blast of energy during three weeks in 1951 she recalls that he spent years revising his work and carefully crafted each paragraph. Her book is just part of a revival of the cult that surrounded Kerouac which has this year prompted three feature films and a documentary, as well as books and an exhibition at the British Library. Johnson, now 77, describes him as a “very odd person” who treated her dreadfully but was the love of her life. She delves more deeply into his background, his childhood and his rise to fame and chronicles the toll his celebrity status and his drinking took on their relationship. She was 21 when she met Kerouac. “Jack was without a place to live and had no money. Since I was a young writer who had her own apartment, Allen [Ginsberg] set up a blind date.” They were together for two years. Kerouac became a sensation after On the Road, which blighted their relationship: “Women everywhere were offering themselves. He was a celebrity, which was very hard for him. In public situations, he had to drink.” Johnson’s book, The Voice Is All: The Lonely Victory of Jack Kerouac, to be published this month, explores how the “spontaneous” writing of On the Road was actually “a much longer process … each paragraph had to be a ‘poem’.” She shows how Kerouac’s French Canadian background both enriched his prose and gave him a unique outsider’s vision of the US. She details his slow, often painful development as a writer, with early struggles to master English. She said: “He spoke Joual, a Canadian dialect of French. Other biographies have not looked really deeply enough at the implications of Jack’s Franco-American heritage, the fact that English was a second language … There was always a process of translation going on, trying to find the English equivalent for the French inside his head … Now looking at the text of On the Road, I can see French inflections all the way through it.” She recalls: “I thought I’d never met anyone who’d lived with more absolute freedom … A need to keep moving, as if whenever he stayed anywhere too long, he exhausted the present by soaking it in too intensely.” Exhibits at the library will include the 120ft scroll on which he typed On the Road, according to his claims in 1951. After repeated rejection by publishers and years of despair, his story of a hedonistic road trip across North America was published in 1957, since when it has sold five million copies in the US alone. Kerouac died an alcoholic recluse in 1969, aged 47, having tried in vain to interest Marlon Brando in a screen adaptation of On the Road. Francis Ford Coppola sensed the book’s cinematic potential, but it has only now been made into a film, directed by Walter Salles, with Coppola as executive producer, to be released in Britain in October.
The unipolar world
It is a ceasefire that Russia doesn’t want, didn’t ask for, and in fact
expressly rebuffed, an agreement between the Ukrainians and Americans, but
now it i...
Question from reader: Dear Mr. Fulford, I have been following your weekly
updates every Monday for the past three or four months, perhaps even
longer. I mu...
How Things Work
- is shutting down today, Monday 22nd August, 2016, some 13 years
after it began and two days before the end of my forties. It is the end of
an ...
Mom Has Stacked Dinner Party Roster
GOLDEN, CO—Their eyes widening in amazement as the 43-year-old rattled off
the names of heavy hitter after heavy hitter, impressed members of the
Service Interruption notice
You may have noticed is currently down. We're moving
servers. Drew informs me it shouldn't take too long. Perhaps tonight or
This, ultimately, will be a record of the evolution of my consciousness through life experience. It's a bit of a jigsaw puzzle at the moment, but the archive is close to achieving some form of order.
I'm not sure this.. will have an "end," as much as a stopping point.
I have unusual interests. I seek out alternative news, philosophies, and cosmologies. Heres a sample of my reading life. Thanks for peeking in..