The web bots (background here, process described by site of origin here, biggest Internet proponent here)are predicting a really busy, dense, chaotic, horrifying, and.. inter-dimensional series of events starting, oh, a couple weeks ago. Clif High, who began using the program in 2001, has predicted 9/11, the 2003 Northeast Power outage, 2004 tsunami, Katrina, last May's monster quake in China, the October 7th "tipping point" worldwide economic crisis, and the April 17th date for this years flu epidemic, along with many more events.
Some of the scarier 2009-2010 events predicted (with precursors now) include massive economic collapse, breakdown of the social order(worldwide), the "summer of hell" here in America, an Israeli attack on Iran (October 26th seems to have special significance), a "Global Coastal Event/Phenomenon" (already begun with this spring's storm season and connected to events in Antarctica), and this inter-dimensional doozy of the disappearances of VERY public people along with what's called "The Voice.." Clif's essay explains more..
"Hard Sync Wink
Personal essay by clif high
Where to start? Well, as confusing as it may become, we begin with an attempt to describe the way in which it is manifesting.
I had written, some time back in our ALTA reports, about the [disappearances], and how some of ThePowersThatBe would be walking along, and simply vanish….and not to a ‘good place’. I had described how it would freak out the rest of TPTB seriously, and they will react as though the [disappearances] were a ‘thing’ of the material world such as a kidnapping, or murder. They will gather [security forces] around themselves in large numbers in some cases, and it will matter not. In our work the details of the data sets indicated that these TPTB creatures, and in some instances, their entire cadres of ‘body guards’, would, in an instant, [disappear] to a not nice place. The effects of this upon the world of the [power elite] will be quite interesting to observe. Look for it later in 2009.
Which brings us to the other side of the [disappearance] word sets. This set, within the data, is under the influence of the [duality] meta data layer, and has ‘another side to it’. This, as you may suspect, is referring to the ‘Voice’, as it has been described in the article from the Tasmanian Times. I provided less information on these [personal vanishings] as I did not want to get into arguments with those humans blighted and blinded by religion, especially the rabid, radical christers who would think that I was describing the ‘rapture’. And, as the data sets noted, the [personal vanishings] were just that… a personal manifestation on the part of some individuals.
Soooo….there I was, hardly awake on Thursday morning, just back from the store, shivering with the cold rain still on my shoulders, when George Ure calls up. He is all whipped up by this giant sync wink having to do with his novel (which sounds like a tempting read), and the appearance of the article from Tasmania about the [disappearances], and the several emails that he had received. I had briefly skimmed his site before his call so knew that he had written about this ‘voice’ and disappearing humans, but, to be honest, was more concerned about getting warm and caffeinated than accuracy or depth of reading.
When George called, his monkey mind all whipped up and excited by the giant sync wink from universe, I was in my ‘go away, I have real work to do’ mode and was dismissive of the conclusions that he was drawing from his experience. Not that I discounted the sync wink, it was just that it had, other than getting the timing correct in our ALTA reports about the manifesting of the [disappearance] language, not much personal relevance. And I wanted to finish my coffee.
Now the real curious part is that I just volunteered to George that I had been ‘hearing this chatter’ coming through the other vibrations in my personal universe for some time now, and that it was somewhat annoying. Note again, I had not yet read the accurate description given by the Tasmanian Times article of the phenomena. I then went on to describe the ‘chatter’ to George, and when he asked, had to think back to when I first became aware of this…which was slightly after the March equinox. So, about “2/two months ago, more or less”, I informed George.
But, other than being an irritant, the ‘chatter’, offers little in the way of meaning or understanding. As a point of information, the ‘chatter’ is as though there is a sedate party going on just over the fence, the voices of the many people involved are clearly heard as voices, just that there is no ability to separate it out into words….very much as though a teevee or radio is left on in a close by room, but not quite loud enough. A real annoyance, as I may have mentioned.
Then, to cement our feet into the whole giant sync wink of the thing, in our conversation about the voice phenomena, I ended up using the words ‘vegetarian’, and ‘ken’ (meaning ‘understanding’), and other descriptors which I would later read in the article about the disappearances. Again, multiple layers of winking within this sync wink.
Just to add to the hairs-crawling-up-the-back-of-the- neck feeling to all of this, I noted that immediately before the appearance of the ‘chatter’, I had gone through some very core level changes, and had decided to wind down to stoppage on the ALTA (Web Bots) reports. Hmmm. And, in telling it all to George, I have noted that several of the other people I know on this particular path have also reached a point where, for whatever reason, they had also started ‘winding down’ their public presence. Again, a major level of sync wink?
So, after dismissing George, and getting him off the phone, I went to the link that he had provided to the Tasmanian Times article, and read through about 2/3 (two thirds) of it before spitting coffee out my nose, and calling George back up. There in the article was a creepily accurate description of what I have been hearing, and most striking, a timeline to disappearance that ran 3/three months!
Oh, carp, thinks I, quickly trying to calculate just when the 'chatter' first came into my life. Gulp, another cuppa coffee made due to spilling the first, and then back to the article with the realization that it has been nearly 2/two months since I first became aware of the voices-at-the-party buried in the general hum of universe around me. Ohhhhh probably this is NOT a good sign.
Then, of course, within the article is the common link of being a vegetarian…and yup, I got that too. Been a vegetarian for decades. Damn winks just don’t stop.
So I got the timing correct on the disappearance language, even though I was forecasting it from over a year ago. I did not anticipate being ‘part’ of the phenomena, but what the hell, I had already decided that I needed to ‘take the summer off’ as the readers of the ALTA reports can attest. Curious timing?
Winding up affairs? That remains to be seen.
I have no plans on going anywhere, and to the contrary have had to buckle down to work here as so many relatives here in the PNW are now without jobs, and I do have some capability to assist them in these times of troubles. So I had already begun a serious effort toward our next project (no, not the crop swirlies…), and now the potential (not probability) of an ‘extended vacation’ to ‘universe incognito’ appears.
Well, it does, as I note, remain to be seen. I have no plans to “wink out” a month from now. Those who know me, will certainly testify to my general state of ‘raspiness’, which probably disqualifies me from the remainder of the ‘voice’ experience. So I still will be here a month from now…..
But, if not… I don’t go without my boat, and assurances that someone over there knows how to bake a good pie.
Waiting around, Clif high."
Some trippy shit, don't you think? And this comes from an economics website! The veil on this illusion we call reality is lifting, and it is exhilarating and terrifying all at once. If these predictions are indeed accurate, how many "normal" days do we have left?
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
Flu update(s)
Just because Miss California's still in the news doesn't mean the genetically modified flu went away. Just the opposite..
Maybe silver can help.. And thank god the WHO says this flu wasn't a lab accident. They're all for full disclosure, right? Right?
Daily flu recap from Urban Survival. Thanks, George!
Meantime, here's the morning flu-cap:
Total deaths so far: 65
Total Cases: 6,497
Less 0 Death countries: 302
subtotal 6,195
Divided into 53 deaths 1.20%
Date Est. Mortality* Cases Total % Case Change
May 14 1.04% 6,497 +13.4%
May 13 1.12% 5,728 +9.1%
May 12 1.20% 5,251 +18.0%
May 11 1.26% 4,450 +29.4%
May 9 1.48% 3440 +45.1%
May 8 2.21% 2,371 12.9%
May 7 2.51% 2,099 +38.5%
May 6 2.45% 1516 + 34.8%
May 5 2.97% 1124 + 14.1%
May 4 3.19% 985 +60.1%
May 2 2.974% 615 +85.8%
May 1 3.77% 331
Still at 1.20%. Still not bad; for now..
Maybe silver can help.. And thank god the WHO says this flu wasn't a lab accident. They're all for full disclosure, right? Right?
Daily flu recap from Urban Survival. Thanks, George!
Meantime, here's the morning flu-cap:
Total deaths so far: 65
Total Cases: 6,497
Less 0 Death countries: 302
subtotal 6,195
Divided into 53 deaths 1.20%
Date Est. Mortality* Cases Total % Case Change
May 14 1.04% 6,497 +13.4%
May 13 1.12% 5,728 +9.1%
May 12 1.20% 5,251 +18.0%
May 11 1.26% 4,450 +29.4%
May 9 1.48% 3440 +45.1%
May 8 2.21% 2,371 12.9%
May 7 2.51% 2,099 +38.5%
May 6 2.45% 1516 + 34.8%
May 5 2.97% 1124 + 14.1%
May 4 3.19% 985 +60.1%
May 2 2.974% 615 +85.8%
May 1 3.77% 331
Still at 1.20%. Still not bad; for now..
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Red State follies..
Sounds crazy, even for Oklahoma.. The coroner said it took two hours to wipe the smile off her face.. Naw.. (I copped that line from "Top Secret") Thanks to AlienEarth for pointing me in the right direction..
Meanwhile, in Scary Economic News..
This is gonna suck. Bad. Here's a bit of the doom.. "He.. believes the failing bank is a London subsidiary for a giant US-based bank. He likened it to a plumbing blockage, with extreme backup consequences. He expects a ripple effect to cause shock waves, or a flood of sewage. We wondered if it could have Commercial Paper consequences.."
The scary part of economic doom is that the concepts are too abstract and complicated for the average person to understand. Therefore, he/she has no idea how grave a situation may or may not be. The average person must then trust the "experts," who aren't really that.. accurate, or caring, when it's not their money (Only occasionally have they been called out on their incompetence, but when it happens, it's spectacular! ).
So, with my limited knowledge base, my gut tells me this news is Grave.. If it is, we'll know real soon..
The scary part of economic doom is that the concepts are too abstract and complicated for the average person to understand. Therefore, he/she has no idea how grave a situation may or may not be. The average person must then trust the "experts," who aren't really that.. accurate, or caring, when it's not their money (Only occasionally have they been called out on their incompetence, but when it happens, it's spectacular! ).
So, with my limited knowledge base, my gut tells me this news is Grave.. If it is, we'll know real soon..
Serial Killer murders second Montauk Monster; Monster community "Living in fear."
Won't somebody think of the monster-children? Actually, this one washed up onshore. Like the first rodent/dinosaur-one did about a year ago. Wikipedia here.
They both look so sad in their prone positions(link to video, too), like they died from exhaustion trying to escape. So, really, what the hell are they, and where did they come from? Creepy possibility here..
They both look so sad in their prone positions(link to video, too), like they died from exhaustion trying to escape. So, really, what the hell are they, and where did they come from? Creepy possibility here..
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Urban Survival's latests flu mortality rate..
Still not going to Urban Survival? What's wrong with you?
Deaths: 61
Total Cases: 5,251
Less 0 Death countries: 254
subtotal 4,997
Divided into 53 deaths 1.20%
Date Est. Mortality* Cases Total % Case Change
May 12 1.20% 5,251 +18.0%
May 11 1.26% 4,450 +29.4%
May 9 1.48% 3440 +45.1%
May 8 2.21% 2,371 12.9%
May 7 2.51% 2,099 +38.5%
May 6 2.45% 1516 + 34.8%
May 5 2.97% 1124 + 14.1%
May 4 3.19% 985 +60.1%
May 2 2.974% 615 +85.8%
May 1 3.77% 331
1.20% is the magic statistic. Still higher that a regular flu season, but much less than the 2.5% mortality rate of the 1918 Spanish flu. So things are looking up.. for now..
Deaths: 61
Total Cases: 5,251
Less 0 Death countries: 254
subtotal 4,997
Divided into 53 deaths 1.20%
Date Est. Mortality* Cases Total % Case Change
May 12 1.20% 5,251 +18.0%
May 11 1.26% 4,450 +29.4%
May 9 1.48% 3440 +45.1%
May 8 2.21% 2,371 12.9%
May 7 2.51% 2,099 +38.5%
May 6 2.45% 1516 + 34.8%
May 5 2.97% 1124 + 14.1%
May 4 3.19% 985 +60.1%
May 2 2.974% 615 +85.8%
May 1 3.77% 331
1.20% is the magic statistic. Still higher that a regular flu season, but much less than the 2.5% mortality rate of the 1918 Spanish flu. So things are looking up.. for now..
It snowed in Saudi Arabia this week..
Unusual, to say the least, for May. Watts Up With That? has the snow scoop..
Terrence McKenna
Interesting post from UFO Blogger regarding Terence McKenna's Timewave Zero theory. Imagine cramming the entire cycle of history of the United States into the last four years leading up to December 21, 2012. If true, we're going to be very busy, indeed..
Jolie Justus is the Missouri State Senator for the 10th, not 11th District. Thanks, Shonda, for the correction! I would hate to not give the fine folks of the 1oth District their due for their choice of State Senator! My bad; so sorry..
Monday, May 11, 2009
I miss Life on Mars..
Quality television that will be sadly missed. ABC pulled this impatient great-show-but-where's-the-audience?crap with Pushing Daisies and Ugly Betty too, but Betty got a reprieve. If you missed it, here's a synopsis, here's some forums, and here's pre-order information.
I'm so glad they couldn't touch Lost..
I'm so glad they couldn't touch Lost..
G.O.P.=Gays, Our Pariahs
Rip the friggin' closet door off its hinges!
I'm sick of the legislative hypocrisy promoted by these closeted Republican politicians! YES, your private life should be private, but you shouldn't vote to strip others of their rights because you're afraid to be identified with that same group of people--YOUR group of people! If you were John Q. Closeted Public, you can do whatever you want, but when you legislate behavior that you yourself are engaged in, guess what? You're gonna be called on it.
Sad attempt for "Poor Victimized Republicans.."
But Republican officials - noting that the film's targets are limited mostly to Republican politicians - question whether "Outrage" is merely a veiled partisan effort."When a (movie) like this only highlights Republicans, it causes you to immediately question the motives of the people putting it out," said Jon Fleischman, the conservative vice chairman of the state GOP and publisher of the, a California Republican Web site."If people have made lifestyle decisions they've kept private, then the makers of this video are showing the utmost contempt for the people who have made the sacrifice of being in public office," he said. "This flies in the face of an American tradition - that is, that people's personal lives are supposed to be just that.
I call bullshit. If there are gay Democratic legislators that vote against gay rights, I'll retract. But the closeted Republicans are the consistent problem here. David Drier and his "roommate" are the worst..
I'm sick of the legislative hypocrisy promoted by these closeted Republican politicians! YES, your private life should be private, but you shouldn't vote to strip others of their rights because you're afraid to be identified with that same group of people--YOUR group of people! If you were John Q. Closeted Public, you can do whatever you want, but when you legislate behavior that you yourself are engaged in, guess what? You're gonna be called on it.
Sad attempt for "Poor Victimized Republicans.."
But Republican officials - noting that the film's targets are limited mostly to Republican politicians - question whether "Outrage" is merely a veiled partisan effort."When a (movie) like this only highlights Republicans, it causes you to immediately question the motives of the people putting it out," said Jon Fleischman, the conservative vice chairman of the state GOP and publisher of the, a California Republican Web site."If people have made lifestyle decisions they've kept private, then the makers of this video are showing the utmost contempt for the people who have made the sacrifice of being in public office," he said. "This flies in the face of an American tradition - that is, that people's personal lives are supposed to be just that.
I call bullshit. If there are gay Democratic legislators that vote against gay rights, I'll retract. But the closeted Republicans are the consistent problem here. David Drier and his "roommate" are the worst..
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Curious as to what your Mayan Astrological sign might be?
Find out here. Click "Dreamspell Calculator." Scroll to bottom left. Go back to home page and look for corresponding signature. Mine's fitting..
Feeling Unstable? Some Weapons Grade Plutonium will fix what ails ya'..
Double Bluurg. Awesome freak out passage: "..Other experts note that even as Pakistan faces instability, it is producing more plutonium for new weapons, and building more production reactors.
David Albright and Paul Brannan of the Institute for Science and International Security wrote in a recent report documenting the progress of those facilities, “In the current climate, with Pakistan’s leadership under duress from daily acts of violence by insurgent Taliban forces and organized political opposition, the security of any nuclear material produced in these reactors is in question.” The Pakistanis, not surprisingly, dismiss those fears as American and Indian paranoia, intended to dissuade them from nuclear modernization. But the government’s credibility is still colored by the fact that it used equal vehemence to denounce as fabrications the reports that Abdul Qadeer Khan, one of the architects of Pakistan’s race for the nuclear bomb, had sold nuclear technology on the black market.
In the end, those reports turned out to be true."
David Albright and Paul Brannan of the Institute for Science and International Security wrote in a recent report documenting the progress of those facilities, “In the current climate, with Pakistan’s leadership under duress from daily acts of violence by insurgent Taliban forces and organized political opposition, the security of any nuclear material produced in these reactors is in question.” The Pakistanis, not surprisingly, dismiss those fears as American and Indian paranoia, intended to dissuade them from nuclear modernization. But the government’s credibility is still colored by the fact that it used equal vehemence to denounce as fabrications the reports that Abdul Qadeer Khan, one of the architects of Pakistan’s race for the nuclear bomb, had sold nuclear technology on the black market.
In the end, those reports turned out to be true."
Highly intelligent government official completely clueless (Super dangerous version!)
Book smarts? Of course. Common sense? Uh, no..
Get these mutha f/n top secret U.S. missile defense plans off this mutha f/n auction site! Ebay! Are you kidding?
Insert stunned laugh here.
Get these mutha f/n top secret U.S. missile defense plans off this mutha f/n auction site! Ebay! Are you kidding?
Insert stunned laugh here.
10 Amazing Microscopic Images From Inside A Body.
Thank you, 1113. Most of these photos (hopefully not all) are happening inside you right now!. As CERN might represent to some (or many!) a scary down side to science, human microscopic research is part of science's promise of "A Better Tomorrow." "A Better Tomorrow" was the cultural mythology that was promised us (the world in general, specifically, though, the United States) of better living through astounding medical advances, space-age mass and personal transit, Utopian thought, and split second impulse satisfaction. "The Jetsons" might be the best representation of that pleasant, naive, delusional post WW2 dream/mentality that we thought would eventually be Our Future.
Where does cellular microscopic research fit in?
1. It re-enforces just how sophisticated and complex each of our bodies are. Every person you meet is a system so complex that our greatest scientific minds still can't fully perceive it holistically! Then factor in every other living organism, everywhere, throughout the world, extending to the world itself. The abstract notion of global cohesive inter-relationships and its overwhelming complexity becomes a bit more intellectually concrete.
2. It furthers our quest to unlock the gigantic (and probably quantum) mystery that is US. When we get closer to a fuller understanding of who, what, and how we are, a gigantic evolutionary jump in our consciousnesses is not far behind.
Maybe I am naive, but I certainly hope this is the path WE choose.
Where does cellular microscopic research fit in?
1. It re-enforces just how sophisticated and complex each of our bodies are. Every person you meet is a system so complex that our greatest scientific minds still can't fully perceive it holistically! Then factor in every other living organism, everywhere, throughout the world, extending to the world itself. The abstract notion of global cohesive inter-relationships and its overwhelming complexity becomes a bit more intellectually concrete.
2. It furthers our quest to unlock the gigantic (and probably quantum) mystery that is US. When we get closer to a fuller understanding of who, what, and how we are, a gigantic evolutionary jump in our consciousnesses is not far behind.
Maybe I am naive, but I certainly hope this is the path WE choose.
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