This is gonna suck. Bad. Here's a bit of the doom.. "He.. believes the failing bank is a London subsidiary for a giant US-based bank. He likened it to a plumbing blockage, with extreme backup consequences. He expects a ripple effect to cause shock waves, or a flood of sewage. We wondered if it could have Commercial Paper consequences.."
The scary part of economic doom is that the concepts are too abstract and complicated for the average person to understand. Therefore, he/she has no idea how grave a situation may or may not be. The average person must then trust the "experts," who aren't really that.. accurate, or caring, when it's not their money (Only occasionally have they been called out on their incompetence, but when it happens, it's spectacular! ).
So, with my limited knowledge base, my gut tells me this news is Grave.. If it is, we'll know real soon..
Stop doomscrolling and do this for mental health [Silly]
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18 minutes ago
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