Saturday, February 27, 2010
Fuck George Soros
Man who broke the Bank of England, George Soros, 'at centre of hedge funds plot to cash in on fall of the euro'. Hopefully his demise will illuminate the fact that, when you have more money than God, it doesn't matter if you are a Democrat or Republican. If you pull shit like this, you're just EVIL.
Uh Oh.. BIG Earthquake(s)
Two big ass EQ's in the last 24 hours: 7.0 in Japan, and 8.8 in off the coast of Chile. Not a typo: 8.8.. It's 2:14 a.m. Central Standard Time, and CNN, et al.. haven't uttered a peep that I've heard, although the forum I culled this from says otherwise.. If you happen to be reading this while on the west coast, two things: Welcome!, and Thanks for reading!, and check out this Tsunami map, just in case..
Here's the latest Tsunami warning.. The West Coast looks like it will stay safe, at the moment. And here's a full list of EQ's over the last seven days. The number is about the same, but the magnitudes are increasing..
Here's the latest Tsunami warning.. The West Coast looks like it will stay safe, at the moment. And here's a full list of EQ's over the last seven days. The number is about the same, but the magnitudes are increasing..
This Makes Me Feel Better About Myself..
"More intelligent people are significantly more likely to exhibit social values and religious and political preferences that are novel to the human species in evolutionary history. Specifically, liberalism and atheism, and for men (but not women), preference for sexual exclusivity correlate with higher intelligence, a new study finds."
No, I'm not an atheist, but Agnostic beliefs are perceived the same way in today's society. I always find it funny that, after a conversation about my belief in, for example, astrology, some acquaintances will say "So, you don't believe in God?" Quite the contrary! Astrology strengthens the belief I have in a Sophisticated Entity beyond our collective comprehension, as does fractal geometry, the human circulatory system, and synchronicity "coincidence."
It's nice to have an alternate perspective to the puzzled looks I receive sometimes after voicing my opinions: My thoughts are not necessarily crazy, just Novel!
No, I'm not an atheist, but Agnostic beliefs are perceived the same way in today's society. I always find it funny that, after a conversation about my belief in, for example, astrology, some acquaintances will say "So, you don't believe in God?" Quite the contrary! Astrology strengthens the belief I have in a Sophisticated Entity beyond our collective comprehension, as does fractal geometry, the human circulatory system, and synchronicity "coincidence."
It's nice to have an alternate perspective to the puzzled looks I receive sometimes after voicing my opinions: My thoughts are not necessarily crazy, just Novel!
The First Test That Proves General Theory of Relativity Wrong
A spinning top increases its weight much more than expected. Man, I wish I understood this better..
Friday, February 26, 2010
Virus Post? No, Thank You! Oh VIRAL Post? By All Means!
I LOVE that Larry Flynt has picked up on this story, originally posted here on BradBlog.. Friedman is On Fire at the moment, picking apart not only the Sibel Edmonds story, implicating both sides of the political spectrum of Treason, but the Bullshit Acorn story, AND the New York Times bullshit decision not to retract their stories, now proven to be false!
The Edmonds story has been out there since right after 9/11, and that it's been suppressed and under-reported this long should give you the proper indication as to its importance. Read, read, pass, please.. Do not bogart this information!
The Edmonds story has been out there since right after 9/11, and that it's been suppressed and under-reported this long should give you the proper indication as to its importance. Read, read, pass, please.. Do not bogart this information!
Oh Snap! I mean, Blimey!
U.S. Refuses To Endorse British Sovereignty In Falklands Oil Dispute (!!!!)
Executive director Alan Mendoza said: 'The Obama administration's decision to ignore the democratic rights of the Falkland islanders is disgraceful. 'It can only be motivated by moral weakness in the White House or a misplaced desire to punish Britain for the Binyam Mohamed case and the disclosure of U.S. intelligence documents.'
'The decision, while feeble, is unsurprising. For the past year, Mr Obama has followed a foreign policy path that punishes allies and democracies while allowing rogue authoritarian nations like Iran and North Korea to pursue their objectives.'
How did I know this guy was a Neocon? He strummed all the right notes.. This columnist Toad did too.. two clues...
1. "We share a belief in liberal democracy, in freedom, and it is largely thanks to our willingness to commit ourselves to the defence of those ideals that the world has not been engulfed by fascism, communism or Islamofascism." (Clue: Whenever you see Islamofacism in a sentence, the speaker is either super-conservative or crazily neocon)
2. "Who does he think will replace us as America’s steadfast ally when she finds herself embroiled in a territorial dispute of her own — possibly with the very same motley crew of Latin American rabble rousers? Spain? Italy? France? Good luck with that, Mr President."
Once again, just look for the codewords to decipher the political orientation..
Maybe, just maybe, President Obama wants no part of the growing, massive, anti-imperialist movement sweeping South and Central America (and Iran!), and can see the writing on the wall: South America will unite against England's last gasp at Empire, it will end badly, and America should stay the fuck out of it, or side with our geographic neighbors as a future foothold to the oil forthcoming. Maybe that's it..
Executive director Alan Mendoza said: 'The Obama administration's decision to ignore the democratic rights of the Falkland islanders is disgraceful. 'It can only be motivated by moral weakness in the White House or a misplaced desire to punish Britain for the Binyam Mohamed case and the disclosure of U.S. intelligence documents.'
'The decision, while feeble, is unsurprising. For the past year, Mr Obama has followed a foreign policy path that punishes allies and democracies while allowing rogue authoritarian nations like Iran and North Korea to pursue their objectives.'
How did I know this guy was a Neocon? He strummed all the right notes.. This columnist Toad did too.. two clues...
1. "We share a belief in liberal democracy, in freedom, and it is largely thanks to our willingness to commit ourselves to the defence of those ideals that the world has not been engulfed by fascism, communism or Islamofascism." (Clue: Whenever you see Islamofacism in a sentence, the speaker is either super-conservative or crazily neocon)
2. "Who does he think will replace us as America’s steadfast ally when she finds herself embroiled in a territorial dispute of her own — possibly with the very same motley crew of Latin American rabble rousers? Spain? Italy? France? Good luck with that, Mr President."
Once again, just look for the codewords to decipher the political orientation..
Maybe, just maybe, President Obama wants no part of the growing, massive, anti-imperialist movement sweeping South and Central America (and Iran!), and can see the writing on the wall: South America will unite against England's last gasp at Empire, it will end badly, and America should stay the fuck out of it, or side with our geographic neighbors as a future foothold to the oil forthcoming. Maybe that's it..
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Jon Stewart Sums Up Everything That is Wrong with America in Under Four Minutes
And this is one of the four thousand reasons I love him! From Gawker.
Mars in Leo Triseptile Neptune and Pluto Triggering the Grand Irrationality in February-March 2010
Great mix of easy to understand Astrology for the masses and a bit of a "heads up" for the next couple of weeks from Aquarius Papers. When reading, don't worry as much about trying to understand the configurations and planetary degrees, just focus on Wilkinson's interpretation. Nutshell: The next couple of weeks(into April) are Very Important. Think about your behavior at every turn, and always Choose Wisely.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Johnny Depp Comes To The Defense Of The West Memphis Three
"..Johnny Depp is to appear on TV's "48 Hours Mystery" to protest the controversial murder convictions of the West Memphis Three. ..convicted of beating to death three 8-year-old boys in a suspected satanic ritual in 1994 in Arkansas. Baldwin and Misskelley were sentenced to life in prison and Echols to death. All were teens when they were tried and convicted."
Since their convictions, there has been a sizable minority of people calling this a "miscarriage of justice," and who have consistently fought to overturn the verdicts. And then there's this douche bag, who seems to be obsessed with these three men and their judicial guilt, so much so that he's devoted his entire snotty website to them and the failure of their supporters to get another trial. Kind of an electronic "Ha Ha! You're still in jail" continuous insult, complete with updates.. Huh. I wonder what his issue is with these three. It just doesn't seem normal to continuously gloat over status quo convictions the way he does. Too bad, because I really like the header on his site. Very noir..
Since their convictions, there has been a sizable minority of people calling this a "miscarriage of justice," and who have consistently fought to overturn the verdicts. And then there's this douche bag, who seems to be obsessed with these three men and their judicial guilt, so much so that he's devoted his entire snotty website to them and the failure of their supporters to get another trial. Kind of an electronic "Ha Ha! You're still in jail" continuous insult, complete with updates.. Huh. I wonder what his issue is with these three. It just doesn't seem normal to continuously gloat over status quo convictions the way he does. Too bad, because I really like the header on his site. Very noir..
Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work; A Review
This thread from AboveTopSecret is part book review, part psychopath warning signs. Scary, as they're all around you..
Let's All Take Our Places For The Upcoming Resource Wars!
England and (rightful owner) Argentina jockey for position in the soon-to-occur Falkland Islands oil war.. Although, if Argentina wins, I guess it could be called the Isla Malvinas war.. It seems Venezuela has already chosen sides, and Latin America seems to be headed towards general diplomatic cohesion, so this conflict probably won't be as quick and easy as it was 28 years ago. No matter.. this is just one of the opening salvos in the coming wars based on oil and water..
Monday, February 22, 2010
American Revisionist History, re, WWII
The 5 Most Widely Believed WWII Facts (That Are Bullshit) - From Every country is guilty of revising their history, and America is no different. Such an uproar several years ago over Japanese revisionist history, and yet, with a little research, it's easy to prove our historians and history guilty of the same omittances and weighted, selective emphasis. And we, as a society are just as ignorant and gullible as anyone else. And our situation may be worse, as our hyper inflated self perception is not only dangerous to the rest of the world, it is unrealistic and ultimately, dangerous to the future of our nation. Not only do we view ourselves as Goliath, but so does the rest of the world. And yet, we forget the end of that story..
The myth of America as Superpower started with WWII, and has been accepted, without question, by our populace, and a great portion of the world. Maybe it's time for a re-think.
The myth of America as Superpower started with WWII, and has been accepted, without question, by our populace, and a great portion of the world. Maybe it's time for a re-think.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Stem Cell Transplant Yields Unintended Success..
Man Appears Free of HIV After Stem Cell Transplant. The transplant which involves intentionally destroying "a patient's immune system, leaving the patient vulnerable to infection, and then reintroduce a donor's stem cells (which are from either bone marrow or blood) in an effort to establish a new, healthy immune system." The patient was being treated for Leukemia, and had a rare form of HIV along with the cancer.
"Before undergoing the transplant, the patient was also found to be infected with low levels of a type of HIV known as X4, which does not use the CCR5 receptor to infect cells. So it would seem that this virus would still be able to grow and damage immune cells in his body. However, following the transplant, signs of leukemia and HIV were absent."
"There is no really conclusive explanation why we didn't observe any rebound of HIV," Hutter said. "This finding is very surprising."
So, almost thirty years into the conventional research of the "AIDS virus" and thirteen years into work on embryonic stem cells, it seems that scientists keep stumbling upon findings they had not anticipated. And that's great, but there might be more to be learned from following the unconventional paths that aren't AMA approved..
"Before undergoing the transplant, the patient was also found to be infected with low levels of a type of HIV known as X4, which does not use the CCR5 receptor to infect cells. So it would seem that this virus would still be able to grow and damage immune cells in his body. However, following the transplant, signs of leukemia and HIV were absent."
"There is no really conclusive explanation why we didn't observe any rebound of HIV," Hutter said. "This finding is very surprising."
So, almost thirty years into the conventional research of the "AIDS virus" and thirteen years into work on embryonic stem cells, it seems that scientists keep stumbling upon findings they had not anticipated. And that's great, but there might be more to be learned from following the unconventional paths that aren't AMA approved..
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